











2.1 定义游戏开发基础类

  • 相关的代码说明请看注解
import Sprite from './sprite'
import DataBus from '../databus'const databus = new DataBus()const __ = {timer: Symbol('timer'),
}/*** 简易的帧动画类实现*/
export default class Animation extends Sprite {constructor(imgSrc, width, height) {super(imgSrc, width, height)// 当前动画是否播放中this.isPlaying = false// 动画是否需要循环播放this.loop = false// 每一帧的时间间隔this.interval = 1000 / 60// 帧定时器this[__.timer] = null// 当前播放的帧this.index = -1// 总帧数this.count = 0// 帧图片集合this.imgList = []/*** 推入到全局动画池里面* 便于全局绘图的时候遍历和绘制当前动画帧*/databus.animations.push(this)}/*** 初始化帧动画的所有帧* 为了简单,只支持一个帧动画*/initFrames(imgList) {imgList.forEach((imgSrc) => {const img = new Image()img.src = imgSrcthis.imgList.push(img)})this.count = imgList.length}// 将播放中的帧绘制到canvas上aniRender(ctx) {ctx.drawImage(this.imgList[this.index],this.x,this.y,this.width * 1.2,this.height * 1.2)}// 播放预定的帧动画playAnimation(index = 0, loop = false) {// 动画播放的时候精灵图不再展示,播放帧动画的具体帧this.visible = falsethis.isPlaying = truethis.loop = loopthis.index = indexif (this.interval > 0 && this.count) {this[__.timer] = setInterval(this.frameLoop.bind(this),this.interval)}}// 停止帧动画播放stop() {this.isPlaying = falseif (this[__.timer]) clearInterval(this[__.timer])}// 帧遍历frameLoop() {this.index++if (this.index > this.count - 1) {if (this.loop) {this.index = 0} else {this.index--this.stop()}}}

2.2 帧动画的简易实现

const __ = {poolDic: Symbol('poolDic')
}/*** 简易的对象池实现* 用于对象的存贮和重复使用* 可以有效减少对象创建开销和避免频繁的垃圾回收* 提高游戏性能*/
export default class Pool {constructor() {this[__.poolDic] = {}}/*** 根据对象标识符* 获取对应的对象池*/getPoolBySign(name) {return this[__.poolDic][name] || (this[__.poolDic][name] = [])}/*** 根据传入的对象标识符,查询对象池* 对象池为空创建新的类,否则从对象池中取*/getItemByClass(name, className) {const pool = this.getPoolBySign(name)const result = (pool.length? pool.shift(): new className())return result}/*** 将对象回收到对象池* 方便后续继续使用*/recover(name, instance) {this.getPoolBySign(name).push(instance)}

2.3 游戏基本元素精灵类


/*** 游戏基础的精灵类*/
export default class Sprite {constructor(imgSrc = '', width = 0, height = 0, x = 0, y = 0) {this.img = new Image()this.img.src = imgSrcthis.width = widththis.height = heightthis.x = xthis.y = ythis.visible = true}/*** 将精灵图绘制在canvas上*/drawToCanvas(ctx) {if (!this.visible) returnctx.drawImage(this.img,this.x,this.y,this.width,this.height)}/*** 简单的碰撞检测定义:* 另一个精灵的中心点处于本精灵所在的矩形内即可* @param{Sprite} sp: Sptite的实例*/isCollideWith(sp) {const spX = sp.x + sp.width / 2const spY = sp.y + sp.height / 2if (!this.visible || !sp.visible) return falsereturn !!(spX >= this.x&& spX <= this.x + this.width&& spY >= this.y&& spY <= this.y + this.height)}

2.4 粽子类实现过程

import Animation from '../base/animation'
import DataBus from '../databus'const ENEMY_IMG_SRC = 'images/enemy.png'
const ENEMY_WIDTH = 60
const ENEMY_HEIGHT = 60const __ = {speed: Symbol('speed')
}const databus = new DataBus()function rnd(start, end) {return Math.floor(Math.random() * (end - start) + start)
}export default class Enemy extends Animation {constructor() {super(ENEMY_IMG_SRC, ENEMY_WIDTH, ENEMY_HEIGHT)this.initExplosionAnimation()}init(speed) {this.x = rnd(0, window.innerWidth - ENEMY_WIDTH)this.y = -this.heightthis[__.speed] = speedthis.visible = true}// 预定义爆炸的帧动画initExplosionAnimation() {const frames = []const EXPLO_IMG_PREFIX = 'images/explosion'const EXPLO_FRAME_COUNT = 19for (let i = 0; i < EXPLO_FRAME_COUNT; i++) {frames.push(`${EXPLO_IMG_PREFIX + (i + 1)}.png`)}this.initFrames(frames)}// 每一帧更新子弹位置update() {this.y += this[__.speed]// 对象回收if (this.y > window.innerHeight + this.height) databus.removeEnemey(this)}

2.5 粽子子弹类实现

import Sprite from '../base/sprite'
import DataBus from '../databus'const BULLET_IMG_SRC = 'images/bullet.png'
const BULLET_WIDTH = 16
const BULLET_HEIGHT = 30const __ = {speed: Symbol('speed')
}const databus = new DataBus()export default class Bullet extends Sprite {constructor() {super(BULLET_IMG_SRC, BULLET_WIDTH, BULLET_HEIGHT)}init(x, y, speed) {this.x = xthis.y = ythis[__.speed] = speedthis.visible = true}// 每一帧更新子弹位置update() {this.y -= this[__.speed]// 超出屏幕外回收自身if (this.y < -this.height) databus.removeBullets(this)}

2.6 玩家类(龙舟)

import Sprite from '../base/sprite'
import Bullet from './bullet'
import DataBus from '../databus'const screenWidth = window.innerWidth
const screenHeight = window.innerHeight// 玩家相关常量设置
const PLAYER_IMG_SRC = 'images/hero.png'
const PLAYER_WIDTH = 80
const PLAYER_HEIGHT = 80const databus = new DataBus()export default class Player extends Sprite {constructor() {super(PLAYER_IMG_SRC, PLAYER_WIDTH, PLAYER_HEIGHT)// 玩家默认处于屏幕底部居中位置this.x = screenWidth / 2 - this.width / 2this.y = screenHeight - this.height - 30// 用于在手指移动的时候标识手指是否已经在龙舟上了this.touched = falsethis.bullets = []// 初始化事件监听this.initEvent()}/*** 当手指触摸屏幕的时候* 判断手指是否在龙舟上* @param {Number} x: 手指的X轴坐标* @param {Number} y: 手指的Y轴坐标* @return {Boolean}: 用于标识手指是否在龙舟上的布尔值*/checkIsFingerOnAir(x, y) {const deviation = 30return !!(x >= this.x - deviation&& y >= this.y - deviation&& x <= this.x + this.width + deviation&& y <= this.y + this.height + deviation)}/*** 根据手指的位置设置龙舟的位置* 保证手指处于龙舟中间* 同时限定龙舟的活动范围限制在屏幕中*/setAirPosAcrossFingerPosZ(x, y) {let disX = x - this.width / 2let disY = y - this.height / 2if (disX < 0) disX = 0else if (disX > screenWidth - this.width) disX = screenWidth - this.widthif (disY <= 0) disY = 0else if (disY > screenHeight - this.height) disY = screenHeight - this.heightthis.x = disXthis.y = disY}/*** 玩家响应手指的触摸事件* 改变龙舟的位置*/initEvent() {canvas.addEventListener('touchstart', ((e) => {e.preventDefault()const x = e.touches[0].clientXconst y = e.touches[0].clientY//if (this.checkIsFingerOnAir(x, y)) {this.touched = truethis.setAirPosAcrossFingerPosZ(x, y)}}))canvas.addEventListener('touchmove', ((e) => {e.preventDefault()const x = e.touches[0].clientXconst y = e.touches[0].clientYif (this.touched) this.setAirPosAcrossFingerPosZ(x, y)}))canvas.addEventListener('touchend', ((e) => {e.preventDefault()this.touched = false}))}/*** 玩家射击操作* 射击时机由外部决定*/shoot() {const bullet = databus.pool.getItemByClass('bullet', Bullet)bullet.init(this.x + this.width / 2 - bullet.width / 2,this.y - 10,10)databus.bullets.push(bullet)}

2.7 背景类(河面)

import Sprite from '../base/sprite'const screenWidth = window.innerWidth
const screenHeight = window.innerHeightconst BG_IMG_SRC = 'images/bg.jpg'
const BG_WIDTH = 512
const BG_HEIGHT = 512/*** 游戏背景类* 提供update和render函数实现无限滚动的背景功能*/
export default class BackGround extends Sprite {constructor(ctx) {super(BG_IMG_SRC, BG_WIDTH, BG_HEIGHT)this.top = 0this.render(ctx)}update() {this.top += 2if (this.top >= screenHeight) this.top = 0}/*** 背景图重绘函数* 绘制两张图片,两张图片大小和屏幕一致* 第一张漏出高度为top部分,其余的隐藏在屏幕上面* 第二张补全除了top高度之外的部分,其余的隐藏在屏幕下面*/render(ctx) {ctx.drawImage(this.img,0,0,this.width,this.height,0,-screenHeight + this.top,screenWidth,screenHeight)ctx.drawImage(this.img,0,0,this.width,this.height,0,this.top,screenWidth,screenHeight)}

2.8 展示分数和结算界面实现

const screenWidth = window.innerWidth
const screenHeight = window.innerHeightconst atlas = new Image()
atlas.src = 'images/Common.png'export default class GameInfo {renderGameScore(ctx, score) {ctx.fillStyle = '#ffffff'ctx.font = '20px Arial'ctx.fillText(score,10,30)}renderGameOver(ctx, score) {ctx.drawImage(atlas, 0, 0, 119, 108, screenWidth / 2 - 150, screenHeight / 2 - 100, 300, 300)ctx.fillStyle = '#ffffff'ctx.font = '20px Arial'ctx.fillText('游戏结束',screenWidth / 2 - 40,screenHeight / 2 - 100 + 50)ctx.fillText(`得分:${score}`,screenWidth / 2 - 40,screenHeight / 2 - 100 + 130)ctx.drawImage(atlas,120, 6, 39, 24,screenWidth / 2 - 60,screenHeight / 2 - 100 + 180,120, 40)ctx.fillText('重新开始',screenWidth / 2 - 40,screenHeight / 2 - 100 + 205)/*** 重新开始按钮区域* 方便简易判断按钮点击*/this.btnArea = {startX: screenWidth / 2 - 40,startY: screenHeight / 2 - 100 + 180,endX: screenWidth / 2 + 50,endY: screenHeight / 2 - 100 + 255}}

2.9 全局音效管理器实现

let instance/*** 统一的音效管理器*/
export default class Music {constructor() {if (instance) return instanceinstance = thisthis.bgmAudio = new Audio()this.bgmAudio.loop = truethis.bgmAudio.src = 'audio/bgm.mp3'this.shootAudio = new Audio()this.shootAudio.src = 'audio/bullet.mp3'this.boomAudio = new Audio()this.boomAudio.src = 'audio/boom.mp3'this.playBgm()}playBgm() {this.bgmAudio.play()}playShoot() {this.shootAudio.currentTime = 0this.shootAudio.play()}playExplosion() {this.boomAudio.currentTime = 0this.boomAudio.play()}

2.10 管控游戏状态实现

import Pool from './base/pool'let instance/*** 全局状态管理器*/
export default class DataBus {constructor() {if (instance) return instanceinstance = thisthis.pool = new Pool()this.reset()}reset() {this.frame = 0this.score = 0this.bullets = []this.enemys = []this.animations = []this.gameOver = false}/*** 回收敌人,进入对象池* 此后不进入帧循环*/removeEnemey(enemy) {const temp = this.enemys.shift()temp.visible = falsethis.pool.recover('enemy', enemy)}/*** 回收子弹,进入对象池* 此后不进入帧循环*/removeBullets(bullet) {const temp = this.bullets.shift()temp.visible = falsethis.pool.recover('bullet', bullet)}

2.11 游戏入口主函数实现

import Player from './player/index'
import Enemy from './npc/enemy'
import BackGround from './runtime/background'
import GameInfo from './runtime/gameinfo'
import Music from './runtime/music'
import DataBus from './databus'const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
const databus = new DataBus()/*** 游戏主函数*/
export default class Main {constructor() {// 维护当前requestAnimationFrame的idthis.aniId = 0this.restart()}restart() {databus.reset()canvas.removeEventListener('touchstart',this.touchHandler)this.bg = new BackGround(ctx)this.player = new Player(ctx)this.gameinfo = new GameInfo()this.music = new Music()this.bindLoop = this.loop.bind(this)this.hasEventBind = false// 清除上一局的动画window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.aniId)this.aniId = window.requestAnimationFrame(this.bindLoop,canvas)}/*** 随着帧数变化的敌机生成逻辑* 帧数取模定义成生成的频率*/enemyGenerate() {if (databus.frame % 30 === 0) {const enemy = databus.pool.getItemByClass('enemy', Enemy)enemy.init(6)databus.enemys.push(enemy)}}// 全局碰撞检测collisionDetection() {const that = thisdatabus.bullets.forEach((bullet) => {for (let i = 0, il = databus.enemys.length; i < il; i++) {const enemy = databus.enemys[i]if (!enemy.isPlaying && enemy.isCollideWith(bullet)) {enemy.playAnimation()that.music.playExplosion()bullet.visible = falsedatabus.score += 1break}}})for (let i = 0, il = databus.enemys.length; i < il; i++) {const enemy = databus.enemys[i]if (this.player.isCollideWith(enemy)) {databus.gameOver = truebreak}}}// 游戏结束后的触摸事件处理逻辑touchEventHandler(e) {e.preventDefault()const x = e.touches[0].clientXconst y = e.touches[0].clientYconst area = this.gameinfo.btnAreaif (x >= area.startX&& x <= area.endX&& y >= area.startY&& y <= area.endY) this.restart()}/*** canvas重绘函数* 每一帧重新绘制所有的需要展示的元素*/render() {ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)this.bg.render(ctx)databus.bullets.concat(databus.enemys).forEach((item) => {item.drawToCanvas(ctx)})this.player.drawToCanvas(ctx)databus.animations.forEach((ani) => {if (ani.isPlaying) {ani.aniRender(ctx)}})this.gameinfo.renderGameScore(ctx, databus.score)// 游戏结束停止帧循环if (databus.gameOver) {this.gameinfo.renderGameOver(ctx, databus.score)if (!this.hasEventBind) {this.hasEventBind = truethis.touchHandler = this.touchEventHandler.bind(this)canvas.addEventListener('touchstart', this.touchHandler)}}}// 游戏逻辑更新主函数update() {if (databus.gameOver) returnthis.bg.update()databus.bullets.concat(databus.enemys).forEach((item) => {item.update()})this.enemyGenerate()this.collisionDetection()if (databus.frame % 20 === 0) {this.player.shoot()this.music.playShoot()}}// 实现游戏帧循环loop() {databus.frame++this.update()this.render()this.aniId = window.requestAnimationFrame(this.bindLoop,canvas)}

3 结束语



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