bootloader UART  流程分析

1 scuart_full_init 初始化 UART,初始化过程包含注册回调函数,当接收到数据时RX 接收引脚发生中断,调用回调函数 instance_transition_callback。

2 进入函数 scuart_poll_for_activity,主要是对 回调函数 instance_transition_callback 二次处理. 最终得到UART 波特率,使用得到的波特率重新初始化UART,

bootloader_initget_active_peripheralscuart_full_initautobaud_init(self->instance);void autobaud_init(uint32_t instance)
{s_transitionCount = 0;s_firstByteTotalTicks = 0;s_secondByteTotalTicks = 0;s_lastToggleTicks = 0;s_instanceMeasured = 0;s_ticksBetweenFailure = microseconds_convert_to_ticks(kMaximumTimeBetweenFallingEdges);enable_autobaud_pin_irq(instance, instance_transition_callback);
}//RX引脚将下降沿中断回调函数,每产生一个下降沿中断 会计算每一个下降沿时刻,并将相邻的两个下降沿事件
//差值保存在 s_ticksFallingEdges 数组里面;
void instance_transition_callback(uint32_t instance)
{uint64_t ticks = microseconds_get_ticks();s_transitionCount++;uint64_t delta = ticks - s_lastToggleTicks;// The last toggle was longer than we allow so treat this as the first oneif (delta > s_ticksBetweenFailure){s_transitionCount = 1;}switch (s_transitionCount){case 1:// This is our first falling edge, store the initial ticks temporarily in firstByteTicks// and save the instance that we are measurings_ticksAtFirstFallingEdge = ticks;s_firstByteTotalTicks = ticks;s_instanceMeasured = instance;break;case kFirstByteRequiredFallingEdges:// We reached the end of our measurable first byte, subtract the current ticks from the initial// first byte tickss_firstByteTotalTicks = ticks - s_firstByteTotalTicks;break;case (kFirstByteRequiredFallingEdges + 1):// We hit our first falling edge of the second byte, store the initial ticks temporarily in secondByteTickss_secondByteTotalTicks = ticks;break;case (kFirstByteRequiredFallingEdges + kSecondByteRequiredFallingEdges):// We reached the end of our measurable second byte, subtract the current ticks from the initial// second byte tickss_secondByteTotalTicks = ticks - s_secondByteTotalTicks;disable_autobaud_pin_irq(instance);break;}s_ticksFallingEdges[s_transitionCount - 1] = ticks - s_ticksAtFirstFallingEdge;//[7-1] = 15127s_lastToggleTicks = ticks;
}//注册UART RX 引脚下降沿中断函数
//Blhost 发送两个字节 0x5a 和 0xa5,RX引脚将产生7个下降沿中断。
void enable_autobaud_pin_irq(uint32_t instance, pin_irq_callback_t func)
{switch (instance){case 0:// Only look for a falling edge for our interruptsPORT_SetPinInterruptConfig(UART0_RX_PORT_BASE, UART0_RX_GPIO_PIN_NUM, kPORT_InterruptFallingEdge);NVIC_SetPriority(UART0_RX_GPIO_IRQn, PORT_IRQC_INTERRUPT_ENABLED_PRIORITY);NVIC_EnableIRQ(UART0_RX_GPIO_IRQn);s_pin_irq_func[0] = func;break;
void UART0_RX_GPIO_IRQHandler(void)
{// Check if the pin for UART0 is what triggered the RX PORT interruptif (PORT_GetPinIsf(UART0_RX_PORT_BASE, UART0_RX_GPIO_PIN_NUM) && s_pin_irq_func[0]){s_pin_irq_func[0](0);PORT_ClearPinsInterruptFlags(UART0_RX_PORT_BASE, ~0U);}
scuart_full_init //uart初始化进入 while 循环 检测有效的UART 波特率scuart_poll_for_activitybool scuart_poll_for_activity(const peripheral_descriptor_t *self)
{uint32_t baud;status_t autoBaudCompleted = autobaud_get_rate(self->instance, &baud);if (autoBaudCompleted == kStatus_Success){uart_config_t userConfig;UART_Type *base = get_uart_baseAddr(self->instance);UART_GetDefaultConfig(&userConfig);userConfig.baudRate_Bps = baud;userConfig.enableTx = true;userConfig.enableRx = true;if (UART_Init(base, &userConfig, get_uart_clock(self->instance)) == kStatus_Success){UART_SetSystemIRQ(self->instance, kPeripheralEnableIRQ);UART_EnableInterrupts(base, kUART_RxDataRegFullInterruptEnable);// Configure selected pin as uart peripheral interfaceself->pinmuxConfig(self->instance, kPinmuxType_Peripheral);// This was the byte pattern identified in autobaud detection, inform the command layers_scuart_byte_receive_callback(kFramingPacketStartByte);s_scuart_byte_receive_callback(kFramingPacketType_Ping);g_uartInitDone = true;return true;}else{autobaud_init(self->instance);}}return false;


/**   This function filters the invalid noises on LPUART rx pins by following characters:*   For 0x5A, the interval between falling edges meets 3:3:2*   For 0xA5, the interval between falling edges meets: 4:3*      |              0x5A                 |                 0xA6              |**   ___       ___     _____     ___     ______       _____       ___     ________*      | S 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | STOP | S 0 | 1 1 | 0 0 | 1 | 0 | 1  STOP*       -----     ---       ---     ---        -----       -----     ---*   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*      |    1st  |   2nd   |  3rd  |          |    1st    |    2nd  |*   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*      |     3   :     3   :   2   |          |     4     :     3   |


計算波特率思路 :K64 bootloader 主频48MHZ, 要产生57600 bit/s 波特率,每传送一位需要833.33个时钟周期,取833;如果已知主频时钟和每一位的时钟周期,则可以计算出 波特率。

Bhost 采用UART 发0x5A 和 0xA6 两个字节给Bootloader,测出这两个字节共需要12598 个clock, 共传输15位,即每一位需要840clock;波特率为 48000000 / 840 = 57142. (取57600)。

令人疑惑的是15是怎么来的,对于0x5A ,起始位start 加上第一个bit位到这个字节的最后一个下降沿之间的 7 个bit,即8; 对于0xA6,我们有起始位start +6位到最后下降沿=7位。

status_t autobaud_get_rate(uint32_t instance, uint32_t *rate)
{if ((s_transitionCount == (kFirstByteRequiredFallingEdges + kSecondByteRequiredFallingEdges)) &&(instance == s_instanceMeasured)){// Invalid bytes received.if (!is_falling_edge_interval_valid()){// Restart auto buad detectionautobaud_init(instance);return kStatus_Fail;}uint32_t calculatedBaud =(microseconds_get_clock() * (kNumberOfBitsForFirstByteMeasured + kNumberOfBitsForSecondByteMeasured)) /(uint32_t)(s_firstByteTotalTicks + s_secondByteTotalTicks);// Round the rate to the nearest step size// rounded = stepSize * (value/stepSize + .5)// multiplying by 10 since we can't work with floats// kAutobaudStepSize 为 1200,这个值是 57600 119200 38400 等常见波特率 公约数*rate = ((((calculatedBaud * 10) / kAutobaudStepSize) + 5) / 10) * kAutobaudStepSize;return kStatus_Success;}else{// no baud rate yet/inactivereturn kStatus_Fail;}

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