UPDATE: http://studiostyles.info/ for a great growing community of Visual Studio Styles and Themes. You can create, import and export themes in your browser!

更新: http : //studiostyles.info/,用于不断壮大的Visual Studio样式和主题社区。 您可以在浏览器中创建,导入和导出主题!

More and more I find myself "skinning and themeing" my Visual Studio development environment in order to stay frosty. It's surprising how changing your theme (fonts, colors, etc.) can re-energize me when I'm having trouble with some problem or motivation.

我越来越发现自己在Visual Studio开发环境中“蒙皮和主题化”,以保持冷淡 令人惊讶的是,当我遇到一些问题或动机时,更改主题(字体,颜色等)如何使我重新振作起来。

Here's a gallery of some nice Visual Studio Themes to refresh your look.

这是一些不错的Visual Studio主题的图库,可刷新您的外观。

Remember to always back up your settings so you can get back to the way things were and have no fear when you're changing your settings. Note also that some of these settings files you'll find out in the wild may (mistakenly) have Keyboard Bindings included. You'll want to selectively import just the fonts and colors that you want and avoid importing over your own custom keyboard settings.

请记住,始终备份您的设置,以便您可以恢复原来的状态,并且在更改设置时无需担心。 还要注意,在野外发现的某些设置文件可能(错误地)包含了键盘绑定。 您将希望仅选择性地导入所需的字体和颜色,并避免通过自己的自定义键盘设置进行导入。

I switched to a darker scheme a while back, as have many others. I also spent a while looking for the perfect font as have others. When you stumble on a 2005 theme that you want ot use in 2008, Tomas has an XSLT to make the transition smoother.

不久前,我和其他许多人一样,选择了更暗的方案。 我也花了一段时间寻找其他人的完美字体。 当您偶然发现要在2008年使用的2005主题时, Tomas使用XSLT使过渡更加顺畅。

奥伦·埃伦博根(Oren Ellenbogen)的黑暗计划 (Oren Ellenbogen's Dark Scheme)

A lot of the darker schemes like Oren's don't use a True Black, but an "off  black." His theme is very low contrast and uses muted, relaxing colors.

许多较暗的方案(例如Oren的方案)都不使用“真黑”,而是使用“暗黑”。 他的主题是非常低的对比度,并使用柔和,轻松的色彩。

迈克“ Blowmage” Moore的宝石蓝 (Mike "Blowmage" Moore's Ruby Blue)

This is a low-contrast calm schema, but operators and numbers have a little "pop" to them.


Mawi充满活力的Borland (Vibrant Borland by Mawi)

This one bring backs good memories of writing Borland C++ with OWL and Turbovision, with a little Norton Commander thrown in for fun.

这使人回想起用OWL和Turbovision编写Borland C ++的美好回忆,并带了一点点Norton Commander来取乐。

编码恐怖 (CodingHorror)

One of the few light-colored themes, Jeff's also uses a custom font to make 0 and O stand out. Note that the white background is more of a paper-colored off-white.

Jeff是少数几个浅色主题之一,它还使用自定义字体使0和O脱颖而出。 请注意,白色背景更像是纸色的灰白色。

戴夫·里德的绝地计划 (Dave Reed's Jedi Scheme)

Dave's schema uses a complete black, and a neon blue. A little intense, but much higher contrast.

Dave的架构使用全黑和霓虹蓝。 有点强烈,但对比度更高。

达明卫队的人道 (Damien Guard's Humane)

This earthy theme includes little details like smart fonts and italics.


托马斯·雷斯特雷波(Tomas Restrepo)的主题 (Tomas Restrepo's Themes)

Tomas has done a huge amount of work in this space. You can get seven of his themes here. He's even got a tool to port color schemes from Visual Studio to SQL Management Studio.

Tomas在这个领域做了很多工作。 您可以在此处获得他的七个主题。 他甚至还提供了将配色方案从Visual Studio移植到SQL Management Studio的工具。

沙漠之夜 (Desert Nights)

This theme uses the greatest range of colors outside of the Vibrant Ink them, and approaches, but doesn't reach, a number of primary colors.


伊甸园 (Garden of Eden)

Green, Kermit-green, sea-green, they are all here in this blue-green theme.


仙境传说 (Ragnarok)

Initially similar to many dark themes, this one uses complementary colors to provide contrast between identifiers and keywords, string literals and comments.


夜莺 (Nightingale)

A more cheerful dark theme that includes italics for string literals and brighter neons for keywords.


莫里亚替代 (Moria Alternate)

This uses Deja Vu Sans Mono as it's font and uses a lot more neutrals and grays outside of the keyword space.

它使用Deja Vu Sans Mono作为其字体,并在关键字空间之外使用了更多中性色和灰色。

布拉德·威尔逊(Brad Wilson)Dark Visual Studio (Brad Wilson Dark Visual Studio)

A muted, low-contrast theme with blues and purples. Even the yellow is relaxed.

柔和,低对比度的主题,带有蓝色和紫色。 甚至黄色也放松了。

马丁·普randint(slimCODE) (Martin Plante (slimCODE))

Martin likes small text, no ClearType to take advantage of crisp LCD screens. Rather than committing to blue or black he goes for a navy-gray-blue background.

马丁喜欢小文本,没有ClearType可以利用清晰的LCD屏幕。 与其致力于蓝色或黑色,不如选择海军灰蓝色背景。

约翰·林(John Lam)充满活力的墨水港 (John Lam's Vibrant Ink Port)

John's trying for a straight port of Textmate's famous Vibrant Ink. This is a sharp, bright, neo-classic theme. Note his use of Monaco.

约翰正在尝试直接使用Textmate著名的充满活力的墨水。 这是一个鲜明,明亮,新古典的主题。 注意他对摩纳哥的使用。

Rob Conery-Textmate (Rob Conery - Textmate)

This is Rob's take on Vibrant Ink, added Consolas as the font, some bolding, and lowers the contrast a smidge.

这是Rob对Vibrant Ink的看法,添加Consolas作为字体,加粗了一些,并降低了对比度。

Post links your themes in the comments!


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翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/visual-studio-programmer-themes-gallery

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