














Management for Students’ scores

1.Input record

2.Caculate total and average score of every course

3.Caculate total and average score of every student

4.Sort in descending order by score

5.Sort in ascending order by score

6.Sort in ascending order by number

7.Sort in dictionary order by name

8.Search by number

9.Search by name

10.Statistic analysis

11.List record


Please Input your choice:



#define MAX_LEN 10 /* 字符串最大长度 */

#define STU_NUM 30 /* 最多的学生人数 */

#define COURSE_NUM 6 /* 最多的考试科目数 */

int Menu(void);

void ReadScore(long num[], char name[][MAX_LEN],

float score[][COURSE_NUM], int n, int m);

void AverSumofEveryStudent(float score[][COURSE_NUM], int n, int m,

float sum[STU_NUM], float aver[STU_NUM]);

void AverSumofEveryCourse(float score[][COURSE_NUM], int n, int m);

void SortbyScore(long num[], char name[][MAX_LEN],

float score[][COURSE_NUM], float sum[], float aver[],

int n, int m, int (*compare)(float a, float b));

int Ascending(float a, float b);

int Descending(float a, float b);

void SwapFloat(float *x, float *y);

void SwapLong(long *x, long *y);

void SwapChar(char x[], char y[]);

void AsSortbyNum(long num[], char name[][MAX_LEN],

float score[][COURSE_NUM], float sum[], float aver[],

int n, int m);

void SortbyName(long num[], char name[][MAX_LEN],

float score[][COURSE_NUM], float sum[], float aver[],

int n, int m);

void SearchbyNum(long num[], char name[][MAX_LEN],

float score[][COURSE_NUM], float sum[], float aver[],

int n, int m);

void SearchbyName(long num[], char name[][MAX_LEN],

float score[][COURSE_NUM], float sum[], float aver[],

int n, int m);

void StatisticAnalysis(float score[][COURSE_NUM], int n, int m);

void PrintScore(long num[], char name[][MAX_LEN],

float score[][COURSE_NUM], float sum[], float aver[],int n, int m) ;


Input student number(n<30):


Management for Students’ scores

1.Input record

2.Caculate total and average score of every course

3.Caculate total and average score of every student

4.Sort in descending order by score

5.Sort in ascending order by score

6.Sort in ascending order by number

7.Sort in dictionary order by name

8.Search by number

9.Search by name

10.Statistic analysis

11.List record


Please Input your choice:


Input course number(m<=6):


Input student’s ID, name and score:































Management for Students’ scores

1.Input record

2.Caculate total and average score of every course

3.Caculate total and average score of every student

4.Sort in descending order by score

5.Sort in ascending order by score

6.Sort in ascending order by number

7.Sort in dictionary order by name

8.Search by number

9.Search by name

10.Statistic analysis

11.List record


Please Input your choice:


course 1:sum=473,aver=79

course 2:sum=466,aver=78

course 3:sum=492,aver=82

Management for Students’ scores

1.Input record

2.Caculate total and average score of every course

3.Caculate total and average score of every student

4.Sort in descending order by score

5.Sort in ascending order by score

6.Sort in ascending order by number

7.Sort in dictionary order by name

8.Search by number

9.Search by name

10.Statistic analysis

11.List record


Please Input your choice:


student 1:sum=258,aver=86

student 2:sum=280,aver=93

student 3:sum=233,aver=78

student 4:sum=165,aver=55

student 5:sum=206,aver=69

student 6:sum=289,aver=96

Management for Students’ scores

1.Input record

2.Caculate total and average score of every course

3.Caculate total and average score of every student

4.Sort in descending order by score

5.Sort in ascending order by score

6.Sort in ascending order by number

7.Sort in dictionary order by name

8.Search by number

9.Search by name

10.Statistic analysis

11.List record


Please Input your choice:


Sort in descending order by score:

11003006 suyu 100 95 94 289 96

11003005 heli 98 92 90 280 93

11003001 lisi 87 82 89 258 86

11003003 ludi 75 78 80 233 78

11003004 zuma 65 69 72 206 69

11003002 dumo 48 50 67 165 55

Management for Students’ scores

1.Input record

2.Caculate total and average score of every course

3.Caculate total and average score of every student

4.Sort in descending order by score

5.Sort in ascending order by score

6.Sort in ascending order by number

7.Sort in dictionary order by name

8.Search by number

9.Search by name

10.Statistic analysis

11.List record


Please Input your choice:


Sort in ascending order by score:

11003002 dumo 48 50 67 165 55

11003004 zuma 65 69 72 206 69

11003003 ludi 75 78 80 233 78

11003001 lisi 87 82 89 258 86

11003005 heli 98 92 90 280 93

11003006 suyu 100 95 94 289 96

Management for Students’ scores

1.Input record

2.Caculate total and average score of every course

3.Caculate total and average score of every student

4.Sort in descending order by score

5.Sort in ascending order by score

6.Sort in ascending order by number

7.Sort in dictionary order by name

8.Search by number

9.Search by name

10.Statistic analysis

11.List record


Please Input your choice:


Sort in ascending order by number:

11003001 lisi 87 82 89 258 86

11003002 dumo 48 50 67 165 55

11003003 ludi 75 78 80 233 78

11003004 zuma 65 69 72 206 69

11003005 heli 98 92 90 280 93

11003006 suyu 100 95 94 289 96

Management for Students’ scores

1.Input record

2.Caculate total and average score of every course

3.Caculate total and average score of every student

4.Sort in descending order by score

5.Sort in ascending order by score

6.Sort in ascending order by number

7.Sort in dictionary order by name

8.Search by number

9.Search by name

10.Statistic analysis

11.List record


Please Input your choice:


Sort in dictionary order by name:

11003002 dumo 48 50 67 165 55

11003005 heli 98 92 90 280 93

11003001 lisi 87 82 89 258 86

11003003 ludi 75 78 80 233 78

11003006 suyu 100 95 94 289 96

11003004 zuma 65 69 72 206 69

Management for Students’ scores

1.Input record

2.Caculate total and average score of every course

3.Caculate total and average score of every student

4.Sort in descending order by score

5.Sort in ascending order by score

6.Sort in ascending order by number

7.Sort in dictionary order by name

8.Search by number

9.Search by name

10.Statistic analysis

11.List record


Please Input your choice:


Input the number you want to search:


Not found!

Management for Students’ scores

1.Input record

2.Caculate total and average score of every course

3.Caculate total and average score of every student

4.Sort in descending order by score

5.Sort in ascending order by score

6.Sort in ascending order by number

7.Sort in dictionary order by name

8.Search by number

9.Search by name

10.Statistic analysis

11.List record


Please Input your choice:


Input the number you want to search:


11003004 zuma 65 69 72 206 69

Management for Students’ scores

1.Input record

2.Caculate total and average score of every course

3.Caculate total and average score of every student

4.Sort in descending order by score

5.Sort in ascending order by score

6.Sort in ascending order by number

7.Sort in dictionary order by name

8.Search by number

9.Search by name

10.Statistic analysis

11.List record


Please Input your choice:


Input the name you want to search:


Not found!

Management for Students’ scores

1.Input record

2.Caculate total and average score of every course

3.Caculate total and average score of every student

4.Sort in descending order by score

5.Sort in ascending order by score

6.Sort in ascending order by number

7.Sort in dictionary order by name

8.Search by number

9.Search by name

10.Statistic analysis

11.List record


Please Input your choice:


Input the name you want to search:


11003001 lisi 87 82 89 258 86

Management for Students’ scores

1.Input record

2.Caculate total and average score of every course

3.Caculate total and average score of every student

4.Sort in descending order by score

5.Sort in ascending order by score

6.Sort in ascending order by number

7.Sort in dictionary order by name

8.Search by number

9.Search by name

10.Statistic analysis

11.List record


Please Input your choice:


For course 1:

<60 1 16.67%

60-69 1 16.67%

70-79 1 16.67%

80-89 1 16.67%

90-99 1 16.67%

100 1 16.67%

For course 2:

<60 1 16.67%

60-69 1 16.67%

70-79 1 16.67%

80-89 1 16.67%

90-99 2 33.33%

100 0 0.00%

For course 3:

<60 0 0.00%

60-69 1 16.67%

70-79 1 16.67%

80-89 2 33.33%

90-99 2 33.33%

100 0 0.00%

Management for Students’ scores

1.Input record

2.Caculate total and average score of every course

3.Caculate total and average score of every student

4.Sort in descending order by score

5.Sort in ascending order by score

6.Sort in ascending order by number

7.Sort in dictionary order by name

8.Search by number

9.Search by name

10.Statistic analysis

11.List record


Please Input your choice:


11003002 dumo 48 50 67 165 55

11003005 heli 98 92 90 280 93

11003001 lisi 87 82 89 258 86

11003003 ludi 75 78 80 233 78

11003006 suyu 100 95 94 289 96

11003004 zuma 65 69 72 206 69

Management for Students’ scores

1.Input record

2.Caculate total and average score of every course

3.Caculate total and average score of every student

4.Sort in descending order by score

5.Sort in ascending order by score

6.Sort in ascending order by number

7.Sort in dictionary order by name

8.Search by number

9.Search by name

10.Statistic analysis

11.List record


Please Input your choice:


Input error!

Management for Students’ scores

1.Input record

2.Caculate total and average score of every course

3.Caculate total and average score of every student

4.Sort in descending order by score

5.Sort in ascending order by score

6.Sort in ascending order by number

7.Sort in dictionary order by name

8.Search by number

9.Search by name

10.Statistic analysis

11.List record


Please Input your choice:


End of program!


( 1 ) 录入学生的人数:

             **要求输入数据格式为:"%d"**提示信息为:"Input student number(n<30):\n"

( 2 )录入课程数:

           **要求输入数据格式为:"%d"**提示信息为:"Input course number(m<=%d):\n"

( 3 )录入每个学生的学号、姓名和考试成绩:

           **要求学号、姓名的输入数据格式为:"%ld%s"**要求考试成绩的输入数据格式为:"%f"**提示信息为:"Input student's ID, name and score:\n"



          **要求输出总分与平均分格式为:"course %d:sum=%.0f,aver=%.0f\n"


          **要求输出总分与平均分格式为:"student %d:sum=%.0f,aver=%.0f\n"


          **要求学号、姓名的输出格式为:"%ld\t%s\t"**要求成绩的输出格式为:"%.0f\t"**要求总分及平均分的输出格式为:"%.0f\t%.0f\n"**提示信息为:"Sort in descending order by score:\n"


          **要求学号、姓名的输出格式为:"%ld\t%s\t"**要求成绩的输出格式为:"%.0f\t"**要求总分及平均分的输出格式为:"%.0f\t%.0f\n"**提示信息为:"Sort in ascending order by score:\n"


          **要求学号、姓名的输出格式为:"%ld\t%s\t"**要求成绩的输出格式为:"%.0f\t"**要求总分及平均分的输出格式为:"%.0f\t%.0f\n"**提示信息为:"Sort in ascending order by number:\n"


          **要求学号、姓名的输出格式为:"%ld\t%s\t"**要求成绩的输出格式为:"%.0f\t"**要求总分及平均分的输出格式为:"%.0f\t%.0f\n"**提示信息为:"Sort in dictionary order by name:\n"


           **如果未查到此学号的学生,提示信息为:"Not found!\n";**如果查询到该学生# 要求学号、姓名的输出格式为:"%ld\t%s\t"# 要求成绩的输出格式为:"%.0f\t"# 要求总分及平均分的输出格式为:"%.0f\t%.0f\n"**提示信息为:"Input the number you want to search:\n"


           **如果未查到此学号的学生,提示信息为:"Not found!\n";**如果查询到该学生# 要求学号、姓名的输出格式为:"%ld\t%s\t"# 要求成绩的输出格式为:"%.0f\t"# 要求总分及平均分的输出格式为:"%.0f\t%.0f\n"**提示信息为:"Input the name you want to search:\n"


            **成绩<60输出提示格式为:"<60\t%d\t%.2f%%\n";**成绩=100输出格式为:"%d\t%d\t%.2f%%\n";**其他要求输出百分比格式为:"%d-%d\t%d\t%.2f%%\n"**提示信息为: "For course %d:\n"




            **提示信息:"End of program!"


            **提示信息:"Input error!\n"
#define   MAX_LEN  10           /* 字符串最大长度 */
#define   STU_NUM 30         /* 最多的学生人数 */
#define   COURSE_NUM 6                     /* 最多的考试科目数 */int   Menu(void);
void  ReadScore(long num[], char name[][MAX_LEN],float score[][COURSE_NUM], int n, int m);
void AverSumofEveryCourse(float score[][COURSE_NUM], int n, int m);
void AverSumofEveryStudent(float score[][COURSE_NUM], int n, int m,float  sum[STU_NUM], float aver[STU_NUM]);
void  SortbyScore(long num[], char name[][MAX_LEN], float score[][COURSE_NUM], float  sum[], float aver[],int n, int m, int (*compare)(float a, float b));
int   Ascending(float a, float b);
int   Descending(float a, float b);
void  SwapFloat(float *x, float *y);
void  SwapLong(long *x, long *y);
void  SwapChar(char x[], char y[]);
void  AsSortbyNum(long num[], char name[][MAX_LEN], float score[][COURSE_NUM], float  sum[], float aver[],int n, int m);
void  SortbyName(long num[], char name[][MAX_LEN], float score[][COURSE_NUM], float  sum[], float aver[],int n, int m);
void  SearchbyNum(long num[], char name[][MAX_LEN], float score[][COURSE_NUM], float  sum[], float aver[],int n, int m);
void  SearchbyName(long num[], char name[][MAX_LEN],float score[][COURSE_NUM], float  sum[], float aver[],int n, int m);
void  StatisticAnalysis(float score[][COURSE_NUM], int n,int m);
void  PrintScore(long num[], char name[][MAX_LEN],float score[][COURSE_NUM], float  sum[], float aver[],int n, int m);int main(void)
{int n,c,m;float score[STU_NUM][COURSE_NUM],sum[STU_NUM]={0},aver[STU_NUM]={0};long num[STU_NUM];char name[STU_NUM][MAX_LEN];printf("Input student number(n<30):\n");scanf("%d",&n);do{Menu();scanf("%d",&c);if(c==1){printf("Input course number(m<=%d):\n",COURSE_NUM);scanf("%d",&m);ReadScore(num,name,score,n,m);}else if(c == 2){AverSumofEveryCourse(score,n,m);}else if(c == 3){AverSumofEveryStudent(score,n,m,sum,aver);}else if(c == 4){SortbyScore(num,name,score,sum,aver,n,m,Descending);}else if(c == 5){SortbyScore(num,name,score,sum,aver,n,m,Ascending);}else if(c == 6){AsSortbyNum(num,name,score,sum,aver,n,m);}else if(c == 7){SortbyName(num,name,score,sum,aver,n,m);}else if(c == 8){SearchbyNum(num,name,score,sum,aver,n,m);}else if(c == 9){SearchbyName(num,name,score,sum,aver,n,m);}else if(c == 10){StatisticAnalysis(score,n,m);}else if(c == 11){PrintScore(num,name,score,sum,aver,n,m);}else if(c == 0){printf("End of program!\n");}else{printf("Input error!\n");}}while(c!=0);return 0;
int   Menu(void){printf("Management for Students' scores\n");printf("1.Input record\n");printf("2.Caculate total and average score of every course\n");printf("3.Caculate total and average score of every student\n");printf("4.Sort in descending order by score\n");printf("5.Sort in ascending order by score\n");printf("6.Sort in ascending order by number\n");printf("7.Sort in dictionary order by name\n");printf("8.Search by number\n");printf("9.Search by name\n");printf("10.Statistic analysis\n");printf("11.List record\n");printf("0.Exit\n");printf("Please Input your choice:\n");return 0;
void  ReadScore(long num[], char name[][MAX_LEN],float score[][COURSE_NUM], int n, int m){printf("Input student's ID, name and score:\n");for(int i=0;i<n;i++){scanf("%ld%s",&num[i],name[i]);for(int j=0;j<m;j++){scanf("%f",&score[i][j]);}}
void AverSumofEveryCourse(float score[][COURSE_NUM], int n, int m){for(int i=0;i<m;i++){float sum = 0;for(int j=0;j<n;j++){sum+=score[j][i];}printf("course %d:sum=%.0f,aver=%.0f\n",i+1,sum,sum/n);}
void AverSumofEveryStudent(float score[][COURSE_NUM], int n, int m,float  sum[STU_NUM], float aver[STU_NUM]){for(int i=0;i<n;i++){sum[i] = 0;for(int j=0;j<m;j++){sum[i]+=score[i][j];}aver[i] = sum[i]/m;printf("student %d:sum=%.0f,aver=%.0f\n",i+1,sum[i],aver[i]);}
void  SortbyScore(long num[], char name[][MAX_LEN], float score[][COURSE_NUM], float  sum[], float aver[],int n, int m, int (*compare)(float a, float b)){if((*compare)(2,1)){printf("Sort in ascending order by score:\n");}else{printf("Sort in descending order by score:\n");}for(int i=0;i<n-1;i++){for(int j=i+1;j<n;j++){if((*compare)(sum[i],sum[j])){SwapFloat(&sum[i],&sum[j]);SwapFloat(&aver[i],&aver[j]);SwapLong(&num[i],&num[j]);SwapChar(name[i],name[j]);for(int k=0;k<m;k++){SwapFloat(&score[i][k],&score[j][k]);}}}}PrintScore(num,name,score,sum,aver,n,m);
void  PrintScore(long num[], char name[][MAX_LEN],float score[][COURSE_NUM], float  sum[], float aver[],int n, int m){for(int i=0;i<n;i++){printf("%ld\t%s\t",num[i],name[i]);for(int j=0;j<m;j++){printf("%.0f\t",score[i][j]);}printf("%.0f\t%.0f\n",sum[i],aver[i]);}
int   Ascending(float a, float b){return a>=b ? 1:0;
int   Descending(float a, float b){return a<b ? 1:0;
void  SwapFloat(float *x, float *y){float p ;p=*x;*x=*y;*y=p;
void  SwapLong(long *x, long *y){long p ;p=*x;*x=*y;*y=p;
void  SwapChar(char x[], char y[]){char c[MAX_LEN];strcpy(c,x);strcpy(x,y);strcpy(y,c);}
void  AsSortbyNum(long num[], char name[][MAX_LEN], float score[][COURSE_NUM], float  sum[], float aver[],int n, int m){printf("Sort in ascending order by number:\n");for(int i=0;i<n-1;i++){for(int j=i+1;j<n;j++){if(num[i]>num[j]){SwapFloat(&sum[i],&sum[j]);SwapFloat(&aver[i],&aver[j]);SwapLong(&num[i],&num[j]);SwapChar(name[i],name[j]);for(int k=0;k<m;k++){SwapFloat(&score[i][k],&score[j][k]);}}}}PrintScore(num,name,score,sum,aver,n,m);
void  SortbyName(long num[], char name[][MAX_LEN], float score[][COURSE_NUM], float  sum[], float aver[],int n, int m){printf("Sort in dictionary order by name:\n");for(int i=0;i<n-1;i++){for(int j=i+1;j<n;j++){if(strcmp(name[i],name[j])>0){SwapFloat(&sum[i],&sum[j]);SwapFloat(&aver[i],&aver[j]);SwapLong(&num[i],&num[j]);SwapChar(name[i],name[j]);for(int k=0;k<m;k++){SwapFloat(&score[i][k],&score[j][k]);}}}}PrintScore(num,name,score,sum,aver,n,m);
void  SearchbyNum(long num[], char name[][MAX_LEN], float score[][COURSE_NUM], float  sum[], float aver[],int n, int m){long x;printf("Input the number you want to search:\n");scanf("%ld",&x);int flag = 0;for(int i=0;i<n;i++){if(num[i]==x){printf("%ld\t%s\t",num[i],name[i]);for(int j=0;j<m;j++){printf("%.0f\t",score[i][j]);}printf("%.0f\t%.0f\n",sum[i],aver[i]);flag = 1;break;}}if(flag == 0){printf("Not found!\n");}
void  SearchbyName(long num[], char name[][MAX_LEN], float score[][COURSE_NUM], float  sum[], float aver[],int n, int m){char temp [MAX_LEN];printf("Input the name you want to search:\n");scanf("%s",temp);int flag = 0;for(int i=0;i<n;i++){if(strcmp(name[i],temp)==0){printf("%ld\t%s\t",num[i],name[i]);for(int j=0;j<m;j++){printf("%.0f\t",score[i][j]);}printf("%.0f\t%.0f\n",sum[i],aver[i]);flag = 1;break;}}if(flag == 0){printf("Not found!\n");}}void  StatisticAnalysis(float score[][COURSE_NUM], int n,int m){for(int j=0;j<m;j++){printf("For course %d:\n",j+1);int sum60=0,sum69=0,sum79=0,sum89=0,sum99=0,sum100=0;for(int i=0;i<n;i++){if(score[i][j]<60){sum60++;}else if(score[i][j]>=60 &&score[i][j]<70){sum69++;}else if(score[i][j]>=70 &&score[i][j]<80){sum79++;}else if(score[i][j]>=80 &&score[i][j]<90){sum89++;}else if(score[i][j]>=90 &&score[i][j]<99){sum99++;}else if(score[i][j]== 100){sum100++;}}printf("<60\t%d\t%.2f%%\n",sum60,sum60*100.0/n);printf("%d-%d\t%d\t%.2f%%\n",60,69 ,sum69,sum69*100.0/n);printf("%d-%d\t%d\t%.2f%%\n",70,79 ,sum79,sum79*100.0/n);printf("%d-%d\t%d\t%.2f%%\n",80,89 ,sum89,sum89*100.0/n);printf("%d-%d\t%d\t%.2f%%\n",90,99 ,sum99,sum99*100.0/n);printf("%d\t%d\t%.2f%%\n",100 ,sum100,sum100*100.0/n);}}




Input array size m,n:


Input 3*4 array:

80 82 63 74↙

60 81 75 68↙

87 91 78 92↙

maxScore = 92, class = 3, number = 4


#include  <stdio.h>
#include  <stdlib.h>
void InputScore(int *p, int m, int n);
int  FindMax(int *p, int m, int n, int *pRow, int *pCol);
int main()
{ int  *pScore, m, n, maxScore, row, col;printf("Input array size m,n:\n");scanf("%d,%d", &m, &n);  ___________________; /* 申请动态内存 */if (pScore == NULL) {printf("No enough memory!\n");exit(0); }InputScore(pScore, m, n);maxScore = FindMax(________________);printf("maxScore = %d, class = %d, number = %d\n", maxScore, row+1, col+1);                              free(pScore);                                      /* 释放动态内存 */return 0;
}/* 函数功能:输入m行n列二维数组的值 */
void InputScore(_______, int m, int n)
{int i, j;printf("Input %d*%d array:\n", m, n);for (i=0; i<m; i++){for (j=0; j<n; j++){scanf("%d", _________); }}
/*  函数功能:计算任意m行n列二维数组中元素的最大值,并指出其所在行列下标值 */
int  FindMax(int *p, int m, int n, int *pRow, int *pCol)
{int  i, j, max = p[0];__________; __________;                   for (i=0; i<m; i++){for (j=0; j<n; j++){if (___________)        {max = p[i*n+j];*pRow = i;       /*记录行下标*/*pCol = j;             /*记录列下标*/} }  }  return max;





输入数组大小的提示信息:“Input array size m,n:\n”

输入数组元素的提示信息:“Input %d*%d array:\n”

输出数据格式:“maxScore = %d, class = %d, number = %d\n”

#include  <stdio.h>
#include  <stdlib.h>
void InputScore(int *p, int m, int n);
int  FindMax(int *p, int m, int n, int *pRow, int *pCol);
int main()
{int  *pScore, m, n, maxScore, row, col;printf("Input array size m,n:\n");scanf("%d,%d", &m, &n);pScore=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*m*n); /* 申请动态内存 */if (pScore == NULL){printf("No enough memory!\n");exit(0);}InputScore(pScore, m, n);maxScore = FindMax(pScore,m,n,&row,&col);printf("maxScore = %d, class = %d, number = %d\n", maxScore, row+1, col+1);free(pScore);                                      /* 释放动态内存 */return 0;
}/* 函数功能:输入m行n列二维数组的值 */
void InputScore(int *p, int m, int n)
{int i, j;printf("Input %d*%d array:\n", m, n);for (i=0; i<m; i++){for (j=0; j<n; j++){scanf("%d", p++);}}
/*  函数功能:计算任意m行n列二维数组中元素的最大值,并指出其所在行列下标值 */
int  FindMax(int *p, int m, int n, int *pRow, int *pCol)
{int  i, j, max = p[0];*pRow=0;*pCol=0;for (i=0; i<m; i++){for (j=0; j<n; j++){if (max < p[i*n+j]){max = p[i*n+j];*pRow = i;       /*记录行下标*/*pCol = j;             /*记录列下标*/}}}return max;





How many students?


How many courses?


Input scores:

60 60 60↙

70 70 70↙

80 80 80↙

90 90 90↙


60 60 60 180 60.0

70 70 70 210 70.0

80 80 80 240 80.0

90 90 90 270 90.0


#include  <stdio.h>
#define STUD   30      /* 最多可能的学生人数 */
#define COURSE 5       /* 最多可能的考试科目数 */
void  Total(int *pScore, int sum[], float aver[], int m, int n);
void  Print(int *pScore, int sum[], float aver[], int m, int n);
int main()
{int     i, j, m, n, score[STUD][COURSE], sum[STUD];float   aver[STUD];printf("How many students?");scanf("%d", &m);printf("How many courses?");scanf("%d", &n);printf("Input scores:\n");for (i=0; i<m; i++){for (j=0; j<n; j++){scanf("%d", &score[i][j]);}}Total(*score, sum, aver, m, n);Print(*score, sum, aver, m, n);return 0;
void  Total(int *pScore, int sum[], float aver[], int m, int n)
{int  i, j;for (i=0; i<m; i++){sum[i] = 0;for (j=0; j<n; j++){sum[i] = sum[i] + pScore[i*n+j];}aver[i] = (float) sum[i] / n;}
void  Print(int *pScore, int sum[], float aver[], int m, int n)
{int  i, j;printf("Result:\n");for (i=0; i<m; i++){for (j=0; j<n; j++){printf("%4d\t", pScore[i*n+j]);}printf("%5d\t%6.1f\n", sum[i], aver[i]);}


学生人数、课程数、成绩的输入格式都是: “%d”


输入学生人数提示信息:“How many students?\n”

输入课程数提示信息:“How many courses?\n”

输入成绩的提示信息:“Input scores:\n”

输出结果的提示信息: “Result:\n”

每个学生每门课成绩的输出格式: “%4d”

总分和平均分的输出格式: “%5d%6.1f\n”

#include  <stdio.h>
#define STUD   30      /* 最多可能的学生人数 */
#define COURSE 5       /* 最多可能的考试科目数 */
void  Total(int *pScore, int sum[], float aver[], int m, int n);
void  Print(int *pScore, int sum[], float aver[], int m, int n);
int main()
{int     i, j, m, n, score[STUD][COURSE], sum[STUD];float   aver[STUD];printf("How many students?\n");scanf("%d", &m);printf("How many courses?\n");scanf("%d", &n);printf("Input scores:\n");for (i=0; i<m; i++){for (j=0; j<n; j++){scanf("%d", &score[i][j]);}}Total(*score, sum, aver, m, n);Print(*score, sum, aver, m, n);return 0;
void  Total(int *pScore, int sum[], float aver[], int m, int n)
{int  i, j;for (i=0; i<m; i++){sum[i] = 0;for (j=0; j<n; j++){sum[i] = sum[i] + pScore[i*COURSE+j];}aver[i] = 1.0* sum[i] / n;}
void  Print(int *pScore, int sum[], float aver[], int m, int n)
{int  i, j;printf("Result:\n");for (i=0; i<m; i++){for (j=0; j<n; j++){printf("%4d", pScore[i*COURSE+j]);}printf("%5d%6.1f\n", sum[i], aver[i]);}




Input m, n:


Input 4*5 matrix:

45 89 90 26 65↙

21 34 56 77 99↙

31 25 62 50 46↙

78 69 84 73 15↙

The transposed matrix is:

45 21 31 78

89 34 25 69

90 56 62 84

26 77 50 73

65 99 46 15


#include <stdio.h>
#define M 10
#define N 10
void Transpose(int *a, int *at, int m, int n);
void InputMatrix(int *a, int m, int n);
void PrintMatrix(int *at, int n, int m);
int main()
{int s[M][N], st[N][M], m, n;printf("Input m, n:");scanf("%d,%d", &m, &n);InputMatrix(____, m, n);Transpose(______________);printf("The transposed matrix is:\n");PrintMatrix(*st, n,  m); return 0;
/* 函数功能:计算m*n矩阵a的转置矩阵at */
void Transpose(int *a, int *at, int m, int n)
{ int i, j;for (i=0; i<m; i++){for (j=0; j<n; j++){_____________;}}
/* 函数功能:输入m*n矩阵a的值 */
void InputMatrix(int *a, int m, int n)
{int i, j;printf("Input %d*%d matrix:\n", m, n);for (i=0; i<m; i++){for (j=0; j<n; j++){scanf("%d", ____________); }}
/* 函数功能:输出n*m矩阵at的值 */
void PrintMatrix(int *at, int n, int m)
{int i, j;for (i=0; i<n; i++){for (j=0; j<m; j++){printf("%-5d", ____________);}printf("\n");}





输入矩阵大小的提示信息:“Input m, n:\n”

输入矩阵元素的提示信息:“Input %d*%d matrix:\n”

输出转置矩阵的提示信息:“The transposed matrix is:\n”


#include <stdio.h>
#define M 10
#define N 10
void Transpose(int *a, int *at, int m, int n);
void InputMatrix(int *a, int m, int n);
void PrintMatrix(int *at, int n, int m);
int main()
{int s[M][N], st[N][M], m, n;printf("Input m, n:\n");scanf("%d,%d", &m, &n);InputMatrix(*s, m, n);Transpose(*s,*st,m,n);printf("The transposed matrix is:\n");PrintMatrix(*st, n,  m);return 0;
/* 函数功能:计算m*n矩阵a的转置矩阵at */
void Transpose(int *a, int *at, int m, int n)
{int i, j;for (i=0; i<m; i++){for (j=0; j<n; j++){at[j*N+i] = a[i*M+j];}}
/* 函数功能:输入m*n矩阵a的值 */
void InputMatrix(int *a, int m, int n)
{int i, j;printf("Input %d*%d matrix:\n", m, n);for (i=0; i<m; i++){for (j=0; j<n; j++){scanf("%d", &a[i*M+j]);}}
/* 函数功能:输出n*m矩阵at的值 */
void PrintMatrix(int *at, int n, int m)
{int i, j;for (i=0; i<n; i++){for (j=0; j<m; j++){printf("%-5d", at[i*N+j]);}printf("\n");}






Input array size:


Input array:

1 3 5 7 9↙

Input x:


After insert 4:

1 3 4 5 7 9




输入插入前数组元素个数提示信息:“Input array size:\n”

输入插入前已按升序排序的数组元素提示信息:“Input array:\n”

输入待插入的元素x提示信息:“Input x:\n”

输出插入x后的数组元素提示信息:“After insert %d:\n”


#include <stdio.h>
#define N 10
int Insert(int s[],int nu,int size);
int main()
{int s[N], m,n;printf("Input array size:\n");scanf("%d", &m);printf("Input array:\n");for(int i=0;i<m;i++){scanf("%d",&s[i]);}printf("Input x:\n");scanf("%d", &n);int re = Insert(s,n,m);printf("After insert %d:\n",n);for(int i=0;i<re;i++){printf("%4d",s[i]);}return 0;
int Insert(int s[],int nu,int size){int index;for(int i=0;i<size;i++){if(nu <= s[i]){index = i;break;}}for(int i=size-1;i>=index;i--){s[i+1] =s[i];}s[index] = nu;return size + 1;



在调查数据分析(Survey data analysis)中经常需要计算平均数、中位数和众数。用函数编程计算40个输入数据(是取值1—10之间的任意整数)的平均数(Mean)、中位数(Median)和众数(Mode)。中位数指的是排列在数组中间的数。众数是数组中出现次数最多的那个数(不考虑两个或两个以上的输入数据出现次数相同的情况)。

提示:计算中位数时,首先要调用排序函数对数组按升序进行排序,然后取出排序后数组中间位置的元素answer[n/2] ,就得到了中位数。如果数组元素的个数是偶数,那么中位数就等于数组中间那两个元素的算术平均值。众数就是40个输入数据中出现次数最多的那个数。计算众数时,首先要统计不同取值的输入数据出现的次数,然后找出出现次数最多的那个数据,这个数据就是众数(这里没有考虑两个或者两个以上的输入数据出现次数相同的情况)。


Input the feedbacks of 40 students:

10 9 10 8 7 6 5 10 9 8↙

8 9 7 6 10 9 8 8 7 7↙

6 6 8 8 9 9 10 8 7 7↙

9 8 7 9 7 6 5 9 8 7↙

Mean value=7

Median value=8

Mode value=8

输入格式: “%d”


输入数据的提示信息:“Input the feedbacks of 40 students:\n”

平均数输出:“Mean value=%d\n”

中位数输出:“Median value=%d\n”

众数输出: “Mode value=%d\n”

#include <stdio.h>
#define N 40int main()
{int s[N], s1[10]={0},sum=0,mid,temp,count=0,index=-1;printf("Input the feedbacks of 40 students:\n");for(int i=0;i<N;i++){scanf("%d", &s[i]);s1[(s[i]%10)]++;sum +=s[i];}//排序for(int i=0;i<N-1;i++){for(int j=i+1;j<N;j++){if(s[i]>s[j]){temp = s[i];s[i]= s[j];s[j]=temp;}}}count =s1[0];index =0;for(int i=0;i<10;i++){if(count<s1[i]){count=s1[i];index =i;}}if(index==0){index = 10;}mid = (s[N/2]+s[N/2-1])/2;printf("Mean value=%d\n",sum/N);printf("Median value=%d\n",mid);printf("Mode value=%d\n",index);return 0;

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