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Why are the ‘yellow vests’ still protesting in France? His name is Macron

Act Four in the weekly “yellow vest” protests unfolded Saturday in Paris amid a now-familiar backdrop of tear gas and chants, but also brought further clarity on where the rage is headed: directly at President Emmanuel Macron.

What began as opposition against a carbon tax designed to curb climate change has morphed into a working-class revolt against Macron, who now faces the first major test of his presidency and whose approval ratings have plummeted to personal all-time lows.

Chants of “Macron resign!” echoed along the grand Champs Élysées on Saturday as protesters decried him as the “president of the rich” who has ignored struggling regions around the country.

Remarkably, some of those in the crowd had backed Macron’s improbable campaign in 2017. But they now say they feel betrayed by an agenda they see as merely concerned with protecting the economic interests of the elite.
值得注意的一点是,部分抗议者在 2017 年那场出乎预料的选举中曾支持过马克龙。但现在,他们认为自己被他的政治议程所背叛。在他们看来,这个议程旨在保护上层阶级的经济利益。

The movement—whose name is taken from the trademark high-visibility yellow vests—has since come to represent a deeply rooted social anger that has more to do with the personality of Macron than it does with any particular policy.

Most protesters tend to be white and many from the provinces—sharing anxiety over dwindling purchasing power and what they see as Macron’s aloof style.

Catherine Van Mikel, 66, a retired clerk at the Galeries Lafayette department store in Paris, noted that she had proudly voted for Macron in 2017. “I feel genuinely deceived,” she said, standing toward the back, far from the jeering crowds.
66 岁的凯瑟琳·凡·米克尔是巴黎老佛爷百货公司的退休柜员,她表示自己曾在 2017 年骄傲地给马克龙投过票。她远远站在起哄的人群后面,说道:“我真的感觉被骗了。”

“There’s a real arrogance to him,” she said of Macron. “I have never seen a president like that.”

—————文章来源 / 华盛顿邮报

n. 背景

  • a love story set against a backdrop of war

n. (尤指众人齐喊或合唱的)反复而有节奏的短句

  • football chants

v. 控制,约束,抑制

  • to curb my temper
  • to curb inflation

morph into
v. 变为;变形为

  • If you take the polyjuice potion, you can morph into another person.

n. 起义

v. 暴跌,骤然减少

  • House prices have plummeted down.

v. 回荡,回响

  • Her words found an echo in the hearts of many of the audience. (n.)

v. (公开)谴责,批评

  • The measures were decried as useless.

adj. 始料未及的

n. 议程

  • For the government, education is now at the top of the agenda.


  • n. 特征,标记

high-visibility/ˌhaɪ vɪzəˈbɪləti/
n. 高可见度(high-vis、hi-vis)

the provinces

  • Madame Bovary: provincial customs(adj.)

v. (逐渐)减少

  • Support for Macron has dwindled away to nothing.

adj. 冷漠的,冷淡的

v. 嘲笑 (jeering adj.)

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