
 tensorboard --logdir="./tmp/summary"
ValueError: Not a TBLoader or TBPlugin subclass: <class 'tensorboard_plugin_wit.wit_plugin_loader.WhatIfToolPluginLoader'>


进入Anaconda prompt ,激活tensorflow
可以先conda list,看看安装包

pip uninstall tensorboard-plugin-wit


 tensorboard --logdir="./tmp/summary"



首先需要明确的是,我安装的tensorflow版本是1.14,tensorBoard version == 1.14
而tensorBoard-plugin-wit 仅兼容TensorBoard Version>=2.2以后,所以直接卸载就好。


tensorboard-plugin-wit package is only compatible with TensorBoard 2.2 and later. It wasn't added to the requirements.txt for TensorBoard until that version. Before that, WIT was included in TensorBoard as a static built-in plugin, with no need for the pip installation of tensorboard-plugin-wit.

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