



Redundancy Management Interface

The IP address on this interface should be configured in the same subnet as the management interface. This interface will check the health of the Active WLC via network infrastructure once the Active WLC does not respond to Keepalive messages on the Redundant Port. This provides an additional health check of the network and Active WLC, and confirms if switchover should or should not be executed. Also, the Standby WLC uses this interface in order to source ICMP ping packets to check gateway reachability. This interface is also used in order to send notifications from the Active WLC to the Standby WLC in the event of Box failure or Manual Reset. The Standby WLC will use this interface in order to communicate to Syslog, the NTP server, and the TFTP server for any configuration upload.

Redundancy Port

This interface has a very important role in the new HA architecture. Bulk configuration during boot up and incremental configuration are synced from the Active WLC to the Standby WLC using the Redundant Port. WLCs in a HA setup will use this port to perform HA role negotiation. The Redundancy Port is also used in order to check peer reachability sending UDP keep-alive messages every 100 msec (default timer) from the Standby WLC to the Active WLC. Also, in the event of a box failure, the Active WLC will send notification to the Standby WLC via the Redundant Port. If the NTP server is not configured, a manual time sync is performed from the Active WLC to the Standby WLC on the Redundant Port. This port in case of standalone controller and redundancy VLAN in case of WISM-2 will be assigned an auto generated IP Address where last 2 octets are picked from the last 2 octets of Redundancy Management Interface (the first 2 octets are always 169.254).





7609的板卡更换完毕,下一步尝试恢复WLC HA。



1、尝试主WLC在独立状态下是否可以正常启动。关闭SSO(config redundancy mode disable),然后重启设备(reset system),设备重启后,发现可以正常进入。配置也在。

2、尝试恢复WLC HA。将备机断电,并恢复之前的连线,连接到7609-2。

3、在主WLC开启port(config port adminmode all enable),然后开启SSO(config redundancy mode sso)。



6、检查WLC HA情况,检查AP join情况,业务情况等。

Other:在备用设备正常的情况下,可以直接将主WLC恢复连接,然后重新启动,这样主WLC应该会进入standb-hot的模式,后续在Active设备上输入 redundancy force-switchover 手动切换一下。

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