
Private browsing has been around in one form or another since 2005, but it took some time for every browser to get behind it. Now, no matter what browser you use, you can surf the internet without leaving behind a local trail of history, passwords, cookies, and other assorted bits of information.

自2005年以来,私人浏览就以一种或另一种形式出现,但是每种浏览器都花了一些时间才能实现。 现在,无论使用哪种浏览器,都可以浏览互联网,而不会留下本地历史记录,密码,Cookie和其他各种信息。

Private browsing is useful for covering your tracks (or rather, preventing any tracks from being made in the first place), among other things. It isn’t infallible, however, and while it will prevent information from being stored on your computer, it won’t prevent your employer, Internet service provider, websites you visit, or the NSA for that matter, from collecting any information you transmit beyond your computer.

私人浏览功能是覆盖您的轨道(或者更确切地说,防止任何曲目从第一地作出),有用的以及其他的东西 。 它不是万无一失的 ,尽管它可以防止信息存储在您的计算机上,但它不会阻止您的雇主,Internet服务提供商,您访问的网站或NSA收集您传输的任何信息超越您的计算机。

Every browser has their own name for private browsing, and while accessing it is accomplished in practically the same way, there can be subtle differences from product to product.


Google Chrome:打开隐身模式 (Google Chrome: Open Incognito Mode)

Google Chrome remains the most used browser on the market, and calls its private browsing mode “Incognito Mode”.

Google Chrome仍然是市场上使用最多的浏览器,并将其私有浏览模式称为“隐身模式”。

在Windows和Mac上 (On Windows and Mac)

You can spawn an incognito window by clicking the special menu in the top-right corner of the browser window. On Windows, it will be three line and on macOS, it will be three dots. Then, choose “New Incognito Window”. (You can also access this option from the File menu on a Mac.)

您可以通过点击浏览器窗口右上角的特殊菜单来生成隐身窗口。 在Windows上,它将是三行,在macOS上,它将是三个点。 然后,选择“新的隐身窗口”。 (您也可以从Mac上的“文件”菜单访问此选项。)

Alternatively, press the keyboard shortcut Control+Shift+N on Windows or Command+Shift+N on a Mac.

或者,在Windows上按键盘快捷键Control + Shift + N,在Mac上按Command + Shift + N。

Incognito mode is unmistakable: just look for the man-in-a-hat icon in the upper left-hand corner. On a Mac, this will be in the upper-right corner. (On some systems running the newest version of Chrome, the window will also be dark grey.)

隐身模式是无误的:只需在左上角查找“戴帽子的人”图标即可。 在Mac上,它位于右上角。 (在运行最新版Chrome的某些系统上,该窗口也会显示为深灰色。)

Keep in mind that even while in Incognito mode, you will still be able to bookmark sites and download files. Your extensions, however, will not work unless you’ve marked them “Allowed in Incognito” on Chrome’s extensions settings page.

请记住,即使在隐身模式下,您仍然可以为站点添加书签并下载文件。 但是,除非您在Chrome的扩展程序设置页面上将扩展程序标记为“允许隐身”,否则该扩展程序将无法使用。

To exit incognito mode, simply close the window.


在Android和iOS上 (On Android and iOS)

If you use Chrome on a mobile device such as an Android phone, iPhone, or iPad, you can tap the three dots in the upper-right corner of the browser window and select “New incognito tab” from the dropdown menu.


The browser will then tell you that you’ve gone incognito with all the requisite warnings as to what that means.


To close out of incognito, tap the box with the number in it (indicating how many tabs you have open) and go back to a non-private tab, or simply close the incognito tab(s).


Mozilla Firefox:打开一个私人浏览窗口 (Mozilla Firefox: Open a Private Browsing Window)

Firefox simply calls their mode “Private Browsing”. Like Chrome, it can be accessed from the menu in the upper-right corner. Just click “New Private Window”. (You can also access this option from the File menu on a Mac.)

Firefox简单地将其模式称为“私人浏览”。 与Chrome一样,可以从右上角的菜单访问它。 只需单击“新建专用窗口”。 (您也可以从Mac上的“文件”菜单访问此选项。)

Alternatively, press the keyboard shortcut Control+Shift+N on Windows or Command+Shift+N on a Mac.

或者,在Windows上按键盘快捷键Control + Shift + N,在Mac上按Command + Shift + N。

Your private window will have a purple band across the top of the window and an icon in the upper-right corner.


From this window, you can also turn tracking protection on or off. Tracking protection is intended to guard you from being tracked across multiple websites. The problem is, any website can simply ignore this request and track you anyway–so while tracking protection can’t hurt, it may not help either.

在此窗口中,您还可以打开或关闭跟踪保护。 跟踪保护旨在防止您在多个网站上被跟踪。 问题是,任何网站都可以简单地忽略此请求并继续跟踪您-因此尽管跟踪保护不会受到损害,但也可能无济于事。

To exit private browsing, simply close the window.


Internet Explorer:打开一个InPrivate浏览窗口 (Internet Explorer: Open an InPrivate Browsing Window)

While its popularity is on the wane, Internet Explorer is still used by quite a few people. To access its private browsing mode, called InPrivate Browsing, click the gear icon in the upper-right corner then Safety > InPrivate Browsing, or simply press Ctrl+Shift+P on your keyboard.

尽管它的流行性正在减弱,但Internet Explorer仍然被很多人使用。 要访问其称为InPrivate Browsing的私有浏览模式,请单击右上角的齿轮图标,然后单击“安全性”>“ InPrivate Browsing”,或直接按键盘上的Ctrl + Shift + P。

IE will indicate it’s in InPrivate mode from the blue box next to the location bar, which also bears the label “InPrivate”.

IE将从位置栏旁边的蓝色框指示它处于InPrivate模式,该窗口旁边还带有标签“ InPrivate”。

When InPrivate is enabled, not only will your browsing history be ignored, but toolbars and extensions will be disabled.


To exit InPrivate browsing, close the window.


Microsoft Edge:打开一个InPrivate浏览窗口 (Microsoft Edge: Open an InPrivate Browsing Window)

Edge is Microsoft’s new browser that comes included with Windows 10. Like IE, it retains the InPrivate nomenclature to designate when a private browsing window is open. To open a new InPrivate window, use the menu from the upper-right corner or press Ctrl+Shift+P on your keyboard.

Edge是Windows 10附带的Microsoft新浏览器。像IE一样,Edge保留InPrivate命名法,以便在打开私人浏览窗口时指定。 要打开新的InPrivate窗口,请使用右上角的菜单或按键盘上的Ctrl + Shift + P。

Once open, the entire browser window will be grey and each tab will say “InPrivate”.

打开后,整个浏览器窗口将为灰色,每个选项卡将显示“ InPrivate”。

Once you’re done with InPrivate mode, close the tab or window to exit and return to regular browsing mode.


Safari:打开一个私人浏览窗口 (Safari: Open a Private Browsing Window)

Safari is the original purveyor of private browsing and as such, will also let you surf in a private window just like the others.


在Mac上 (On a Mac)

The Private Window option is accessible from the File menu or by pressing Shift+Command+N on your keyboard.

可通过“文件”菜单或通过按键盘上的Shift + Command + N来访问“私有窗口”选项。

While private browsing is enabled, the location bar will be greyed out and a band along the top of the new tab window will indicate that you’re in private browsing mode.


Extensions in Safari will continue to operate while in private mode, unlike Chrome and Internet Explorer.

与Chrome和Internet Explorer不同,Safari扩展可以在私有模式下继续运行。

To exit this mode, as usual simply close the window.


在iOS上 (On iOS)

Finally, if you’re using an iPhone or iPad and surfing with Safari, then you can use private mode on it as well. To do so, first tap the new tab icon in the lower-right corner of the new tab screen.

最后,如果您使用的是iPhone或iPad,并且正在使用Safari浏览,那么您也可以在其上使用私有模式。 为此,请首先点击新标签页屏幕右下角的新标签页图标。

Now, tap “Private” in the lower-left corner.


Once activated, the browser screen will turn grey and will tell you that you’re in private browsing mode.


To exit, simply tap the “Done” button in the lower-right corner of the screen.


As you can see, every browser has more or less the same procedure for going into private browsing mode, and most operate in the same way (with a few occasional differences). Additionally, you can expect to hide similar types of information from prying eyes when using browsing mode.

如您所见,每个浏览器进入私有浏览模式的过程大致相同,并且大多数以相同的方式运行(偶尔会有一些区别)。 此外,在使用浏览模式时,您可能希望从窥视中隐藏类似类型的信息。

And remember, private browsing is useful for more than just privacy. It also allows you to log into the same site from different accounts. Say for instance you’re logged into your Facebook account and your friend wants to check their real quickly, simply open a private window and let them at it.

请记住, 私人浏览不仅仅可以保护隐私 。 它还允许您从不同的帐户登录到同一站点。 举例来说,假设您已登录Facebook帐户,而您的朋友想快速查看其真实信息,只需打开一个私人窗口并让他们使用。

You can also use private browsing to troubleshoot potentially problem extensions. Imagine something isn’t acting right, is it your computer or is it a problem extension? Since private mode typically disables all extensions and toolbars, you can use it to see if the problem is replicated, if it is isn’t, then you have a pretty good idea where to start.

您还可以使用私密浏览对潜在的问题扩展进行故障排除。 想象一下,某件事运行不正常,是您的计算机还是问题扩展程序? 由于私有模式通常会禁用所有扩展程序和工具栏,因此您可以使用它来查看问题是否已复制,如果不是,则您应该从哪里开始。




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