diabetes r语言

Hopefully you've taken a look at http://www.hanselman.com/fightdiabetes and read my personal story. Many of you have donated and I appreciate it, more than you realize.

希望您浏览了http://www.hanselman.com/fightdiabetes并阅读了我的个人故事。 你们中的许多人已经捐赠了,我对此表示赞赏,这超出了您的理解。

As of this blog post we've raised $13,808 in 22 days. That's 28% of our $50,000 goal! That's truly amazing, but we're not there yet.

截止至本博文,我们在22天内筹集了13,808美元。 这就是我们50,000美元目标的28%! 确实很棒,但是我们还没有到那儿。

Here's my ongoing "rolling thunder" plan to hitting this goal. There will be more ideas as we get closer to the day of the walk.

这是我正在实现的“滚雷”计划。 随着步行的到来,将会有更多的想法。

1.俄勒冈州波特兰市-奖励“ Silverlight” .NET用户小组会议,所有收益将有益于糖尿病研究。 (1. Portland, OR - BONUS "Silverlight" .NET User's Group Meeting with ALL proceeds benefiting diabetes research.)

We're going to have a BONUS May Meeting of PADNUG, the Portland Area .NET User's Group. I'll be talking about Silverlight and sharing and demoing everything I learned this year at Mix. We're asking for a small donation for this meeting to benefit the ADA.

我们将召开波特兰地区.NET用户组PADNUG的5月奖励会议。 我将谈论Silverlight,并分享和演示我在Mix上学到的一切。 我们要求为此次会议提供少量捐款,以使ADA受益。

You can make checks out to the "American Diabetes Association," or you can paypal me at 'my first name at my last name.com.' I will be matching PayPal'ed donations personally.

您可以向“美国糖尿病协会”进行检查,也可以通过“我的名字在我的姓氏.com”向我付款。 我将亲自匹配PayPal捐赠的捐款

The meeting is at the Corillian Cafe at 6pm this coming Thursday, May 10th, 2007. Please do join us and bring your friends. Even though we're a .NET Users Group, we're not religious zealots. Bring your Macs and Open Source Friends! Bring Python People and Ruby People! Do join us!

会议将于2007年5月10日(星期四)下午6点在Corillian Cafe举行。 请加入我们并带来您的朋友。 即使我们是.NET用户组,也不是宗教狂热者。 带上您的Mac和开放源代码之友! 带上Python人员和Ruby人员! 加入我们吧!

2.博客“捐赠匹配”挑战赛 (2. Blog "Donation Matching" Challenge)

A number of folks have put this badge up on their blogs and linked it to http://www.hanselman.com/fightdiabetes or http://www.hanselman.com/fightdiabetes/donate.

许多人已将此徽章张贴在他们的博客上,并将其链接到http://www.hanselman.com/fightdiabetes或http://www.hanselman.com/fightdiabetes/donate 。

Brian Hewitt, former co-worker, friend and world-traveler, wanted to a do a matching challenge, so we came up with the idea to do a 48 hour blog-matching challenge.

布莱恩·休伊特( Brian Hewitt )是前同事,朋友和世界旅行者,他想做一个匹配的挑战,因此我们提出了一个48小时博客匹配挑战的想法。

Starting Weds, May 9th at Noon PST until Friday, May 11 at Noon PST we'd like to ask any bloggers who'd like to be involved to volunteer to match donations that come in during that period up to a specified ceiling.


I'll keep this list updated with bloggers who are participating in the match:


  • Brian Hewitt is in! (It was his idea!)

    布莱恩·休伊特( Brian Hewitt )在里面! (这是他的主意!)

  • Michele Leroux Bustamante will match donations up to an private amount.

    Michele Leroux Bustamante将对捐款进行私人配捐。

  • Clemens Vasters will match donations up to a private amount, and since he works for Microsoft, they will match HIS donation again!

    Clemens Vasters将为捐款筹集不超过私人数额的资金,并且由于他为Microsoft工作,他们将再次与HIS捐款相匹配!

  • Brian Randell will match donations up to a private amount.

    布莱恩·兰德尔(Brian Randell)将对捐款进行私人捐款。

  • Peter Provost will match donations, and since he works for Microsoft, they will match also!

    彼得·普罗沃斯特(Peter Provost)将匹配捐款,并且由于他在Microsoft工作,所以捐款也将匹配!

  • Scott Swigart will match donations also!

    Scott Swigart也将匹配捐款!

  • Phil Haack will match donations as well!

    Phil Haack也将匹配捐款!

If you've been hanging back and waiting for the right time to give, next Weds to Friday your tax-deductible gift will have even more kick and be doubled, tripled or more!


Let me know in the Comments of this post or in a Post on your own blog if you want to be involved in this matching challenge and I'll add your name here.


Thanks to everyone who has given or spread the word. You're making this the best walk ever, and giving me hope that we're going to fix this thing. I'm off to check my blood sugar.

感谢每个给予或传播这个词的人。 您正在使它成为有史以来最好的步行方式,并给我希望我们将要解决的问题。 我要去检查血糖。

3.更新-MicroISV捐赠 (3. Update - MicroISV Donations)

The very awesome Martin Plante, lead at slimCODE Solutions, has offered to give all the earnings from his slimKEYS product during the May 6th to May 11th to help fight diabetes. An amazing idea and a very nice gesture.

slimCODE Solutions的负责人马丁·普randint( Martin Plante)表示愿意在5月6日至5月11日期间提供其slimKEYS产品的全部收益来帮助抗击糖尿病。 一个了不起的想法和一个非常好的手势。

I talked about slimKEYs in my post "Replacing Start Run." It's a Universal HotKey Manager with easy-to-code-to plugin model. As Martin says, "Help a good cause and get a lifetime slimKEYS license at the same time!"

我在我的文章“替换开始运行”中谈到了slimKEY。这是一个通用的HotKey Manager,具有易于编码的插件模型。 正如Martin所说:“助您一臂之力,同时获得终身的slimKEYS许可证!”

Thanks Martin!


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/diabetes-walk-2007-blog-matching-challenge-and-silverlight-presentation-in-portland

diabetes r语言

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