
非易失性存储 (NVS) 库主要用于在 flash 中存储键值格式的数据。


如果NVS分区被截断,比如更改分区表布局的时候,应该擦除分区内容。可以使用 idf.py erase_flash 命令擦除flash上全部的内容。

NVS 的操作对象为键值对,其中键是 ASCII 字符串,当前支持最大键长为 15 个字符,值可以为以下几种类型:

  • 整数型: uint8_tint8_tuint16_tint16_tuint32_tint32_tuint64_tint64_t
  • 字符型:\0 结尾的字符串;
  • 二进制数据: 可变长度的二进制数据 (BLOB)。

ESP-IDF 编程指南——非易失性存储库


以下 NVS 接口位于 nvs_flash/include/nvs_flash.h

2.1 nvs_flash_init

2.2 nvs_flash_erase

2.3 nvs_open

2.4 读取函数

esp_err_t nvs_get_i8  (nvs_handle_t handle, const char* key, int8_t* out_value);
esp_err_t nvs_get_u8  (nvs_handle_t handle, const char* key, uint8_t* out_value);
esp_err_t nvs_get_i16 (nvs_handle_t handle, const char* key, int16_t* out_value);
esp_err_t nvs_get_u16 (nvs_handle_t handle, const char* key, uint16_t* out_value);
esp_err_t nvs_get_i32 (nvs_handle_t handle, const char* key, int32_t* out_value);
esp_err_t nvs_get_u32 (nvs_handle_t handle, const char* key, uint32_t* out_value);
esp_err_t nvs_get_i64 (nvs_handle_t handle, const char* key, int64_t* out_value);
esp_err_t nvs_get_u64 (nvs_handle_t handle, const char* key, uint64_t* out_value);

esp_err_t nvs_get_str (nvs_handle_t handle, const char* key, char* out_value, size_t* length);
esp_err_t nvs_get_blob(nvs_handle_t handle, const char* key, void* out_value, size_t* length);

2.5 写入函数

esp_err_t nvs_set_i8  (nvs_handle_t handle, const char* key, int8_t value);
esp_err_t nvs_set_u8  (nvs_handle_t handle, const char* key, uint8_t value);
esp_err_t nvs_set_i16 (nvs_handle_t handle, const char* key, int16_t value);
esp_err_t nvs_set_u16 (nvs_handle_t handle, const char* key, uint16_t value);
esp_err_t nvs_set_i32 (nvs_handle_t handle, const char* key, int32_t value);
esp_err_t nvs_set_u32 (nvs_handle_t handle, const char* key, uint32_t value);
esp_err_t nvs_set_i64 (nvs_handle_t handle, const char* key, int64_t value);
esp_err_t nvs_set_u64 (nvs_handle_t handle, const char* key, uint64_t value);
esp_err_t nvs_set_str (nvs_handle_t handle, const char* key, const char* value);

esp_err_t nvs_set_blob(nvs_handle_t handle, const char* key, const void* value, size_t length);

2.6 nvs_commit

2.7 nvs_close


1. 配置分区表
配置分区表: 我们也可以使用默认的分区表。默认分区表中nvs大小是24k(0x6000),可以根据自己需要对nvs空间进行修改。
2. 初始化NVS Flash
使用 nvs_flash_init(),如果 Flash 满了或者希望清空原来的数据,就使用 nvs_flash_erase() 清空。
3. 打开NVS,配置句柄

  • 对NVS空间进行操作的时候,是使用句柄实现的。
  • 同时,为了尽可能减少键值对的冲突,NVS引入了命名空间的概念,不同命名空间下的key捕获产生冲突。
  • 同时也要在这里配置对NVS空间进行操作的权限,分为读和读写两种。
nvs_handle_t handle;
nvs_open("namespace1", NVS_READWRITE, &handle);

4. 读写操作
5. 关闭NVS



4.1 单变量读写

使用 esp-idf\examples\storage\nvs_rw_value 中的例程

#include <stdio.h>
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "esp_system.h"
#include "nvs_flash.h"
#include "nvs.h"void app_main(void)
{// Initialize NVSesp_err_t err = nvs_flash_init();if (err == ESP_ERR_NVS_NO_FREE_PAGES || err == ESP_ERR_NVS_NEW_VERSION_FOUND) {// NVS partition was truncated and needs to be erased// Retry nvs_flash_initESP_ERROR_CHECK(nvs_flash_erase());err = nvs_flash_init();}ESP_ERROR_CHECK( err );// Openprintf("\n");printf("Opening Non-Volatile Storage (NVS) handle... ");nvs_handle_t my_handle;err = nvs_open("storage", NVS_READWRITE, &my_handle);if (err != ESP_OK) {printf("Error (%s) opening NVS handle!\n", esp_err_to_name(err));} else {printf("Done\n");// Readprintf("Reading restart counter from NVS ... ");int32_t restart_counter = 0; // value will default to 0, if not set yet in NVSerr = nvs_get_i32(my_handle, "restart_counter", &restart_counter);switch (err) {case ESP_OK:printf("Done\n");printf("Restart counter = %d\n", restart_counter);break;case ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND:printf("The value is not initialized yet!\n");break;default :printf("Error (%s) reading!\n", esp_err_to_name(err));}// Writeprintf("Updating restart counter in NVS ... ");restart_counter++;err = nvs_set_i32(my_handle, "restart_counter", restart_counter);printf((err != ESP_OK) ? "Failed!\n" : "Done\n");// Commit written value.// After setting any values, nvs_commit() must be called to ensure changes are written// to flash storage. Implementations may write to storage at other times,// but this is not guaranteed.printf("Committing updates in NVS ... ");err = nvs_commit(my_handle);printf((err != ESP_OK) ? "Failed!\n" : "Done\n");// Closenvs_close(my_handle);}printf("\n");// Restart modulefor (int i = 10; i >= 0; i--) {printf("Restarting in %d seconds...\n", i);vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);}printf("Restarting now.\n");fflush(stdout);esp_restart();


4.2 字符串及数组读写


#include "nvs_flash.h"
void main(void)


void NvsWriteDataToFlash(void)
{nvs_handle handle;// 写入一个整形数据,一个字符串,WIFI信息以及版本信息static const char *NVS_CUSTOMER = "customer data";static const char *DATA2 = "String";static const char *DATA3 = "blob_wifi";static const char *DATA4 = "blob_version";// 要写入的字符串char str_for_store[32] = "i am a string.";// 要写入的WIFI信息wifi_config_t wifi_config_to_store = {.sta = {.ssid = "store_ssid:hello_kitty",.password = "store_password:1234567890",},};// 要写入的版本号uint8_t version_for_store[4] = {0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00};printf("set size:%u\r\n", sizeof(wifi_config_to_store));ESP_ERROR_CHECK( nvs_open( NVS_CUSTOMER, NVS_READWRITE, &handle) );ESP_ERROR_CHECK( nvs_set_str( handle, DATA2, str_for_store) );ESP_ERROR_CHECK( nvs_set_blob( handle, DATA3, &wifi_config_to_store, sizeof(wifi_config_to_store)) );ESP_ERROR_CHECK( nvs_set_blob( handle, DATA4, version_for_store, 4) );ESP_ERROR_CHECK( nvs_commit(handle) );nvs_close(handle);}


void NvsReadDataFromFlash(void)
{esp_err_t err;nvs_handle handle;static const char *NVS_CUSTOMER = "customer data";static const char *DATA2 = "String";static const char *DATA3 = "blob_wifi";static const char *DATA4 = "blob_version";uint32_t str_length = 32;char str_data[32] = {0};wifi_config_t wifi_config_stored;uint8_t version[4] = {0};uint32_t version_len = 4;memset(&wifi_config_stored, 0x0, sizeof(wifi_config_stored));uint32_t wifi_len = sizeof(wifi_config_stored);ESP_ERROR_CHECK( nvs_open(NVS_CUSTOMER, NVS_READWRITE, &handle) );ESP_ERROR_CHECK ( nvs_get_str(handle, DATA2, str_data, &str_length) );ESP_ERROR_CHECK ( nvs_get_blob(handle, DATA3, &wifi_config_stored, &wifi_len) );ESP_ERROR_CHECK ( nvs_get_blob(handle, DATA4, version, &version_len) );printf("[data1]: %s len:%u\r\n", str_data, str_length);printf("[data2]: %d\r\n", value);printf("[data3]: ssid:%s passwd:%s\r\n", wifi_config_stored.sta.ssid, wifi_config_stored.sta.password);nvs_close(handle);

• 由 Leung 写于 2021 年 6 月 8 日

• 参考:【ESP32-IDF】04-2 存储-NVS
    ESP32 学习日志(5)——NVS


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