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1、下载 jodconverter-2.2.2 ,将lib目录所有jar 复制到项目 lib目录


package com.netsix.util;  import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.ConnectException;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import com.artofsolving.jodconverter.DocumentConverter;
import com.artofsolving.jodconverter.openoffice.connection.OpenOfficeConnection;
import com.artofsolving.jodconverter.openoffice.connection.SocketOpenOfficeConnection;
import com.artofsolving.jodconverter.openoffice.converter.OpenOfficeDocumentConverter;  /** * 将文件转成swf格式 *  * @author Administrator *  */
public class ConvertSwf {  /** * 入口方法-通过此方法转换文件至swf格式 * @param filePath  上传文件所在文件夹的绝对路径 * @param fileName  文件名称 * @return          生成swf文件名 */  public String beginConvert(String filePath, String fileName) {  final String DOC = ".doc";  final String DOCX = ".docx";  final String XLS = ".xls";  final String XLSX = ".xlsx";  final String PDF = ".pdf";  final String SWF = ".swf";  final String TOOL = "pdf2swf.exe";  String outFile = "";  String fileNameOnly = "";  String fileExt = "";  if (null != fileName && fileName.lastIndexOf(".") > 0) {  int index = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");  fileNameOnly = fileName.substring(0, index);  fileExt = fileName.substring(index).toLowerCase();  }  String inputFile = filePath + File.separator + fileName;  String outputFile = "";  //如果是office文档,先转为pdf文件  if (fileExt.equals(DOC) || fileExt.equals(DOCX) || fileExt.equals(XLS)  || fileExt.equals(XLSX)) {  outputFile = filePath + File.separator + fileNameOnly + PDF;  office2PDF(inputFile, outputFile);  inputFile = outputFile;  fileExt = PDF;  }  if (fileExt.equals(PDF)) {  String toolFile = filePath + File.separator + TOOL;  outputFile = filePath + File.separator + fileNameOnly + SWF;  convertPdf2Swf(inputFile, outputFile, toolFile);  outFile = outputFile;  }  return outFile;  }  /** * 将pdf文件转换成swf文件 * @param sourceFile pdf文件绝对路径 * @param outFile    swf文件绝对路径 * @param toolFile   转换工具绝对路径 */  private void convertPdf2Swf(String sourceFile, String outFile,  String toolFile) {  String command = toolFile + " \"" + sourceFile + "\" -o  \"" + outFile  + "\" -s flashversion=9 ";  try {  Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);  System.out.println(loadStream(process.getInputStream()));  System.err.println(loadStream(process.getErrorStream()));  System.out.println(loadStream(process.getInputStream()));  System.out.println("###--Msg: swf 转换成功");  } catch (Exception e) {  e.printStackTrace();  }  }  /** * office文档转pdf文件 * @param sourceFile    office文档绝对路径 * @param destFile      pdf文件绝对路径 * @return */  private int office2PDF(String sourceFile, String destFile) {  ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("OpenOfficeService");  String OpenOffice_HOME = "D:\\Program Files\\OpenOffice 4";  //openoffice安装路径 String host_Str = "";   //地址String port_Str = "8100";        //端口号try {  File inputFile = new File(sourceFile);  if (!inputFile.exists()) {  return -1; // 找不到源文件   }  // 如果目标路径不存在, 则新建该路径    File outputFile = new File(destFile);  if (!outputFile.getParentFile().exists()) {  outputFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();  }  // 如果从文件中读取的URL地址最后一个字符不是 '\',则添加'\'  if (OpenOffice_HOME.charAt(OpenOffice_HOME.length() - 1) != '\\') {  OpenOffice_HOME += "\\";  }  // 启动OpenOffice的服务    String command = OpenOffice_HOME  + "program\\soffice.exe -headless -accept=\"socket,host="  + host_Str + ",port=" + port_Str + ";urp;\"";  System.out.println("###\n" + command);  Process pro = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);  // 连接openoffice服务  OpenOfficeConnection connection = new SocketOpenOfficeConnection(  host_Str, Integer.parseInt(port_Str));  connection.connect();  // 转换   DocumentConverter converter = new OpenOfficeDocumentConverter(  connection);  converter.convert(inputFile, outputFile);  // 关闭连接和服务  connection.disconnect();  pro.destroy();  return 0;  } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {  System.out.println("文件未找到!");  e.printStackTrace();  return -1;  } catch (ConnectException e) {  System.out.println("OpenOffice服务监听异常!");  e.printStackTrace();  } catch (IOException e) {  e.printStackTrace();  }  return 1;  }  static String loadStream(InputStream in) throws IOException{  int ptr = 0;  in = new BufferedInputStream(in);  StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();  while ((ptr=in.read())!= -1){  buffer.append((char)ptr);  }  return buffer.toString();  }  }  


package com.netsix.test;import com.netsix.util.ConvertSwf;public class MainClass {public static void main(String[] args) {String dirPath = "D:\\workspace\\20140403_WebScaner\\pdf";  // 下载swftools-0.9.2.exe 安装后,复制安装目录中 pdf2swf.exe 到项目附件目录中。String fileName = "lucene4.6.doc";String outPath = new ConvertSwf().beginConvert(dirPath,fileName);   System.out.println("生成swf文件:" + outPath);  }


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