
If there’s a program lingering on your Windows “Add or Remove Programs” list that doesn’t belong, there are two easy tricks you and use to purge it from the list and tidy things up.


The “Add or Remove Programs” list shows all the installed software on your Windows computer. In a perfect world, only applications that are currently installed would be displayed there, but sometimes a phantom listing persists even after a program is gone. Maybe you manually removed the program (which removes the uninstaller application Windows attempts to call later when you use the Add/Remove function), maybe some files are corrupt, or maybe the uninstaller was just poorly implemented by the software’s creator.

“添加或删除程序”列表显示Windows计算机上所有已安装的软件。 在理想情况下,只有当前安装的应用程序会显示在此处,但有时即使程序消失了,幻象列表仍会保留。 可能是您手动删除了该程序(当您使用“添加/删除”功能时,该程序会删除Windows稍后尝试调用的卸载程序),可能某些文件已损坏,或者该卸载程序只是由软件创建者实施的。

Regardless of what created the phantom entry, it is easy to remove either via a few quick edits to the Windows Registry or by using the popular CCleaner application to perform the task for you. By all means, try the CCleaner method first, because it’s fast and pretty much foolproof. If, for whatever reason, it doesn’t work (software problems are what got most of us into this mess in the first place after all) you can follow up by manually editing your registry. Let’s look at both methods now.

不管是什么创建幻像条目,都可以通过对Windows注册表进行一些快速编辑或使用流行的CCleaner应用程序为您执行任务来轻松删除。 一定要先尝试CCleaner方法,因为它是快速的并且非常简单。 如果由于某种原因它不起作用(软件问题首先使我们大多数人陷入困境),则可以通过手动编辑注册表来跟进。 现在让我们看看这两种方法。

使用CCleaner清除条目 (Purging Entries with CCleaner)

To use CCleaner to purge your “Add or Remove Programs” list, simply download the application from the Piriform website here and run it. After running it, click on the large “Tools” tab in the left-hand navigation pane. Within the the Tools section, select “Uninstall” and then from the list of programs select the program you wish to remove the entry for. Select the “Delete” button.

要使用CCleaner清除“添加或删除程序”列表,只需从此处的Piriform网站下载应用程序并运行它。 运行它后,单击左侧导航窗格中较大的“工具”选项卡。 在“工具”部分中,选择“卸载”,然后从程序列表中选择要为其删除条目的程序。 选择“删除”按钮。

Delete, as opposed to “Uninstall”, will simply remove the entry from the program list and will not attempt to remove any installed software or bits left behind after a manual uninstall. Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

与“卸载”相对,“删除”将仅从程序列表中删除该条目,而不会尝试删除任何已安装的软件或手动卸载后遗留下来的部分。 重新启动计算机,以使更改生效。

使用手动注册表编辑清除条目 (Purging Entries with Manual Registry Edits)

If, for some reason, the CCleaner method didn’t work (or you simply wish to do it manually), it’s into the Registry we go. Type “regedit” in the Start Menu run box to launch the Registry Editor. Inside the registry, we’re going to make two potential stops (depending on whether not you’re running the 32-bit or 64-bit version of windows).

如果由于某种原因CCleaner方法不起作用(或者您只是希望手动进行操作),我们就进入注册表。 在开始菜单运行框中键入“ regedit”以启动注册表编辑器。 在注册表内部,我们将进行两个潜在的停止(取决于您运行的是32位还是64位版本的Windows)。

The first stop is for all Windows users. Within the editor, use the left-hand navigation pane to navigate the directory structure of the registry to this location:

第一站适用于所有Windows用户。 在编辑器中,使用左侧导航窗格将注册表的目录结构导航到以下位置:


Within that registry directory, you will see two kinds of entries: software ID entry and human-readable software names. The first type of entries require more effort to identify; you will need to click on each individual entry and look for the name of the software in the description pane, labeled “DisplayName”, as seen below.

在该注册表目录中,您将看到两种条目:软件ID条目和人类可读的软件名称。 第一种类型的条目需要更多的精力来识别。 您需要单击每个单独的条目,然后在描述窗格中标记为“ DisplayName”的软件名称进行查找,如下所示。

Here we can see that the registry key ” {079FEF6F-9E83-4694-897D-69C30389B772} ” corresponds to the entry in the Add/Remove list labeled ” Python 3.6.1 Add to Path (64-bit) “. Before you invest too much time in checking the “DisplayName” setting of all the program entries with abstract IDs, scroll down first until you reach the human-readable names and check through them quickly for the software entry you’re looking for.

在这里我们可以看到注册表项“ {079FEF6F-9E83-4694-897D-69C30389B772} ”对应于添加/删除列表中标有“ Python 3.6.1 Add to Path (64-bit) ”的条目。 在花太多时间检查所有带有抽象ID的程序条目的“ DisplayName”设置之前,请先向下滚动直到找到易于理解的名称,然后快速遍历它们以查找所需的软件条目。

Once you locate the entry for the piece of software you wish to remove from the list, simply right click on it and select “Delete” on the registry key for the given application.


The second stop, for users running the 64-bit version of Windows, is a totally separate sub-directory in the registry, located at:

对于运行Windows 64位版本的用户,第二站是注册表中一个完全独立的子目录,位于:


Here you will find, if entries for the applications are present, the exact same directory structure as we found in the previous \Uninstall directory, wherein some entries will be identified by an abstract ID and some will be identified by name. Don’t worry if there isn’t an entry here for the application you just removed in the previous section, not all applications have entries in both registry directories.

在这里,如果存在用于应用程序的条目,则将发现与上一个\Uninstall目录中的目录结构完全相同,其中一些条目将由抽象ID标识,而某些条目将由名称标识。 不必担心上一节中刚刚删除的应用程序是否没有条目,并非所有应用程序都在两个注册表目录中都有条目。

Once you’ve deleted the relevant entries for the applications you wish to remove, reboot for the changes to take effect.


That’s all there is to it. Whether because of an uninstaller failure or because you got a little overexcited and manually deleted the program directory, with the CCleaner and registry editor at your finger tips your Add and Remove Programs list is clean and up-to-date once again.

这里的所有都是它的。 无论是由于卸载程序故障还是由于您过分激动而手动删除程序目录,借助CCleaner和注册表编辑器,您的“添加和删除程序”列表都是干净的,并且是最新的。




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