How open source technology is being deployed in science


Summary: Countless industries have benefited immensely from utilizing opensource software - with science and engineering among the sectors driving thecharge.


By Harish Pillay for Stacking up Open Clouds |October 9, 2014 -- 01:31 GMT (18:31 PDT)

哈里什·彼莱写给堆叠开放云|2014年10月九日——01:31 GMT(18:31 PDT)

Given the transparent and collaborative nature of opensource, it is no wonder that the technology iswidely used all around the world. Countless organizations and industries havebenefited immensely from open source software — with science andengineering among the sectors driving the charge.


In an industry that heavily relies on technology and innovation,thedeployment of open source initiatives in the scientific field should come as nosurprise. In fact, CERN, one of the most revered names in the worldof science, extensively uses opensource software — here's why.


What is CERN?

At CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, physicists andengineers are probing the fundamental structure of the universe.



They use the world's largest and most complex scientific instruments to studythe basic constituents of matter – the fundamental particles. The particles aremade to collide together at close to the speed of light. The process gives thephysicists clues about how the particles interact, and provides insights intothe fundamental laws of nature.


The instruments used at CERN are purpose-built particleaccelerators, like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)anddetectors. Accelerators boost beams of particles to high energies before the beamsare made to collide with each other or with stationary targets. Detectorsobserve and record the results of these collisions. A highlight came for theorganization in 2012 when the ATLAS and CMS experiments announced the existenceof the enigmatic Higgs Boson, which had eluded scientists for decades.


As one of the undisputed leaders in particle physics, counting 21 memberstates and a global community from over 100 countries, information sharing andcollaboration is essential. With its collaborative nature, open source – andthe Linux operating system – were a seemingly natural fit.


Linux's place in CERN history


The story of CERN and Linux is a prime example of how collaboration canbring universal benefits to partners and to the wider community.


For instance, CERN, together with Fermilab and various other labs anduniversities around the world, developed ScientificLinux. It is derived from Red Hat EnterpriseLinux and its primary purpose is to reduce duplicated efforts of thelaboratories, and to have a common installation base for the variousexperimenters.

例如,欧洲核子研究中心,连同费米实验室以及其他世界各地的实验室和大学,科学开发Linux。来自Red Hat Enterprise Linux,它的主要目的是减少重复工作的实验室,并有共同的安装各种实验基地。

Historically, CERN has played amajor role in the development of the opensource movement. In the early 1990s, Sir Tim Berners-Lee helped to foreverchange communication by releasing all HTML and web server code — thussparking the birth of the World Wide Web. After 30 April1993, when CERN put the World Wide Websoftware in the public domain, the next release was made available with an openlicense as a more sure way to maximize its dissemination.

从历史上看,欧洲核子研究中心发挥了主要作用在开源运动的发展。在1990年代早期,Tim berners -lee爵士帮助永远改变通信通过释放所有HTML和web服务器代码,因此引发了万维网的诞生。1993年4月30日之后,当欧洲核子研究中心将万维网软件在公共领域,下一个版本提供了一个开放许可作为其传播更确定的方式最大化

Cloud storage critical for CERN


CERN’s connection to open source does not end with one of the mostsignificant developments in the history of information systems. Theorganization also relies on a solid cloud infrastructure to facilitate thestorage and sharing of data, and as such, is one of the biggest contributorsto the Ceph open source storage project.


One of the stand out features of Ceph is that it operates on the CRUSH(Controlled Replication Under Scalable Hashing) algorithm, which facilitatesthe even spread of data for improved efficiency and reduced bottlenecks.


Earlier this year, Red Hat acquired Inktank, the company that producesCeph. This will no doubt further strengthen the ties between CERN and Red Hat, in addition to helping further promote the open source philosophy thatcan so benefit many industries.

今年早些时候,Red Hat Inktank收购,生产Ceph的公司。这无疑将进一步加强欧洲核子研究中心和Red Hat的之间的关系,除了帮助进一步促进开源哲学,因此许多行业中受益。

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