
In this problem, we are given a list by the user which may be the mixture of even and odd numbers and based on the concept of even and odd, we will split the list into two lists and one will contain only even numbers and another will contain only odd numbers. Before going to do this task, we will learn how to check the given number is even or odd in Python?

在这个问题中,我们为用户提供了一个可能是偶数和奇数混合的列表,根据偶数和奇数的概念,我们将列表分为两个列表,一个仅包含偶数,另一个将包含仅包含奇数。 在执行此任务之前,我们将学习如何在Python中检查给定的数字是偶数还是奇数?

What are the even and odd number?


The number that can be fully divided by 2 is known as an even number and if the number is not divisible by 2 then it is known as an odd number.


Python程序检查偶数或奇数 (Python program to check even or odd number)

# taking input from the user
n=int(input('Enter the number: '))
# checking whether it is EVEN or ODD
if n%2==0:
print('{} is an even number.'.format(n))
print('{} is an odd number.'.format(n))



RUN 1:
Enter the number: 63734
63734 is an even number.
RUN 2:
Enter the number: 9568405
9568405 is an odd number.

Algorithm to extract even and odd number from the given list


  1. Take the input in the form of a list.


  2. Create two empty lists to store the even and odd number which will be extracted from the given list.


  3. Check each element of the given list.


    1. If it is an EVEN number, then add this to one of the lists from the above-created list by using the append method.
    2. If it is an ODD number, then add this to another list from the above-created list by using the append method.
  4. Print both lists which will be our required list.


Python程序检查给定列表中的偶数或奇数 (Python program to check even or odd number from the given list)

# input the list
A=list(map(int,input('Enter elements of List: ').split()))
# create two empty lists to store EVEN and ODD elements
for j in A:
if j%2==0:
print('List of even number: ',B)
print('List of odd number: ',c)



Enter elements of List: 6 4 7 45 7 6 7 9 2 1
List of even number: [6, 4, 6, 2]
List of odd number: [7, 45, 7, 7, 9, 1]

append() method:


The function append use to add a number to an existing list. Here, we have used the append function to add an even number to list B and odd numbers to list C.

函数append用于将数字添加到现有列表。 在这里,我们使用了append函数将偶数添加到列表B中,并将奇数添加到列表C中 。




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