Pont C, Leroy T, Seidel M, et al. Tracing the ancestry of modern bread wheats[J]. Nature genetics, 2019, 51(5): 905-911.

1. 文章结论

1.1 小麦基因组多样性

为了探索目前能够进入小麦基因池中的多样性的起源与模式,坐着组装了一个世界范围的、拥有487个基因型的、包含wild diploid and tetraploid relatives, domesticated tetraploid and hexaploid landraces, old cultivars and modern elite cultivars的数据集。作者采用了外显子测序的方法,参考基因组序列采用了中国春序列。




1.2 小麦选择足迹


在野生麦祖先和六倍体栽培种(landraces)间的对比,支持了驯化过程中,基因组上发生的大量多样性降低(the reduction of diversity (ROD))的多相性。通过历史分组i、ii、iii和iv的比较,结果显示经历了两轮主要的下降过程。第一轮是i到ii的早期育种选择,第二轮发生在iii到iv,对应了绿色革命期间。

为了鉴定育种家选择的基因marker与区段,采用了PCAdapt进行了全基因组、全样本扫描,并鉴定了5089个具有提高信号的多态性位点。一些已知的基因与这些位点距离较近(<5Mb distance)。近两世纪产生并固定的大型区间(>10Mb)在1A染色体尤其多,并在两个发生了结构性重新排列的染色体——4A和7B上较多。



作者认为,目前的数据集为从在先前检测到、但当前仍未知的基因座中识别相关候选基因提供了基础。尤其是,先前的密度、选择足迹与GWAS分析清晰地显示了只有一小部分同源基因座包含了共有的信号,支持了六倍体面包小麦在遗传上与四倍体相似的观点(supporting the view that modern hexaploid bread wheats behave genetically as diploids)。一如先前选择的收敛模式(convergent pattern)所表现的、在同源区域之间的罕见性。

1.3 小麦起源

作者采用了一种基于网络的系统发育方法进行研究。该方法包括从重复的随机单倍型样本(repeated random haplotype samples (RRHS) )中,基于最大似然度,选出1000棵树。随后的图重建分析和种群聚类重建了现代六倍体面包小麦及其二倍体、四倍体祖先的网络进化史。并通过网络中间亲本与已知亲缘关系的比较,证明了该方法的鲁棒性。

作者提出的小麦进化综合模型由下述三种因素综合得出:①对网络边与边的权重的彻底分析;②树的拓扑结构评估;③使用D统计量(Patterson’s D statistic)进行基因流动检验。

作者提出的模型认为,进化过程是AA+SS -> AABB -(+DD)-> AABBDD。

**进化模型叙述原文:**Our proposed model (Fig. 4b) largely refines the widely accepted evolutionary path leading to modern bread wheat with the hybridization of wild diploid AA and SS (close to BB) genotypes leading to wild tetraploid AABB progenitors, which subsequently hybridized with a wild diploid DD genotype resulting in the hexaploid T. aestivum (AADDBB) lineage. In our analysis, the wheat B genome
is confirmed to be derived from the Aegilops section Sitopsis lineage, which gave rise to A. speltoides (SS), while the progenitors of A. tauschii and T. urartu represent the established origins of the D and
A genome lineages, respectively. T. araraticum (also referenced as T. araraticum Jakubz) represents the closest wild descendant of the AAGG tetraploid ancestor. It appears to have been subsequently domesticated to form T. timopheevii (Zhuk.) Zhuk while also hybridizing with T. boeoticum leading to the hexaploid T. zhukovskyi (Menabde & Ericzjan) lineage (AAAAGG).

模型确认了野生二粒(T. dicoccoides)是与现代四倍体(AABB)和六倍体(AABBDD)小麦中A、B亚基因组祖先最接近的子代。数据显示,在驯化与栽培的早期阶段,野生二粒至少产生了两种不同的驯化四倍体小麦血统T. dicoccum Schrank ex Schübl.和T. durum Desf.。

最后,模型显示了下述假说:普通小麦很可能由硬粒小麦和一种具有D基因组的、类似粗山羊草的品种发生杂交而形成的。随后,由六倍体普通小麦和栽培二粒杂交,产生了T. spelta,并直到今天仍隐含着野生二粒渗入的证据。

**假说叙述原文:**Finally, the model supports the hypothesis that T. aestivum is most likely to be derived from an ancestral hybridization event between the previous T. durum lineage and a D lineage close to wild A. tauschii (Fig. 4b and Supplementary Fig. 11). Subsequently, T. spelta emerged from the hybridization between the hexaploid T. aestivum and the tetraploid T. dicoccum, and still harbors evidence of T. dicoccum introgressions today (Supplementary Fig. 12).


2. 研究方法

2.1 系统发育分析

这部分分析使用了从全部三个亚基因组ABD上的三联体直系同源基因( triplets (2,855) of orthologous genes)中的91554个SNP推断出来的435个六倍体面包小麦基因型。

数据首先用了iqtreeX(GTR+GAMMA(4) model)进行分析,with 1,000 ultrafast bootstraps。

祖先节点的地理区域使用如下方法进行重构:10,000 simulations were performed using the stochastic mapping algorithm of the R phytools package32 (using the equal rates model), the region of a
node was then chosen as the one with maximum sampled frequency




原文: The analysis of phylogeny for the 487 di- tetra- and hexaploid wheats was inferred in accounting for ambiguities and possible biases in phylogenetic inference from SNP data arising from varying levels of heterozygosity, linkage disequilibrium, incomplete lineage sorting and reticulate evolution. In that regard, we implemented a network-based approach to reconstruct the species history and community structure in the sampled Triticeae genotypes. To this end, we stringently filtered biallelic, polymorphic SNPs present in>90% of the genotypes from non-imputed data accounting for linkage disequilibrium (delivering 15,490 filtered SNPs), and implemented a repeated random haplotype sampling procedure including heterozygous sites (RRHS) to infer 1,000 maximum likelihood tree topologies with the ASC_GTRGAMMA model and JC69 distances in RAxML (asc-corr=felsenstein).

对于构建的1000棵树,采用了最小生成树算法,并将树形图与加权的、采用Cytoscape 3.6将节点聚类为树枝的系统发育网络结合。

**原文:**While these RRHS trees were also analyzed in the form of conventional consensus topologies and densitree visualizations to infer taxonomic clades, we analyzed the evolutionary distances among the tips of the 1,000 trees using the minimum spanning tree (MST) algorithm in Python. The MST graphs were subsequently combined into a weighted, phylogenetic consensus network whose nodes were clustered into clades using the Girvan–Newman EdgeBetweenness algorithm in Cytoscape 3.6 (ref. 33). The clustered network topology was plotted considering edge-betweenness in Cytoscape and taxonomic clades were inferred by intersection of community clusters with taxon information that was annotated using the AutoAnnotate plugin.


原文: The relative number of RRHS trees for which a respective edge was selected by the MST algorithm were used as edge weights and were interpreted similar to bootstrap support values in the consensus tree topologies.


原文: The composition, geographical and historical origins of the identified wheat communities were analyzed using chi squared tests and barplots in R.


原文: Gene flow in subgenomes A and B was investigated with the Patterson’s D statistic (or ABBA-BABA statistic) using ANGSD with a threshold of Z>4 (ref. 35).

小麦进化的综合模型(Fig. 4b)由下述三点因素共同决定,并手动合并而成:①系统发育共识网络的边支持值;②多种共识树和IUPAC树的拓扑结构;③ABBA-BABA检测结果。

原文: An integrative model (Fig. 4b) of wheat evolution was built by manual consolidation of the support values of the edges in the phylogenetic consensus network (Supplementary Fig. 10 and Supplementary Table 7), the various consensus and IUPAC tree topologies (Supplementary Fig. 11), the ABBA-BABA results (Supplementary Fig. 12) as well as the literature.


原文: Where species relationships remained ambiguous on the sole basis of the network approach (that is, when similar phylogenetic relatedness between groups of genotypes defines several possible evolutionary paths between putative progenitors and descendants), we then considered the results of the ABBA-BABA statistical test (Supplementary Fig. 12 and Supplementary Table 6) and the existing literature when available.


原文: Fig. 4b reports only the reticulation events identified on the basis of phylogenetic consensus networks supported by the ABBA-BABA analysis in both the A and B subgenomes.

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