我在三台安装SQL Server 2012的服务器上搭建分布式数据库,把产品环境中一年近1.4亿条数据大致均匀地存储在这三台服务器中,每台Server 存储4个月的数据,物理机的系统配置基本相同:内存16G,双核 CPU 3.6GHz,软件环境是Windows Server 2012 R,和SQL Server 2012。



CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Commits]
([CommitID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT FOR REPLICATION NOT NULL,[AuthorID] [bigint] NOT NULL,[CreatedDate] [datetime2](7) NOT NULL,[CreatedDateKey] [int] NOT NULL,CONSTRAINT [PK__Commits_CommitID] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED
([CommitID] ASC,[CreatedDateKey] ASC

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创建分区视图,Linked Server的Alias是db2 和 db3,Catalog 是 tdw(test data warehouse):

CREATE view [dbo].[view_commits]
asselect [CommitID],[AuthorID],[CreatedDate],[CreatedDateKey]
from dbo.commits c with(nolock)
where c.[CreatedDateKey] between 20150900 and 20160000union ALL
select [CommitID],[AuthorID],[CreatedDate],[CreatedDateKey]
from db3.tdw.dbo.commits c with(nolock)
where c.[CreatedDateKey] between 20150000 and 20150500union ALL
select [CommitID],[AuthorID],[CreatedDate],[CreatedDateKey]
from db2.tdw.dbo.commits c with(nolock)
where c.[CreatedDateKey] between 20150500 and 20150900

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select count(0)
from dbo.commits_total c  with(nolock)
where day(c.[CreatedDate])=1


select count(0)
from dbo.view_commits c  with(nolock)
where day(c.[CreatedDate])=1


OpenQuery把查询语句直接发送到Linked Server上执行,返回查询的结果,cost:105s,还是很高,相对提高20%的性能。

select sum(t.cnt) as cnt
(select count(0) as cntfrom dbo.commits c  with(nolock)where day(c.[CreatedDate])=1UNION allselect p.cntfrom openquery(db2,N'select count(0) as cntfrom dbo.commits c  with(nolock)where day(c.[CreatedDate])=1') as pUNION allselect p.cntfrom openquery(db3,N'select count(0) as cntfrom dbo.commits c  with(nolock)where day(c.[CreatedDate])=1') as p
) as t

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4,使用C# 多线程编程


static void Main(string[] args)
{List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();int c1=0, c2=0, c3=0;Task t1 = new Task(()=> {c1= GetCount("xxx");});Task t2 = new Task(() =>{c2=  GetCount("xxx");});Task t3 = new Task(() =>{c3= GetCount("xxx");});tasks.Add(t1);tasks.Add(t2);tasks.Add(t3);Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();sw.Start(); t1.Start();t2.Start();t3.Start();Task.WaitAll(tasks.ToArray());int sum = c1 + c2 + c3;sw.Stop();Console.Read();
}static int GetCount(string str)
{using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(str)){con.Open();var cmd = con.CreateCommand();cmd.CommandText = @" select count(0) as cntfrom dbo.commits c  with(nolock)where day(c.[CreatedDate]) = 1";int count = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();con.Close();return count;}

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  • 将数据水平切分,分布式部署在不同的SQL Server上,其查询性能并不一定比单一DB性能更好。
  • 使用OpenQuery函数将查询语句在Remote Server上执行,返回查询结果,能够优化Linked Server 的查询性能。
  • 在使用分布式数据库查询数据时,针对特定的应用,编写特定的代码,这需要fore-end 更多的参与。


Top 3 Performance Killers For Linked Server Queries

[翻译]——SQL Server使用链接服务器的5个性能杀手

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