
Book Tickets on Indian Railways

Call Indian Railways at 011 (+91) 7070 676747 to book travel or visit their Web site (see Resources below).

Book tickets at one of the tourist bureaus located in most big cities and tourist areas. You can find a list of bureaus on the Indian Railways Web site.

Book tickets for your trip online. While tickets cannot be shipped overseas or picked up at the station, electronic tickets are available for most long distance trains. Just print out a booking reference number and supply it to the conductor on the train. There is a nominal fee for this service (less than $1).

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h4>Understand the Types of Trains and Classes in India

Book a ticket on Rajdhani or Shatabdi trains for the best accommodations. Rajdhani trains run overnight with sleepers, and Shatabdi run during the day. Both are for intercity service. Express, Mail and Ordinary trains offer lower quality accommodations but are viable options for budget-conscious travelers.

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Book a ticket in one of the AC classes. There are eight classes on Indian Railways, but not all of them are available on every train. AC1 is first class and is one of the nicest ways to travel by train. AC2 and AC3 are generally the same and only really vary by number of berths per side (two and three, respectively). CC is an option for those who are content with a chair rather than a berth.


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