绿色数据中心空调设计 书评

Yesterday Guy Podjarny published his analysis of the use of responsive design among the top 10,000 websites. He found that adoption jumped from 10.8% to 18.7% over the last year. Another recent survey showed that a hefty 90% of publishers are looking at implementing responsive design. However you want to slice it, responsive design is an increasingly popular technique.

昨天,Guy Podjarny发表了他对前10,000个网站中响应式设计使用情况的分析 。 他发现采用率从去年的10.8%跃升至18.7%。 最近的另一项调查显示,有90%的发布商正在考虑实施响应式设计。 无论您想切分,响应式设计都是一种越来越流行的技术。

But there are tricky issues to navigate along the way: tables, performance, and input modes—oh my! That’s where Scott Jehl’s new book Responsible Responsive Design comes in.

但是,还有一些棘手的问题需要解决:表格,性能和输入模式-天哪! 这就是Scott Jehl的新书Responsible Responsive Design出现的地方。

It’s almost like two books in one. The first two chapters blow through many of the common hurdles people come across when implementing responsive design. How to handle tables, different input methods, accessibility, feature detection, testing—it’s all there. Scott deftly moves from topic to topic, explaining the issues and how to address them.

几乎就像两本书合而为一。 前两章克服了人们在实施响应式设计时遇到的许多常见障碍。 如何处理表格,不同的输入方法,可访问性,功能检测,测试-一切都在那里。 Scott巧妙地从一个主题移到另一个主题,解释了问题以及如何解决这些问题。

The next two chapters focus on performance (a favorite topic of mine). Chapter 3, “Planning Performance”, is a great primer on what the critical path is as well as the basic performance techniques that will help you optimize for it. There’s also some discussion of process and how things like performance budgets can help.

接下来的两章重点讨论性能( 这是我最喜欢的主题 )。 第3章“计划性能”是对关键路径以及可以帮助您对其进行优化的基本性能技术的很好的入门。 还讨论了过程以及诸如绩效预算之类的问题如何提供帮助。

Chapter 4 gets into performance techniques more specific to responsive design: responsive images, structuring CSS, lazy loading content, cutting the mustard, etc.


There is a lot of meat on the bone here. Scott’s explanation towards the end of Chapter 4 about how to enhance through qualified loading of CSS and JS is pure gold, as is his discussion of feature detection. I was especially happy to see a discussion of Filament Group’s “x-ray perspective” included. They first discussed the approach in “Designing with Progressive Enhancement” (a book that has stood the test of time remarkably well) and it’s stuck with me ever since.

这里的骨头上有很多肉。 斯科特对第4章末尾有关如何通过合格加载CSS和JS进行增强的解释是纯金的,他对特征检测的讨论也是如此。 我特别高兴看到对Filament Group的“ X射线透视图”进行了讨论。 他们首先在“渐进增强设计” (一本经受了时间考验的书)中讨论了这种方法,此后一直困扰我。

What’s so wonderful about the book is how rooted it is in real-world experience. These aren’t just nice-sounding techniques: these are things that Scott and the rest of the gang at Filament Group have battle tested on their own projects.

这本书的奇妙之处在于它扎根于现实世界的经验中。 这些不仅是听起来不错的技巧:这些是Scott和Filament Group的其他帮派在自己的项目上进行的测试。

I also have to admit to being thoroughly entertained by many of Scott’s delightfully cheesy one-liners. (You know the type. The ones where you both laugh and groan at the same time.) A tech book with personality: not something you see everyday, but something that has become a bit of given from the A Book Apart series.

我还必须承认,斯科特许多令人愉悦的俗气的单线飞机都让他彻底娱乐了。 (您知道类型。您同时发笑和吟的类型。)一本具有个性的技术书:不是您每天都能看到的东西,而是从A Book Apart系列中得到的东西。

So who should read this? Well, everyone. If you’ve got the basics of responsive design nailed down but haven’t gone much farther, this will be a revelation. If you feel like you’ve flexed your chops on the advanced stuff, you’ll still come away with interesting ideas for how to improve your approach.

那么谁应该读这个书呢? 好吧,大家。 如果您已经确定了响应式设计的基础知识,但是还没有走得更远,这将是一个启示。 如果您觉得自己在高级产品上花了很多功夫,那么您仍然会想到一些有趣的想法,以改进自己的方法。

Long story short: it’s an excellent, important book and a must-have for anybody building responsively. When it goes up for sale on the 19th, buy it.

长话短说:这是一本非常出色的重要书籍,也是任何响应式构建人员的必备工具。 当它于19日上市销售时,请购买 。

翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/2014/11/book-review-responsible-responsive-design/

绿色数据中心空调设计 书评

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