COA 考试模拟题

version: 201911

Exam Tasks

You are the cloud administrator of a fictitious company named ESCloud. You have been tasked with setting up Openstack Environments for marketing and finance departments.


Task 1

The company has two departments, named marketing and finance. For each of the two departments create projects with details below:

Project Name: marketing finance
Description: project for marketing project for finance

Task 2

Marketing is managed by Roger and finance is managed by Frank. Both are going to be administrators of their respective projects. ESCloud has an engineer named James who will be a member of both departments. Create OpenStack user accounts for Roger, Frank and James with the data sheet below. For roles, please ensure that users only have the roles identified below - any additional default roles should be removed.

User name: roger frank james
Password: rogerpass frankpass jamespass
Role/Project: admin of marketing admin of finance Member of marketing (primary) and finance

Task 3

Management has imposed quotas of 3 VCPUs, 3072 MB of RAM and 3 Gigabytes of disk space (Total Size of Volumes and Snapshots (GB)) for marketing. For finance , quotas are 1 instance and 2 Gigabytes of disk space (Total Size of Volumes and Snapshots (GB)). For both groups, also set a maximum of 2 floating IPs and 2 security groups. Leave the OpenStack defaults for the rest.

管理层已为市场分配了3个VCPU,3072 MB RAM和3 GB磁盘空间(卷和快照总大小)的配额。对于财务而言,配额为1个实例和2 GB的磁盘空间(卷和快照的总大小(GB))。对于这两个组,还最多设置2个浮动IP和2个安全组。其余部分保留OpenStack默认值。

Task 4

For initial tests the company will use a qcow2 image of Cirros, located at http://localhost:8090/mce100.img and named sharedimage. The image must be public so all projects can use it.

对于初始测试,该公司将使用位于http:// localhost:8090 / mce100.img并命名为sharedimage 的Cirros的qcow2图像。该图像必须是公共的,以便所有项目都可以使用它。

Task 5

In addition to the default flavors that come with OpenStack, ESCloud has decided that it needs its own custom flavors for spawning instances using the shared image. Please create the following custom flavors.

Flavor name: mflavor1 mflavor2 fflavor1
VCPUs: ⅓ of quota ⅔ of quota 1
RAM: ⅓ of quota ⅔ of quota 512 MB
Root Disk: 1 GB 2 GB 1 GB
Ephemeral Disk: 0 0 0
Swap Disk: 0 0 0
Accessibility: marketing marketing finance

Task 6

To enable access to the instance from the outside, ESCloud needs an external network. Create an external network with the following settings. ESCloud has decided that the ip range of to are reserved – ensure that they will not be used in this cluster and that DHCP is enabled for this network.

name: project subnet name network address gateway Provider Network Type Physical Network DHCP
public admin publicsubnet Flat public Enabled

备注: 本次测试网段:, 不分配网段10.5.30.1----

Marketing tasks

Marketing tasks, please complete the following with the roger OpenStack account.


Task 7

ESCloud wants to ensure the instances in the marketing department can be accessed from outside via ping, web(http and https), and ssh. Create a security group msec (description:msec) with these rules.


Task 8

Create a keypair rogerkey and store the downloaded key(rogerkey.pem) in /tmp/ of the clab environment with permissions set to 600.
• Task 9: In order to boot instances, we need to create a network for marketing. Create a network with the following settings.

创建密钥对rogerkey并将下载的密钥(rogerkey.pem)存储在clab环境的/ tmp /中,权限设置为600。

Task 9

In order to boot instances, we need to create a network for marketing. Create a network with the following settings.

name: subnet name network address gateway
mnet msubnet

Task 10

Create a router with name mrouter and connect mnet to public with it.

name: flavor keypair network image Create New Volume Sec Group
minstance1 mflavor1 rogerkey mnet sharedimage No msec
minstance2 mflavor2 rogerkey mnet sharedimage No msec

Task 11

Create two compute instances for marketing using the table below.

name: flavor keypair network image Create New Volume Sec Group
minstance1 mflavor1 rogerkey mnet sharedimage No msec
minstance2 mflavor2 rogerkey mnet sharedimage No msec

Task 12

Marketing needs these two instances to be accessible from the outside via specific ip addresses.

Instance: minstance1 minstance2

Task 13

Marketing needs to store important files on a volume so it will retain the data even if minstance1 is terminated. Create the volume with the name mvolume and 1GB size and attach it to minstance1.


Task 14

Test ping and ssh(as cirros) from the host to your marketing instances using keys via floating ips.


Finance task

Finance tasks, please complete the following with the frank OpenStack account using command line. (Important: If you are found to have completed the section below using Horizon/UI, you will forfeit points for the exam.)


财务任务,请使用命令行使用坦率的OpenStack帐户完成以下操作。(重要提示:如果发现您已使用Horizo​​n / UI完成了以下部分,则将丧失该考试的分数。)

Task 15

We want to ensure the instances in the finance department can be accessed via ssh. Create a security group fsec with this rule.



openstack security group create fsec --project finance --description fsec
openstack security group rule create --dst-port 22 --protocol tcp fsec


[root@openstack1 tmp]# openstack security group rule list msec --long
| ID                                   | IP Protocol | IP Range  | Port Range | Direction | Ethertype | Remote Security Group |
| 2f319d18-125b-4ffe-a79d-97f849a27ea4 | None        | None      |            | egress    | IPv4      | None                  |
| 4b5b209f-7bd2-4ca6-a9f4-91691eda9001 | icmp        | |            | ingress   | IPv4      | None                  |
| 64bb6b3f-f33f-4dd2-bdfa-98280124a84d | tcp         | | 80:80      | ingress   | IPv4      | None                  |
| 9e75a6e3-29bb-4ff1-8eb9-5cef6a104bc4 | tcp         | | 443:443    | ingress   | IPv4      | None                  |
| bb22abf6-af3e-499e-a75e-78d17bc2d773 | tcp         | | 22:22      | egress    | IPv4      | None                  |
| d22144be-5938-40a0-a2b8-43d29406b56c | None        | None      |            | egress    | IPv6      | None                  |
| d3c29271-6a48-4b9a-af14-a67935454976 | tcp         | | 22:22      | ingress   | IPv4      | None                  |

Task 16

Create a keypair named frankkey. Store this key with permissions set to 600 as /tmp/frankkey.pem folder of the exam environmentf



openstack keypair create frankkey > /tmp/frankkey.pem
chmod 600 /tmp/frankkey.pem

Task 17

Create a network fnet with a subnet fsubnet and IP range



openstack network create fnet --project finance
openstack subnet create fsubnet --network fnet --subnet-range

Task 18

Create router frouter and connect fnet to public with it



openstack router create --project finance frouter
openstack router set --external-gateway public
openstack router add subnet frouter fsubnet

Task 19

Create the following instance:

name: flavor keypair network image Sec Group
finstance1 fflavor1 frankkey fnet sharedimage fsec


openstack server create finstance1 --flavor fflavor1 --key-name frankkey --network fnet --image sharedimage --security-group fsec

Task 20

Assign the floating IP to the finstance1



openstack floating ip create --floating-ip-address public
openstack server add floating ip finstance1

Task 21

Upload the file, which is located in /opt/stack/files/ on your clab environment, into a Swift container named Movies. Ensure that the object name is



cd /opt/stack/files/
swift upload Movies

Task 22

Test the finance instance. Verify if you can ssh into the floating IP as user cirros with the key generated.



ssh -i /tmp/frankkey.pem cirros@

Task 23

Finally, implement a policy change that allows only administrators to create volumes and networks.



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