sudo apt-get install thunderbird安装雷鸟mail

Account Settings->Server Settings->Use secure connection:选择SSL

Account Settings->Server Settings->Server Settings:选中Leave messages on server将邮件保留在服务器上

Account Settings->Outgoing Server(SMTP)->Edit->Use secure connection:选择SSL



设置默认发送格式为plain text和HTML混合




==>点击右下角的Send Options

==>在Text Format中将"Ask me what to do"设置为

"Send the message in both plain text and HTML"

为ubuntu 8.10设置默认发送字体UTF-8





==>在Character Encodings选项页中

设置Outgoing Mail:为Unicode (UTF-8)


Tools==> Message Filters ==> New

==> For incoming messages that: 选择 Match any of the following

"From"然后"is"然后"" 表示来自这个邮件地址的邮件执行filter操作

==> Perform these actions:


"Move Message to"然后"自己建立的邮件接收目录"


Tools==> Run Filters on Folder




zip.gif文件:签名html文件源码 signature.tar.bz2






Thunderbird can automatically append a signature to every email you

send. Unlike some email clients, Thunderbird lets you specify a

signature per account. If you use two or more email accounts, this is a

great time saver compared with hand-picking the signature depending on

the occasion.


The two hyphens and what comes below are added automatically to every

outgoing email. As you can tell, Thunderbird supports more than plain

text signatures, and actually lets you use HTML, the formatting

language used to create web pages like the one you're reading.

Thunderbird supports plain text signatures, which contain no formatting information, and HTML signatures, which allow you to add formatting information.

Create an Email Signature

First, you will need to create a file with which Thunderbird can

work. Thunderbird will not accept Microsoft Word or PDF files, (even if

Word files are saved as RTF, Rich Text Format.) You can create a

signature in Notepad (or any plain text editor), or supply an HTML file.

Create an HTML Email Signature in Thunderbird

HTML is the formatting language that is used to create web pages

like this one. Unlike plain text signature files, using HTML signature

files allows you to define colors, text formatting (bold, italic…), and

insert email or website links.

For Joe Dohn's signature, we created an HTML file with the following code:

Joe Dohn

Daydreamer in Chief



Phone: (800) 555-1212

To create an HTML signature in Notepad, use HTML code

similar to the above, and save the file as HTML. Just replace plug in

your personal data instead of Joe Dohn's. (

stands for "line

break" )


Attaching an Image to Your Email Signature

Thunderbird allows you to include a graphic file in your email

signature; to make sure that the image will be embedded in your email,

and appear to recipient, you do need to set the proprietary "moz-do-not-send" attribute to "false" inside the HTML tag. Example:

uid-20564848-id-73175.htmlmoz-do-not-send="false" src="file:///C:/image.gif" alt="Signature"> Joe Dohn

uid-20564848-id-73175.htmlmoz-do-not-send="false" src="http:///" alt=""> Joe Dohn

This will ensure that Thunderbird does in fact include the image file in your email signature; if the moz-do-not-send

attribute is set to "true", or omitted altogether, Thunderbird will

ignore the image. A big thanks to Vick for raising the issue!

Whether you use a local image (on your computer) or a

local image (online), you need to explicitly include the full image

path in the signature file.

Attach the Signature File to Your Email Account

thunderbirdEmailSignature2.gifTo attach the signature to your email account, go to Tools and click Account Settings…. Highlight the email account for which you want a signature.

Click the Choose… button, and navigate to the file you just created, and click Ok to dismiss the Account Settings dialog.


now on, each email you send using this email account will automatically

contain the content of the signature file you created.

The Two Hyphens Above Your Email Signature in Thunderbird (--)

Thunderbird's two-hyphen-above-signature qualifies a FAQ (frequently

asked question). Many don't want these two hyphens to be inserted above

their email signature.

Thunderbird automatically adds "--" (two hyphens / dashes / minus

signs) above the content of the email signature file ("signature

block") to follow an Internet standard ("convention"). This is also the

case with HTML signatures.

There is currently now way to prevent Thunderbird from inserting two

hyphens above your signature block, apparently not even with the about:config editor.


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