
1-3:设备上电起来后,跳转到Boot ROM(不是flash)中的boot code中执行把pre-loader加载起到ISRAM, 因为当前DRAM(RAM分SRAM跟DRAM,简单来说SRAM就是cache,DRAM就是普通内存)还没有准备好,所以要先把pre-loader load到芯片内部的ISRAM(Internal SRAM)中。4-6:pre-loader初始化好DRAM后就将lk从flash(nand/emmc)中加载到DRAM中运行;7-8:解压bootimage成ramdisk跟kernel并载入DRAM中,初始化dtb;9-11:lk跳转到kernl初始化, kernel初始化完成后fork出init进程, 然后拉起ramdisk中的init程序,进入用户空间初始化,init进程fork出zygote进程,直到整个Android启动完成.




/** Copyright (c) 2008 Travis Geiselbrecht** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining* a copy of this software and associated documentation files* (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,* including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,* publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,* and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,* subject to the following conditions:** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.** THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT,* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.*/#define DSB .byte 0x4f, 0xf0, 0x7f, 0xf5
#define ISB .byte 0x6f, 0xf0, 0x7f, 0xf5.section ".text.boot"
.globl _start
_start:b    resetb  arm_undefinedb  arm_syscallb    arm_prefetch_abortb arm_data_abortb arm_reservedb   arm_irqb    arm_fiq/*pre-loader to uboot argument Location*/
BOOT_ARGUMENT_LOCATION:.word 0x00000000reset:ldr     r6, =BOOT_ARGUMENT_LOCATION str     r4, [r6]
#ifdef ARM_CPU_CORTEX_A7/*Enable SMP bit*/mrc             p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 1orr      r0, r0, #0x40mcr        p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 1
#ifdef ENABLE_TRUSTZONE/*Add reference to TZ symbol so linker includes it in final image */ldr r7, =_binary_tzbsp_tzbsp_bin_start
#endif/* do some cpu setup */
#if ARM_WITH_CP15/* Read SCTLR */mrc        p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0/* XXX this is currently for arm926, revist with armv6 cores *//* new thumb behavior, low exception vectors, i/d cache disable, mmu disabled */bic     r0, r0, #(1<<15| 1<<13 | 1<<12)bic        r0, r0, #(1<<2 | 1<<0)/* enable alignment faults */orr      r0, r0, #(1<<1)/* Write SCTLR */mcr       p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0
#ifdef ENABLE_TRUSTZONE/*nkazi: not needed ? Setting VBAR to location of new vector table : 0x80000      */ldr             r0, =0x00080000mcr             p15, 0, r0, c12, c0, 0
#endif#if WITH_CPU_EARLY_INIT/* call platform/arch/etc specific init code */
#ifndef ENABLE_TRUSTZONE/* Not needed when TrustZone is the first bootloader that runs.*/bl __cpu_early_init
#endif/* declare return address as global to avoid using stack */
.globl _cpu_early_init_complete_cpu_early_init_complete:#endif#if (!ENABLE_NANDWRITE)
#if WITH_CPU_WARM_BOOTldr   r0, warm_boot_tagcmp    r0, #1/* if set, warm boot */ldreq  pc, =BASE_ADDRmov  r0, #1str   r0, warm_boot_tag
#endif/* see if we need to relocate */mov       r0, pcsub       r0, r0, #(.Laddr - _start)
.Laddr:ldr      r1, =_startcmp     r0, r1beq       .Lstack_setup/* we need to relocate ourselves to the proper spot */ldr      r2, =__data_end    .Lrelocate_loop:ldr     r3, [r0], #4str     r3, [r1], #4cmp     r1, r2bne       .Lrelocate_loop/* we're relocated, jump to the right address */ldr     r0, =.Lstack_setupbx       r0.ltorg
warm_boot_tag:.word 0
#endif.Lstack_setup:/* set up the stack for irq, fiq, abort, undefined, system/user, and lastly supervisor mode */mrs     r0, cpsrbic     r0, r0, #0x1fldr      r2, =abort_stack_toporr     r1, r0, #0x12 // irqmsr     cpsr_c, r1ldr      r13, =irq_save_spot        /* save a pointer to a temporary dumping spot used during irq delivery */orr     r1, r0, #0x11 // fiqmsr     cpsr_c, r1mov      sp, r2orr     r1, r0, #0x17 // abortmsr     cpsr_c, r1mov       sp, r2orr     r1, r0, #0x1b // undefinedmsr     cpsr_c, r1mov       sp, r2orr     r1, r0, #0x1f // systemmsr     cpsr_c, r1mov      sp, r2orr       r1, r0, #0x13 // supervisormsr      cpsr_c, r1mov       sp, r2/* copy the initialized data segment out of rom if necessary */ldr        r0, =__data_start_romldr       r1, =__data_startldr       r2, =__data_endcmp     r0, r1beq       .L__do_bss.L__copy_loop:cmp     r1, r2ldrlt r3, [r0], #4strlt   r3, [r1], #4blt     .L__copy_loop.L__do_bss:/* clear out the bss */ldr      r0, =__bss_startldr        r1, =_endmov       r2, #0
.L__bss_loop:cmp        r0, r1strlt r2, [r0], #4blt     .L__bss_loop#if defined(ARM_CPU_CORTEX_A8) || defined(ARM_CPU_CORTEX_A9)DSBISB
#endifbl        kmainb      ..ltorg.bss
.align 2/* the abort stack is for unrecoverable errors.* also note the initial working stack is set to here.* when the threading system starts up it'll switch to a new * dynamically allocated stack, so we don't need it for very long*/
abort_stack:.skip 1024
abort_stack_top:.section ".rodata"
.align 2/* define the heap end as read-only data containing the end defined in the* linker script. other archs that use dynamic memory length discovery can make* this read-write and update it during init.*/
.global _heap_end
_heap_end:.int _end_of_ram



/** Copyright (c) 2008 Travis Geiselbrecht** Copyright (c) 2009, Code Aurora Forum. All rights reserved.** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining* a copy of this software and associated documentation files* (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,* including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,* publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,* and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,* subject to the following conditions:** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.** THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT,* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.*/
#include <compiler.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <app.h>
#include <arch.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <target.h>
#include <lib/heap.h>
#include <kernel/thread.h>
#include <kernel/timer.h>
#include <kernel/dpc.h>
#include <platform/mt_gpt.h>#ifdef MTK_LK_IRRX_SUPPORT
#include <platform/mtk_ir_lk_core.h>
#endifextern void *__ctor_list;
extern void *__ctor_end;
extern int __bss_start;
extern int _end;/* boot_time is calculated form kmain to kernel jump */
volatile unsigned int boot_time = 0;static int bootstrap2(void *arg);#if (ENABLE_NANDWRITE)
void bootstrap_nandwrite(void);
#endifstatic void call_constructors(void)
{void **ctor;ctor = &__ctor_list;while(ctor != &__ctor_end) {void (*func)(void);func = (void (*)())*ctor;func();ctor++;}
}/* called from crt0.S */
void kmain(void) __NO_RETURN __EXTERNALLY_VISIBLE;
void kmain(void)
#if !defined(MACH_FPGA) && !defined(SB_LK_BRINGUP)boot_time = get_timer(0);
#endif// get us into some sort of thread contextthread_init_early();// early arch stuffarch_early_init();// do any super early platform initializationplatform_early_init();#if defined(MACH_FPGA) || defined(SB_LK_BRINGUP)boot_time = get_timer(0);
#endif// do any super early target initializationtarget_early_init();dprintf(INFO, "welcome to lk\n\n");// deal with any static constructorsdprintf(SPEW, "calling constructors\n");call_constructors();// bring up the kernel heapdprintf(SPEW, "initializing heap\n");heap_init();// initialize the threading systemdprintf(SPEW, "initializing threads\n");thread_init();// initialize the dpc systemdprintf(SPEW, "initializing dpc\n");dpc_init();// initialize kernel timersdprintf(SPEW, "initializing timers\n");timer_init();#ifdef  MTK_LK_IRRX_SUPPORTmtk_ir_init(0);
#endif#if (!ENABLE_NANDWRITE)// create a thread to complete system initializationdprintf(SPEW, "creating bootstrap completion thread\n");thread_resume(thread_create("bootstrap2", &bootstrap2, NULL, DEFAULT_PRIORITY, DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE));// enable interruptsexit_critical_section();// become the idle threadthread_become_idle();
}int main(void);static int bootstrap2(void *arg)
{dprintf(SPEW, "top of bootstrap2()\n");arch_init();// XXX put this somewhere else
#if WITH_LIB_BIObio_init();
#if WITH_LIB_FSfs_init();
#endif// initialize the rest of the platformdprintf(SPEW, "initializing platform\n");platform_init();// initialize the targetdprintf(SPEW, "initializing target\n");target_init();dprintf(SPEW, "calling apps_init()\n");apps_init();return 0;
void bootstrap_nandwrite(void)
{dprintf(SPEW, "top of bootstrap2()\n");arch_init();// initialize the rest of the platformdprintf(SPEW, "initializing platform\n");platform_init();// initialize the targetdprintf(SPEW, "initializing target\n");target_init();dprintf(SPEW, "calling nandwrite_init()\n");nandwrite_init();return 0;


void platform_init(void)
#ifdef LK_PROFILINGunsigned int time_nand_emmc;unsigned int time_led_init;unsigned int time_env;unsigned int time_disp_init;unsigned int time_load_logo;unsigned int time_backlight;unsigned int time_boot_mode;
#ifdef MTK_SECURITY_SW_SUPPORTunsigned int time_security_init;
#endifunsigned int time_bat_init;unsigned int time_RTC_boot_Check;unsigned int time_show_logo;unsigned int time_sw_env;unsigned int time_platform_init;time_platform_init = get_timer(0);
#endifdprintf(CRITICAL," ==LK info ==\n");dprintf(CRITICAL," Build time:%s, %s\n",  __DATE__,__TIME__);dprintf(CRITICAL," chip_code[0x%x]\n",  mt_get_chip_hw_code());dprintf(CRITICAL," chip_ver[0x%x]\n",   mt_get_chip_sw_ver());dprintf(CRITICAL," ==LK info ==\n");dprintf(CRITICAL, "platform_init()\n");#ifdef DUMMY_APdummy_ap_entry();
#endif#ifdef LK_PROFILINGtime_nand_emmc = get_timer(0);
#ifdef MTK_EMMC_SUPPORTmmc_legacy_init(1);
#ifndef MACH_FPGAnand_init();nand_driver_test();
#ifdef LK_PROFILINGdprintf(INFO, "[PROFILE] ------- NAND/EMMC init takes %d ms -------- \n", (int)get_timer(time_nand_emmc));
#if defined(CFG_DTB_EARLY_LOADER_SUPPORT)if (bldr_load_dtb()<0)dprintf(CRITICAL, "bldr_load_dtb fail\n");
#endif#ifndef MACH_FPGA
#ifdef LK_PROFILINGtime_led_init = get_timer(0);
#ifdef LK_PROFILINGdprintf(INFO, "[PROFILE] ------- led init takes %d ms -------- \n", (int)get_timer(time_led_init));
#endif#ifdef MTK_KERNEL_POWER_OFF_CHARGINGif ((g_boot_arg->boot_reason == BR_USB) && (upmu_is_chr_det() == KAL_FALSE)) {dprintf(INFO, "[%s] Unplugged Charger/Usb between Pre-loader and Uboot in Kernel Charging Mode, Power Off \n", __func__);mt6575_power_off();}
#endif#ifdef LK_PROFILINGtime_env = get_timer(0);
#ifdef LK_PROFILINGdprintf(INFO, "[PROFILE] ------- ENV init takes %d ms -------- \n", (int)get_timer(time_env));
#endif#ifdef LK_PROFILINGtime_disp_init = get_timer(0);
#endif/* initialize the frame buffet information */
#ifndef MACH_FPGA_NO_DISPLAYg_fb_size = mt_disp_get_vram_size();
#elseg_fb_size = 0x1000000;
#if 0g_fb_base = memory_size() - g_fb_size + DRAM_PHY_ADDR;
#else#if 0if (g_is_64bit_kernel) {g_fb_base = mblock_reserve(&g_boot_arg->mblock_info, g_fb_size, 0x200000, 0x100000000, RANKMAX);g_fb_base = ALIGN_TO(g_fb_base,0x200000); // size 2MB align} else {g_fb_base = mblock_reserve(&g_boot_arg->mblock_info, g_fb_size, 0x100000, 0x100000000, RANKMAX);}
#elseg_fb_base = mblock_reserve(&g_boot_arg->mblock_info, g_fb_size, 0x10000, 0x100000000, RANKMAX);
#endifif (!g_fb_base) {/* ERROR */}
#endifdprintf(CRITICAL, "FB base = 0x%x, FB size = %d\n", g_fb_base, g_fb_size);#ifndef MACH_FPGA_NO_DISPLAYmt_disp_init((void *)g_fb_base);/* show black picture fisrtly in case of  backlight is on before nothing is drawed*/mt_disp_fill_rect(0, 0, CFG_DISPLAY_WIDTH, CFG_DISPLAY_HEIGHT, 0x0);mt_disp_update(0, 0, CFG_DISPLAY_WIDTH, CFG_DISPLAY_HEIGHT);
#ifdef LK_PROFILINGdprintf(INFO, "[PROFILE] ------- disp init takes %d ms -------- \n", (int)get_timer(time_disp_init));
#ifdef LK_PROFILINGtime_security_init = get_timer(0);
#endif/* initialize security library */
#ifdef MTK_NEW_COMBO_EMMC_SUPPORTsec_func_init(3);
#ifdef LK_PROFILINGdprintf(INFO,"[PROFILE] ------- Security init takes %d ms -------- \n", (int)get_timer(time_security_init));
#endifseclib_set_oemkey(g_oemkey, OEM_PUBK_SZ);/*Verify logo before use it*/if ( 0 != sec_logo_check() ) {dprintf(CRITICAL,"<ASSERT> %s:line %d\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);while (1);}
#endif#ifdef LK_PROFILINGtime_load_logo = get_timer(0);
#endifdrv_video_init();mboot_common_load_logo((unsigned long)mt_get_logo_db_addr_pa(), "logo");
#ifdef LK_PROFILINGdprintf(INFO, "[PROFILE] ------- load_logo takes %d ms -------- \n", (int)get_timer(time_load_logo));
#endif/*for kpd pmic mode setting*/set_kpd_pmic_mode();#ifndef MACH_FPGA
#ifdef LK_PROFILINGtime_boot_mode = get_timer(0);
#ifdef LK_PROFILINGdprintf(INFO, "[PROFILE] ------- boot mode select takes %d ms -------- \n", (int)get_timer(time_boot_mode));
#endif/*Show download logo & message on screen */if (g_boot_arg->boot_mode == DOWNLOAD_BOOT) {dprintf(CRITICAL, "[LK] boot mode is DOWNLOAD_BOOT\n");#ifdef MTK_SECURITY_SW_SUPPORT/* verify da before jumping to da*/if (sec_usbdl_enabled()) {u8  *da_addr = (u8*)g_boot_arg->da_info.addr;u32 da_len   = g_boot_arg->da_info.len;u32 sig_len  = g_boot_arg->da_info.sig_len;u8  *sig_addr = (unsigned char *)da_addr + (da_len - sig_len);if (da_len == 0 || sig_len == 0) {dprintf(INFO, "[LK] da argument is invalid\n");dprintf(INFO, "da_addr = 0x%x\n", (int)da_addr);dprintf(INFO, "da_len  = 0x%x\n", da_len);dprintf(INFO, "sig_len = 0x%x\n", sig_len);}if (sec_usbdl_verify_da(da_addr, (da_len - sig_len), sig_addr, sig_len)) {/* da verify fail */video_printf(" => Not authenticated tool, download stop...\n");while (1); /* fix me, should not be infinite loop in lk */}} else
#endif{dprintf(INFO, " DA verification disabled...\n");}#ifndef MACH_FPGA_NO_DISPLAYmt_disp_show_boot_logo();
#endifvideo_printf(" => Downloading...\n");dprintf(CRITICAL, "enable backlight after show bootlogo! \n");mt65xx_backlight_on();mtk_wdt_disable(); //Disable wdt before jump to DAplatform_uninit();
#ifdef HAVE_CACHE_PL310l2_disable();
#ifdef ENABLE_L2_SHARINGconfig_shared_SRAM_size();
#endifjump_da(g_boot_arg->da_info.addr, g_boot_arg->da_info.arg1, g_boot_arg->da_info.arg2);}#ifdef LK_PROFILINGtime_bat_init = get_timer(0);
#ifdef LK_PROFILINGdprintf(INFO, "[PROFILE] ------- battery init takes %d ms -------- \n", (int)get_timer(time_bat_init));
#endif#ifndef CFG_POWER_CHARGING
#ifdef LK_PROFILINGtime_RTC_boot_Check = get_timer(0);
#endif/* NOTE: if define CFG_POWER_CHARGING, will rtc_boot_check() in mt65xx_bat_init() */rtc_boot_check(false);
#ifdef LK_PROFILINGdprintf(INFO, "[PROFILE] ------- RTC boot check Init  takes %d ms -------- \n", (int)get_timer(time_RTC_boot_Check));
#endif#ifdef LK_PROFILINGtime_show_logo = get_timer(0);
#ifdef MTK_KERNEL_POWER_OFF_CHARGINGif (kernel_charging_boot() == 1) {
#ifdef MTK_BATLOWV_NO_PANEL_ON_EARLYCHARGER_TYPE CHR_Type_num = CHARGER_UNKNOWN;CHR_Type_num = hw_charging_get_charger_type();if ((g_boot_mode != LOW_POWER_OFF_CHARGING_BOOT) ||((CHR_Type_num != STANDARD_HOST) && (CHR_Type_num != NONSTANDARD_CHARGER))) {
#endifmt_disp_power(TRUE);mt_disp_show_low_battery();mt65xx_leds_brightness_set(6, 110);
#endif} else if (g_boot_mode != KERNEL_POWER_OFF_CHARGING_BOOT && g_boot_mode != LOW_POWER_OFF_CHARGING_BOOT) {if (g_boot_mode != ALARM_BOOT && (g_boot_mode != FASTBOOT)) {
#ifndef MACH_FPGA_NO_DISPLAYmt_disp_show_boot_logo();
#elseif (g_boot_mode != ALARM_BOOT && (g_boot_mode != FASTBOOT)) {
#ifndef MACH_FPGA_NO_DISPLAYmt_disp_show_boot_logo();
#ifdef LK_PROFILINGtime_backlight = get_timer(0);
#endif#ifdef MTK_BATLOWV_NO_PANEL_ON_EARLYif (!is_low_battery(0)) {
#ifndef MACH_FPGA_NO_DISPLAY//pwm need display sofmt_disp_update(0, 0, CFG_DISPLAY_WIDTH, CFG_DISPLAY_HEIGHT);
#endif#ifdef LK_PROFILINGdprintf(INFO, "[PROFILE] ------- backlight takes %d ms -------- \n", (int)get_timer(time_backlight));
#endif#ifdef LK_PROFILINGdprintf(INFO, "[PROFILE] ------- show logo takes %d ms -------- \n", (int)get_timer(time_show_logo));
#endif#ifndef MACH_FPGA
#ifdef LK_PROFILINGtime_sw_env = get_timer(0);
#ifdef LK_PROFILINGdprintf(INFO, "[PROFILE] ------- sw_env takes %d ms -------- \n", (int)get_timer(time_sw_env));
#endif#ifdef LK_PROFILINGdprintf(INFO, "[PROFILE] ------- platform_init takes %d ms -------- \n", (int)get_timer(time_platform_init));


void mt_boot_init(const struct app_descriptor *app)
{unsigned usb_init = 0;unsigned sz = 0;int sec_ret = 0;
#ifdef SERIAL_NUM_FROM_BARCODEchar tmp[SN_BUF_LEN+1] = {0};unsigned ser_len = 0;
#ifdef CONFIG_MTK_USB_UNIQUE_SERIALu64 key;u32 chip_code;
#endifchar serial_num[SERIALNO_LEN];#ifdef CONFIG_MTK_USB_UNIQUE_SERIAL/* Please enable EFUSE clock in platform.c before reading sn key *//* serial string adding */key = get_devinfo_with_index(13);key = (key << 32) | (unsigned int)get_devinfo_with_index(12);chip_code = board_machtype();if (key != 0)get_serial(key, chip_code, serial_num);elsememcpy(serial_num, DEFAULT_SERIAL_NUM, SN_BUF_LEN);/* copy serial from serial_num to sn_buf */memcpy(sn_buf, serial_num, SN_BUF_LEN);dprintf(CRITICAL,"serial number %s\n",serial_num);
#elsememcpy(sn_buf, DEFAULT_SERIAL_NUM, strlen(DEFAULT_SERIAL_NUM));
#endif#ifdef SERIAL_NUM_FROM_BARCODEser_len = read_product_info(tmp);if (ser_len == 0) {ser_len = strlen(DEFAULT_SERIAL_NUM);strncpy(tmp, DEFAULT_SERIAL_NUM, ser_len);}memset( sn_buf, 0, sizeof(sn_buf));strncpy( sn_buf, tmp, ser_len);
#endifsn_buf[SN_BUF_LEN] = '\0';surf_udc_device.serialno = sn_buf;if (g_boot_mode == FASTBOOT)goto fastboot;#ifdef MTK_SECURITY_SW_SUPPORT/* Do not block fastboot if check failed */if (0 != sec_boot_check(0)) {dprintf(CRITICAL,"<ASSERT> %s:line %d\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);while (1);}
#endifextern void platform_sec_post_init(void)__attribute__((weak));if (platform_sec_post_init) {platform_sec_post_init();}/* Will not return */boot_linux_from_storage();fastboot:target_fastboot_init();if (!usb_init)/*Hong-Rong: wait for porting*/udc_init(&surf_udc_device);mt_part_dump();sz = target_get_max_flash_size();fastboot_init(target_get_scratch_address(), sz);udc_start();}APP_START(mt_boot)
.init = mt_boot_init,APP_END


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