
Error 1:

$ ndk-build
/cygdrive/c/andy/abc/obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/abc//hellow.o.d:1: ***  multiple target patterns . Stop.

quick fix: Delete Obj folder from “C:\andy\prjM\obj\local\armeabi-v7a” then run ndk-build
or refer this

Error 2:
Android.mk:44: ***  commands commence before first target . Stop.
fix: Check there are no comments,no space ,no empty line in the src includes of Android.mk

For example:

  1. LOCAL_SRC_FILES :=file1.cpp\
  2. file1al.cpp\
  3. #file1atures.cpp\
  4. file1r.cpp\
  5. file1le.cpp\
  6. Satfile1.cpp\
  7. Sfile1l.cpp\
  8. file1e.cpp\
  9. Sfile1face.cpp\


3rd line has #, 4th line has space(check with cursor),5th line is empty line


  1. LOCAL_SRC_FILES :=file1.cpp\
  2. file1al.cpp\
  3. file1atures.cp\
  4. file1r.cpp\
  5. file1le.cpp\
  6. Satfile1.cpp\
  7. Sfile1l.cpp\
  8. file1e.cpp\
  9. Sfile1face.cpp\


Error 3:
$ ndk-build clean
Android NDK: Could not find application project directory !
Android NDK: Please define the NDK_PROJECT_PATH variable to point to it.
/cygdrive/c/android-ndk-r4b/build/core/build-local.mk:85: ***  Android NDK: Aborting  . Stop.

Fix: include Android.mk location inside global application.mk and Android.mk
Run the command from the parent directory with app.mk and and.mk resides

Error 4:

Please define ANDROID_NDK_ROOT to point to the root of your Android NDK installation.
Use case while executing shell script xxx-desktop:~/bin/u/android-ndk-r5/build/tools$ ./rebuild-all-prebuilt.sh 
Please define ANDROID_NDK_ROOT to point to the root of your Android NDK installation.

// Run the script inside NDK root directory like shown below
xxx-desktop:~/bin/u/android-ndk-r5/build/tools$ cd ..
xxx-desktop:~/bin/u/android-ndk-r5/build$ cd ..
xxxx-desktop:~/bin/u/android-ndk-r5$ ./build/tools/rebuild-all-prebuilt.sh

Error 5: NDK r5 app(native-activity,native-audio,native-plasma) build problem Compiling native-activity,native-audio,native-plasma on ndk-r5 give compile errors stating header not found and  so on ……

Quick fix:  Rebuild all prebuilt

i;e execute shell script rebuild-all-prebuilt.sh to build on latest toolchain provided by android which will take for a while (atleast on my pc)

xxx-desktop:~/bin/u/android-ndk-r5$ ./build/tools/rebuild-all-prebuilt.sh
To follow build in another terminal, please use: tail -F /tmp/ndk-toolchain/build-CtAG7s/log.txt
Download sources from android.git.kernel.org
Using git clone prefix: git://android.git.kernel.org/toolchain
downloading sources for toolchain/binutils
downloading sources for toolchain/build
downloading sources for toolchain/gcc
downloading sources for toolchain/gdb
downloading sources for toolchain/gmp
downloading sources for toolchain/gold
downloading sources for toolchain/mpfr
Patching toolchain sources
Toolchain sources downloaded and copied to /tmp/ndk-toolchain/build-CtAG7s/src
Cleaning up...
Building arm-eabi-4.4.0 toolchain... (this can be long)
ERROR: Could bot build arm-eabi-4.4.0 toolchain!

Now change to native-activity folder and call ndk-build for successful libnative-activity.so

xxx-desktop:~/bin/u/android-ndk-r5/samples/native-activity$ ndk-build
Compile thumb  : native-activity <= main.c
Compile thumb  : android_native_app_glue <= android_native_app_glue.c
StaticLibrary  : libandroid_native_app_glue.a
SharedLibrary  : libnative-activity.so
Install        : libnative-activity.so => libs/armeabi/libnative-activity.so

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