



And a number of oil-producing countries are trimming their gasoline subsidies and raising taxes, so the net savings for global consumers is not as big as the oil price plunge might suggest.


And given the weak job opportunities facing young adults, living at home was part of the private safety net helping young adults to weather the economic storm.

2019年6月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

The most well-known aspect of the profession is that of a social safety net.


He surveyed 165 households, most of which had a net worth of $25m or more


By some studies, the safety nets for retirees have reduced fertility rates by 0.5 By some studies, the safety nets for retirees have reduced fertility rates by 0.5 children in the United States and almost 1.0 in Western Europe, reports economist Robert Stein in the journal National Affairs.0 in Western Europe, reports economist Robert Stein in the journal National Affairs.


There is no chance that will change anytime soon, even if the government creates a better social safety net and successfully encourages greater consumer spending.


In 2008 the net cost of attending a four-year public university – after financial aid – equaled 28% of median (中间的) family income, while a four-year private university cost 76% of median family income.


Yet the consensus among most economists is that immigration, both legal and illegal, provides a small net boost to the economy


The irony is that for all the overexcited debate, the net effect of immigration is minimal.


But when all those factors are put together and the economists calculate the numbers, it ends up being a net positive, but a small one


It will take longer to reconnect the computers to the Net.


A steady stream of similar headlines accuse the Net and its offspring apps, social media sites and online games of addicting us to distraction.

2017年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

Anything you do that advances your presence—especially in a larger sphere, outside the communities you know一is a net win.

2017年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

Nicholas Carr, author of The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, wrote, "The net is designed to be an interruption system, a machine geared to dividing attention."

2017年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

There's little doubt that nearly everyone who comes in contact with the Net has difficulty disconnecting.

2017年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

As the first signs of recovery begin to take hold, deputy chiefs may be more willing to make the jump without a net.


It reported a net loss of $5.6 billion for fiscal 2016, the 10th straight year its expenses have exceeded revenue.


Finally,because automation threatens to widen the gap between capital income and labor income, taxes and the safety net will have to be rethought.


finally, because automation threatens to widen the gap between capital income and labor income, taxes and the safety net will have to be rethought.

2018年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ


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