
Have you ever tried to install an extension or theme in Firefox and received the irritating “Invalid file hash (possible download corruption)” error message? Now you can work on resolving that problem with the following work-arounds.

您是否曾经尝试在Firefox中安装扩展程序或主题并收到令人讨厌的“无效的文件哈希(可能的下载损坏)”错误消息? 现在,您可以使用以下解决方法来解决该问题。

The Infamous Message Window


This is probably the most irritating message window that is associated with installing extensions or themes in Firefox. For whatever reason, you start the installation and get this. Not good at all! So what do you do about it?

这可能是与在Firefox中安装扩展程序或主题相关的最令人讨厌的消息窗口。 无论出于何种原因,您都可以开始安装并进行安装。 一点都不好! 那你怎么办呢?

Possible Work-Arounds


Try the following methods to see if one will help get those problem extensions or themes installed.


Method 1 – Enable Third Party Cookies

方法1 –启用第三方Cookie

  1. Go to the Tools Menu and select Options. 转到工具菜单,然后选择选项。
  2. Once the Options Window is open, choose the Privacy Tab 打开“选项”窗口后,选择“隐私”选项卡
  3. Select “Use custom settings for history” to in order to access the additional options 选择“使用历史记录的自定义设置”以访问其他选项
  4. Make certain that “Accept third-party cookies” is selected 确保已选择“接受第三方cookie”
  5. Click “OK”. (Restarting Firefox is recommended) 点击“确定”。 (建议重新启动Firefox)

Method 2 – Manually Install The Extension

方法2 –手动安装扩展

  1. Right click on the extension or theme install link and select “Save Link As” 右键点击扩展程序或主题安装链接,然后选择“链接另存为”
  2. Once you have saved the extension or theme, drag the file into the Add-ons Manager Window with your mouse 保存扩展名或主题后,用鼠标将文件拖到“加载项管理器”窗口中

Note: If for some reason manually installing the extension or theme still fails, there is a possibility that your anti-virus or another download monitoring software may be corrupting the file. In this case you could download the extension or theme on another computer and transfer it using a flash drive.

注意:如果由于某种原因手动安装扩展程序或主题仍然失败,则可能是您的防病毒软件或其他下载监视软件可能损坏了该文件。 在这种情况下,您可以将扩展名或主题下载到另一台计算机上,然后使用闪存驱动器进行传输。

Method 3 – Clear The Cache

方法3 –清除缓存

  1. Go to the Tools Menu and select Options. 转到工具菜单,然后选择选项。
  2. Once the Options Window is open, choose the Privacy Tab 打开“选项”窗口后,选择“隐私”选项卡
  3. Select “Use custom settings for history” to in order to access the additional options 选择“使用历史记录的自定义设置”以访问其他选项
  4. Select “Clear history when Firefox closes” and then click on the “Settings Button” 选择“在Firefox关闭时清除历史记录”,然后单击“设置按钮”
  5. Make certain that “Cache” is selected in the Settings Window (other options can all be deselected based on your needs) 确保在“设置”窗口中选择了“缓存”(可以根据需要取消选择所有其他选项)
  6. Restart Firefox 重新启动Firefox

Method 4 – Restart Firefox After “Failed Add-on Installation”

方法4 –“附加组件安装失败”后重新启动Firefox

  • If you are installing directly from the Mozilla Add-ons website, there could be a problem with the Mozilla Add-ons website database or with a broken mirror website. Restart Firefox to see if the extension or theme did install regardless of the“Invalid file hash (possible download corruption)” error message. 如果直接从Mozilla附加组件网站进行安装,则Mozilla附加组件网站数据库或镜像网站损坏可能存在问题。 重新启动Firefox,以查看扩展名或主题是否已安装,而不考虑“无效的文件哈希(可能的下载损坏)”错误消息。

Method 5 – Other Alternatives

方法5 –其他选择

  1. Try installing the extension or theme again at a later time 稍后再尝试安装扩展程序或主题
  2. Try installing the extension or theme from the add-on creator’s personal website 尝试从附加创作者的个人网站安装扩展程序或主题

Hopefully with these tips you can bypass the error and enjoy more Firefox Add-on goodness.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/2901/work-arounds-for-failed-extension-theme-installs-in-firefox/



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