PassMark Software - PC Benchmark and Test Software - 软件和硬件基准测试

1. Software

1.1 Performance Test

Easy to use Benchmark software for Windows. PerformanceTest allows you to objectively benchmark a PC using twenty eight different speed tests over six test suites, then compare the results to other computers.

objectively [əb'dʒektɪvlɪ]:adv. 客观地
benchmark ['ben(t)ʃmɑːk]:n. 基准,标准检查程序 vt. 用基准问题测试

1.2 BurnInTest

Computer stability and reliability testing software for Windows & Linux. BurnInTest is a software tool that heavily loads all the major subsystems of a computer with the aim of thoroughly exercising the hardware in a PC in a short period of time.

stability [stə'bɪlɪtɪ]:n. 稳定性,坚定,恒心
reliability [rɪ,laɪə'bɪlətɪ]:n. 可靠性
thoroughly [ˈθʌrəli]:adv. 彻底地,完全地

2. Benchmarks

2.1 CPU Benchmarks

PassMark Software has delved into the thousands of benchmark results that PerformanceTest users have posted to its web site and produced nineteen Intel vs AMD CPU charts to help compare the relative speeds of the different processors. Included in this list are CPUs designed for servers and workstations (Intel Xeon and AMD Opteron processors), desktop CPUs (Intel Core2 Quad, Intel Core i7, and Intel Core2 Extreme), in addition to mobile CPUs.

delve [delv]:vi. 钻研,探究,挖 vt. 钻研,探究,挖 n. 穴,洞
quad [kwɒd]:n. 四方院子,四胞胎之一,嵌条,成套的四件东西
extreme [ɪk'striːm; ek-]:adj. 极端的,极度的,偏激的,尽头的 n. 极端,末端,最大程度,极端的事物
Core 2,酷睿2

2.2 Videocard Benchmarks

2.3 Hard Drive Benchmarks

2.4 Memory Benchmarks

2.5 System Benchmarks

2.6 AndroidTM Benchmarks

2.7 iPhoneTM Benchmarks

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