
Smart thermostats are known for their energy efficiency, but if you want to get an in-depth look at how much money they’ve saved you on your bills, the Ecobee lets you take a peek at all sorts of usage information.


The Nest Thermostat allows you to view its usage history as well, but it’s not nearly as in depth as the Ecobee’s usage history reports. Ecobee calls its usage-monitoring tool Home IQ, and it’s the place where you’ll find everything you need when it comes to seeing just how efficient your HVAC is. Here’s how to access all of that information.

Nest Thermostat也可让您查看其使用历史记录 ,但其深度不如Ecobee的使用历史记录报告那么深。 Ecobee将其使用情况监控工具称为Home IQ,在这里您可以找到所需的一切,以了解HVAC的效率。 这是访问所有这些信息的方法。

To begin, go to Ecobee’s website on any computer and click “Login” at the top. Unfortunately, the only way to view your Ecobee’s usage history and reports is through the web interface.

首先,在任何计算机上访问Ecobee的网站,然后单击顶部的“登录”。 不幸的是,查看Ecobee使用历史和报告的唯一方法是通过Web界面。

Enter in your username and password, and then click “Sign In”.


Click on “Home IQ”.


If you see the below screen, it means that your Ecobee hasn’t been in use for long enough. It needs a full month before it begins providing usage history and other information.

如果您看到以下屏幕,则表明您的Ecobee没使用很长时间了。 开始提供使用历史记录和其他信息需要一个月的时间。

However, if you open up Home IQ and there are several sections to choose from, then you’re good to go. On the far left, you have the total runtime for the previous month. In the middle, there’s the community comparison, which compares your HVAC’s runtime with other houses in your state. In the upper-right corner is Home Efficiency, which compares how well your home retains thermal energy compared to other homes in your state using data from other Ecobee owners. And in the bottom-right corner is the System Monitor, which shows you what times your HVAC system ran, what the temperature was set to, and what the outside temperature was at the time.

但是,如果您打开Home IQ,并且有几个部分可供选择,那么您就很好了。 最左侧是上个月的总运行时间。 在中间,有一个社区比较,它将您的HVAC运行时间与您所在州的其他房屋进行比较。 右上角是“家庭效率”,它使用来自其他Ecobee所有者的数据与您所在州的其他房屋相比,比较了您的房屋保留热能的程度。 右下角是系统监视器,它向您显示HVAC系统运行的时间,设定的温度以及当时的外部温度。

Click on “See Your Monthly Report” on the far left side. This will open up the total runtime screen.

单击最左侧的“查看您的月度报告”。 这将打开总的运行时屏幕。

The red bar shows the total runtime of your HVAC system during the previous month, and the orange bar above that is an estimate of the total runtime if you kept the indoor temperature set to 72 degrees. Based on this information, Ecobee tells you how much you save every month over on the right side.

红色条显示的是上个月HVAC系统的总运行时间,如果将室内温度设置为72度,则上面的橙色条是对总运行时间的估计。 根据此信息,Ecobee会告诉您每月在右侧节省了多少。

Next, click on Community Comparisons in the sidebar on the left-hand side.


On this page, you’ll see your total runtime savings compared to the average savings in your state. Below that, you can see a more descriptive breakdown based on your different Comfort Settings, and which ones are saving you more or less.

在此页面上,您将看到总的运行时间节省与您所在州的平均节省相比。 在此之下,您可以根据您的不同“舒适设置”查看更具描述性的细分,以及哪些设置或多或少为您节省了时间。

After that, click on “Home Efficiency” in the left-hand sidebar.


This is a simple screen that shows how efficient your house is compared to other homes in your state. Basically, it shows how well your house retains its thermal energy. If your house does this well, your HVAC system doesn’t have to work as hard and long to reach the desired indoor temperature.

这是一个简单的屏幕,显示了您的房屋与您所在州的其他房屋相比的效率。 基本上,它表明您的房屋保留其热能的程度。 如果您的房子做得很好,则您的HVAC系统不必花那么长时间就能达到所需的室内温度。

Next, click on System Monitor in the sidebar on the left-hand side.


This is likely what you’ll look at the most. The System Monitor shows when your HVAC system turned on and off, and it also shows the set temperature, the actual temperature in the house, and the outside temperature to compare it all with each other. For our house, the HVAC only comes on the evenings and the A/C cranks up a bit once we go to sleep so that it’s nice and cool in our bedroom.

这可能是您最会看的东西。 系统监视器显示打开和关闭HVAC系统的时间,还显示设定温度,房屋中的实际温度和室外温度,以将它们相互比较。 对于我们的房子,HVAC仅在晚上使用,并且一旦我们入睡,空调就会有点弯曲,这样在我们的卧室里既凉爽又凉爽。

Another cool feature of the Ecobee’s usage history is “Weather Impact”, which you can click on towards the bottom in the sidebar.


This shows how much the weather affects the runtime of your HVAC system on any given day. The higher the blue bars, the more your heating or cooling ran for that day.

这显示了天气在任何一天对HVAC系统运行时间的影响。 蓝色条越高,当天的加热或冷却越多。

Overall, the Ecobee knocks it out of the park with its usage history and various other runtime data. The Nest Thermostat’s usage history, while pretty, is fairly basic and doesn’t provide a whole lot of other details other than total runtime.

总体而言,Ecobee凭借其使用历史记录和各种其他运行时数据将其淘汰。 Nest Thermostat的使用记录虽然很漂亮,但相当基本,除了总运行时间外,未提供很多其他详细信息。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/263460/how-to-view-your-ecobee3-thermostat’s-usage-history/



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