The font options included with the Kindle are certainly serviceable, but why limit yourself? Today we’ll show you how to easily swap out the font files on your Kindle for a completely customized reading experience.

Kindle随附的字体选项当然可以使用,但是为什么要限制自己呢? 今天,我们将向您展示如何轻松替换Kindle上的字体文件,以实现完全自定义的阅读体验。

Why customize the font? Why not! It’s your ebook reader and if you want the font to be crisper, thicker, look like it belongs on Star Trek, or pack more words per line, there’s no need to let Amazon’s design decisions stand in your way. Today we’re going to show you how you can install new fonts on your Amazon Kindle with free tools and about 20 minutes of tinkering (most of which will be spent waiting for the Kindle to reboot and rebuild the fonts).

为什么要自定义字体? 为什么不! 它是您的电子书阅读器,如果您希望字体更清晰,更粗,看起来像属于《星际迷航》一样,或者每行包含更多单词,则无需让Amazon的设计决策受阻。 今天,我们将向您展示如何使用免费工具在Amazon Kindle上安装新字体,并进行大约20分钟的修补(其中大部分时间将用于等待Kindle重新启动并重建字体)。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)


For this hack you’ll need the following things


  • A Jailbroken Kindle (not jailbroken yet? No problem, see our notes below)越狱的Kindle(还没有越狱?没问题,请参阅下面的注释)
  • A free copy of the NiLuJe’s Fonts HackNiLuJe的Fonts Hack的免费副本
  • A Kindle/Micro USB Sync CableKindle / Micro USB同步电缆

If your Kindle isn’t already jailbroken, don’t panic. It’s a free, simple, and easy hack to execute. If you’ve already hacked your Kindle for custom screensavers, you don’t need to worry about jailbreaking as you did so to enable the screensavers.

如果您的Kindle尚未越狱,请不要惊慌。 这是一个免费,简单且易于执行的技巧。 如果您已经用Kindle定制了屏幕保护程序,则无需担心越狱即可启用屏幕保护程序。

If you need to jailbreak, you can download the latest jailbreak here and then follow the jailbreaking steps in the Kindle screensaver guide to get up to speed.


应用字体黑客 (Applying the Font Hack)

In order to apply the font hack you first need to download the appropriate pack for your device. Unlike the other Kindle hack packs that include all the BIN files for every Kindle, the files for the font hack are a little bit larger and the packages have been split.

为了应用字体破解,您首先需要下载适合您设备的软件包。 与其他Kindle hack软件包(包括每个Kindle的所有BIN文件)不同,字体hack的文件要大一些,并且软件包已拆分。

If you are using a K2 (Kindle 2), K2I (Kindle 2 International), DX (Kindle DX US), DXI (Kindle DX International)  or DXG (Kindle DX Graphite), you need to download the K2 Pack here.

如果您使用的是K2(Kindle 2),K2I(Kindle 2 International),DX(Kindle DX US),DXI(Kindle DX International)或DXG(Kindle DX Graphite),则需要在此处下载K2 Pack。

If you are using a K3G (Kindle 3 3G US) , K3W (Kindle 3 Wi-Fi)  or K3GB (Kindle 3 3G UK), you need to download the K3 Pack here.

如果您使用的是K3G(Kindle 3 3G US),K3W(Kindle 3 Wi-Fi)或K3GB(Kindle 3 3G UK),则需要在此处下载K3 Pack。

In our case, we’re using the Kindle 3  3G (K3G) so we’re grabbing the K3 Pack. Download the appropriate pack for your device, download it, and extract it. Within the resulting folder you’ll see a BIN file that corresponds to your Kindle device. In our case it’s the update_fonts_5.0.N_k3g_install.bin

在我们的案例中,我们使用的是Kindle 3 3G(K3G),因此我们抢购了K3 Pack。 下载适合您的设备的软件包,下载并解压缩。 在出现的文件夹中,您将看到一个与Kindle设备相对应的BIN文件。 在我们的例子中是update_fonts_5.0.N_k3g_install.bin

Plug your Kindle into your computer via the sync cable. Once mounted, copy the appropriate BIN file over to the root directory of your Kindle. Safely eject your Kindle.

通过同步电缆将Kindle插入计算机。 挂载后,将适当的BIN文件复制到Kindle的根目录。 安全弹出您的Kindle。

Once you’ve copied the file and ejected the Kindle, it’s time to install the update. While it only takes a few minutes, we strongly suggest having a full battery or plugging your Kindle into a wall charger before proceeding (we’ve had mixed results using the computer as a charging source during updating, so we advise against it).

复制文件并弹出Kindle之后,就该安装更新了。 虽然只需要几分钟,但我们强烈建议您在充满电之前将Kindle充满电或将Kindle插入壁式充电器中(在更新过程中,使用计算机作为充电源会产生不同的结果,因此建议您不要这样做)。

To install the update, navigate to the update menu by pressing Menu Button –> Settings-> Menu Button –> Update Your Kindle. The Kindle will confirm that you do indeed want to apply the update. Click OK.

要安装更新,请按菜单按钮->设置->菜单按钮->更新您的Kindle ,导航到更新菜单 Kindle将确认您确实要应用此更新。 单击确定。

Your Kindle will go through the update process which can take anywhere from 30 seconds to 10 minutes. When your Kindle restarts, the hack will be applied. You can confirm the hack either by mounting your Kindle and looking for the \linkfonts\ directly in the root or by just turning the Kindle back on and checking to see if the main menu fonts are different (don’t feel bad if you end up checking for the directory anyway, the first time we applied the hack we found ourselves second guessing if the fonts were really different).

您的Kindle将经历更新过程,此过程可能需要30秒到10分钟。 当您的Kindle重新启动时,将应用该hack。 您可以通过安装Kindle并直接在根目录中查找\ linkfonts \或通过仅打开Kindle并检查主菜单字体是否不同来确认黑客入侵(如果最终结果不会很糟)无论如何检查目录,我们第一次使用该hack程序时,我们发现自己是在猜测字体是否真的不同)。

Note: If you end up not liking the results you get from the Font Hack and want to return the the Amazon defaults, just repeat the steps above using the *uninstall.bin file.

注意:如果最终不喜欢从Font Hack中获得的结果,并且想要返回Amazon默认值,则只需使用* uninstall.bin文件重复上述步骤。

更改黑字体 (Changing the Hacked Fonts)

By default, the font changes aren’t super dramatic. The fonts included in the font pack are intended to subtly improve the default Kindle fonts. If you’re looking to mix it up with something more distinct, you can do so by swapping out the fonts in the \linkfonts\fonts\ folder. Before you rush to do that, however, we have some guidelines and resources to share in order to make your font tinkering headache free.

默认情况下,字体的变化不是很明显。 字体包中包含的字体旨在巧妙地改善默认Kindle字体。 如果您希望将其与其他功能区分开来,可以通过换掉\ linkfonts \ fonts \文件夹中的字体来实现。 但是,在您急着这样做之前,我们有一些准则和资源可以共享,以使您的字体免于烦恼。

First, there are some rules regarding which fonts you can swap out and how you have to name them. When you look in the \linkfonts\fonts\ folder you’ll see dozens of fonts. We strongly advise against messing with any fonts except for the following:

首先,有一些规则可以交换哪些字体以及如何命名它们。 当您查看\ linkfonts \ fonts \文件夹时,会看到数十种字体。 强烈建议您不要乱用除以下以外的所有字体:

If you delete them or swap them out with incompatible files, you risk making your Kindle unusable until you do some manual editing/swapping/rebooting to undo your mistake.


The easiest way to edit the book fonts is to grab pre-made packs compiled by MobileRead users. To that end, a really great resource is this Font Files and Samples site put together by Charles Reace. Charles has gathered up the most popular font packs, hosted them, and included samples of each font taken right from the Kindle so you can see exactly how they look before you go through the hassle of installing them. Just extract them, overwrite the files in the \fonts\ folder, and then restart your Kindle.

编辑书籍字体的最简单方法是获取由MobileRead用户编译的预制包。 为此,Charles Reace整理了这个Font Files and Samples网站,这是一个非常有用的资源。 Charles收集了最流行的字体包并将其托管,并提供了从Kindle直接获取的每种字体的样本,因此您在安装它们之前就可以准确地看到它们的外观。 只需提取它们,覆盖\ fonts \文件夹中的文件,然后重新启动Kindle。

Barring using the premade packs, you follow the advice of the Font Hack creator NiLuje in regard to naming conventions and what each font does:

除非使用预制的包装,否则您将遵循Font Hack创作者NiLuje的建议,以进行命名约定以及每种字体的作用:

  • Sans_Regular.ttf: Used in the Settings & Experimental page for the explanation texts. Also for the dictionnary/note popups.Sans_Regular.ttf:在“设置和实验”页面中用于说明文本。 也用于字典/注释弹出窗口。
  • Sans_Bold.ttf: Used in the menus, in the top & bottom panel, and as the collection title when browsing a collection, and the inline text in the book & collection browsers (ie. the ‘delete this item’ stuff & coSans_Bold.ttf:在菜单中,顶部和底部面板中使用,在浏览馆藏时用作馆藏标题,并在书籍和馆藏浏览器中用作内联文本(即“删除此项目”的内容
  • Sans_Italic.ttf: May be used alongside Sans_Regular or Sans_Bold somewhere ^^Sans_Italic.ttf:可以与Sans_Regular或Sans_Bold一起使用^^
  • Sans_BoldItalic.ttf: Used in the book list, for the collection namesSans_BoldItalic.ttf:在书籍列表中用于馆藏名称
  • Serif_*.ttf: Used in the reader, that’s the font family your books will be rendered with.Serif _ *。ttf:在阅读器中使用,即您的书籍将使用的字体系列。
  • Serif_Bold.ttf: Used in the book & collection browser for the book title & author. (NOTE: For these purposes, Serif_Regular is used instead on FW 3.x)Serif_Bold.ttf:在书籍和收藏浏览器中用于书籍标题和作者。 (注意:出于这些目的,在FW 3.x上使用Serif_Regular代替)
  • Mono_*.ttf: AFAICT, nowhere except in the browser, but I may be mistaken. (Might be used in the reader when you’re feeding it a raw txt file or some raw html files, depending on styling).Mono _ *。ttf:AFAICT,除浏览器外无其他地方,但我可能会误会。 (当您将原始txt文件或一些原始html文件提供给阅读器时,可能会在阅读器中使用它,具体取决于样式)。

When replacing files, we recommend renaming the files with the extension .old-tffso you can easily roll back your font changes in case something goes wrong.


That’s all there is to it! You can take the ultra easy route with the premade packs or dig deeper and build your own custom font pack.

这里的所有都是它的! 您可以采用预制包的超简单路线,也可以更深入地挖掘并构建自己的自定义字体包。



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