



A: Now, where were we? Oh yes, can you give us an idea about the statistical analysis?

B: Our analysis shows that we are very competitive. If you refer to the last page of thehandout, you will see a plot of our expenses vs. our profits for the last quarter. Do you think it'sneccesary to go over the expenses more in detail?

A: Unless anyone has specific questions, let's move on to the next point. Motion to acceptstatistical analysis report.

B: I move to accept.

A: Second?

C: I second.

A: all in favour? Motion pass. Now, let's get done to the nitty- gritty. We have all seen theperformance review reports, but I would like to discuss in detail our human resource'sagenda.

C: to get to the bottom of the issue, our problem with human resources is a lack of qualifiedapplicants, as well as not enough incentives to current employees. I recommendmanagement training for our executive staff.

A: I'm sorry, I don't think I understand. Can you please elaborate?

C: I'll explain again. Our human resources progam is failing for a multiple number of reasons,but I think the most important issue here is lack of emlployee incentives.


M: I've got to put together a sales pitch to give to our clients in the morning. You always givesuch amazing presentations, I was hoping you could give me some advice about how to winthem over tomorrow.

F: Sure, it's easy. First of all, the secret to a successful oral presentation is to keep thingssimple. People are listening and they usually don't have a long attention spans. Stick to aboutthree or four points, give an overview of the points, then present them one by one, and thensummarzie at the end. Be straightforward and organized and you're sure to be remembered.

M: What kind of visuals should I use to support the presentation? Do you think I should usepowerpoint?

F: You should consider the size and interests of your audience. In other words, who is listening,and what do they want to hear… you can put together a PPT with some graphics and animationsthat will catch people's attention, but be careful not to go overboard.

M: I think I can put something together, no problem. But when it comes to tomorrow, I'll justbe a bundle of nerves! How can I get over my fear of speaking in public?

F: You know, stage fright is very normal, most people get nervous before they have to speak infront of large groups. Just prepare well, rehearse beforehand, and trust that you will be great…and you will be!


F: Aren't you going to give us a training workshop next week? How are things going on yourpreparation for the presentation?

M: I'm having trouble narrowing down my topic for the training. I want to speak about howto improve our sales technique, but there is so much to say, it's hard to get organized.

F: Our training group won't be very large, so you will have more time to focus on more areas.We can cover a lot of ground in an hour and a half, if everyone is participating and payingattention.

M: I want to focus on some suggestions about making sales scores, and I was hoping to throwin a few role plays so that people get practise implementing the things I'm going to talk about.Do you think people will go for the role playing?

F: I think some people may be a little shy to do role playing in front of class… but if you areenthusiastic about your topic, you can help everyone to feel more at ease and willing to giveit a try.


A: Okay, here are the graphs and figures for this month's sales. Let's review them all together.

B: This first one , I have a question.... This graph is marking the sales perfomance for our lineof hair products, right? Can this line be right? It looks like our sales plummeted. I can't believewe did that poorly.... If I remember correctly, sales went down slightly, but not as dramaticallyas the graph shows.

A: I think you are looking at the wrong line. The rapid drop in sales wasn't our hair products.You are correct, the hair product sales decreased slightly, but not dramatically. The one thatdidn't do so hot this month was the cleaning products. I think there was a problem in themarketing plan. Some people were offended by our advertisements for the cleaning products,but it was already too late to mitigate the damage, so our mistake shows up in the sales.

B: Well, the good news is the new industrial cleaning products really took off. Look how thesales have shot up over the last two weeks.

A: That is our one major success. If you look at the other graphs, you can see that most of theother product lines remained steady with little increase.

B: At lease they stayed the same. That's better than dropping.


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