textmate 主题

Naturally, you want your lint tools integrated with your text editor. Here's what I did to integrate Stylelint (hello!) with TextMate.

自然,您希望将皮棉工具与文本编辑器集成在一起。 这是我将Stylelint ( hello! )与TextMate集成在一起的工作。

新捆绑 (New Bundle)

In TextMate... menu Bundles / Edit Bundles.... I didn't see a way to add a new Command, so I right-clicked an existing one (one with a C icon for Command), selected Find in Finder and just duplicated it. This way it appears in the bundle editor and you can tweak.. To create a new command, go File / New and choose "Command" in the prompt.

在TextMate ...菜单Bundles / Edit Bundles... 。 我没有找到添加新命令的方法,因此我右键单击了一个现有命令(一个带有C图标的Command),选择了Find in Finder并进行了复制。 这样,它就会出现在包编辑器中,您可以进行调整。 。 要创建新命令,请转到“ File / New ”,然后在提示中选择“命令”。

路径正确 (PATH is in order)

You need to have the path to node and to stylelint (likely the same) in your TextMate path preferences (menu TextMate / Preferences / Variables / PATH). To tell where node is, type `which node`.

您需要在TextMate路径首选项(菜单TextMate / Preferences / Variables / PATH)中具有指向nodestylelint的路径(可能相同)。 要确定节点在哪里,请键入“哪个节点”。

全局配置 (Global config)

Stylelint needs a config. See last post on how to setup a global one.

Stylelint需要配置。 请参阅最后一篇文章,了解如何设置全局的。

设置新命令 (Setting up the new command)

Here's a screenshot of my setup:


Basically run Stylelint when pressing CMD+L. Show the results in a tooltip.

按下CMD + L时基本上运行Stylelint。 在工具提示中显示结果。

And some magic to find the first error to move the cursor there:


#!/usr/bin/env ruby18
require ENV['TM_SUPPORT_PATH'] + '/lib/textmate'
error = `stylelint "$TM_FILEPATH"`
if error.empty?
puts 'No lint errors'
puts error
TextMate.go_to :line => $1, :column => $2 if error =~ / (\d+):(\d+)/

在行动(In action)

And here is the whole integration in action. The lint finds an error and helpfully moves the cursor there.

这是整个整合的过程。 棉绒发现错误,并有帮助地将光标移到那里。

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翻译自: https://www.phpied.com/stylelint-textmate-integration/

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