linux 使用wine

If you use Linux, you probably know about WINE. This handy program can run many different kinds of Windows programs. I personally use it to run Office (but be careful; not all versions work well). It also runs a few other programs when I just can’t get Linux equivalent. You probably already have WINE installed and if you don’t, you can get it from your distribution’s package manager. However, most people don’t use it to its full potential. There’s a handy tool, Q4Wine, that will make using WINE much easier, but you don’t have to use it to get most of the benefits.

如果您使用Linux,则可能了解WINE。 这个方便的程序可以运行许多不同种类的Windows程序。 我个人使用它来运行Office(但要小心;并非所有版本都能正常工作)。 当我无法获得等效的Linux时,它还会运行其他一些程序。 您可能已经安装了WINE,如果没有安装,则可以从发行版的程序包管理器中获取。 但是,大多数人没有充分利用它的潜力。 有一个方便的工具Q4Wine,它将使使用WINE更加容易,但是您不必使用它即可获得大多数收益。

基本酒 (Basic WINE)

Using WINE is pretty easy. Suppose you have WINWORD.EXE somewhere on your hard drive. All you have to do is run:

使用WINE非常简单。 假设您的硬盘驱动器上某处有WINWORD.EXE。 您所要做的就是运行:


Sounds simple, right? Well, it is, but then again it isn’t. If you only had WINWORD.EXE there, you probably don’t have all the other ancillary files it needs. The right thing to do is run the installer under WINE first. That will install the programs you need — usually. You might also need to run Winetricks to download things like fonts and DLLs. Sometimes you can get an idea if a program will run and what special things might be needed by reading the WINEHQ App Database.

听起来很简单,对吧? 是的,但是再一次不是。 如果那里只有WINWORD.EXE,则可能没有它需要的所有其他辅助文件。 正确的做法是先在WINE下运行安装程序。 通常,这将安装您需要的程序。 您可能还需要运行Winetricks来下载诸如字体和DLL之类的内容。 有时,您可以通过阅读WINEHQ App Database了解一个程序是否可以运行以及需要哪些特殊功能。


There is one big problem, though. By default, WINE makes a fake C drive for you (usually at ~/.wine/drive_c). As you install things, you get the same problems real Windows users have. The 5th program you install might upgrade a DLL that the 2nd program doesn’t like. Luckily, there is a very simple fix for that.

不过,有一个大问题。 默认情况下,WINE为您制作一个伪造的C驱动器(通常在〜/ .wine / drive_c中)。 安装东西时,您会遇到真正的Windows用户所遇到的相同问题。 您安装的第5个程序可能会升级第2个程序不喜欢的DLL。 幸运的是,有一个非常简单的解决方案。

When WINE starts, it looks for an environment variable called WINEPREFIX. If it is set, that is where the configuration for this WINE session will reside. So before installing Office, you might create a directory ~/msoffice and then say:

WINE启动时,它将查找一个名为WINEPREFIX的环境变量。 如果已设置,则将驻留此WINE会话的配置。 因此,在安装Office之前,您可以创建目录〜/ msoffice,然后说:

WINEPREFIX=~/msoffice wine setup32.exe

Now, every time you start an Office program you’ll need to provide the same WINEPREFIX. All the programs will use ~/msoffice/drive_c as their C drive. Other programs will either use the default or a different prefix.

现在,每次启动Office程序时,都需要提供相同的WINEPREFIX。 所有程序将使用〜/ msoffice / drive_c作为其C驱动器。 其他程序将使用默认值或其他前缀。

I try to do nothing in the default prefix. Every program gets its own prefix. That way if something is wrong with that program it doesn’t affect the others. If I want to wipe out and start over, I won’t kill every other Windows program I installed.

我尝试在默认前缀中不执行任何操作 。 每个程序都有自己的前缀。 这样,如果该程序出现问题,则不会影响其他程序。 如果要清除并重新开始,则不会杀死安装的所有其他Windows程序。

输入Q4Wine (Enter Q4Wine)

It is a pain remembering the prefix and typing it in all the time. So install Q4Wine (which might be in your distribution’s repos; otherwise download it).

记住前缀并一直输入很痛苦。 因此,安装Q4Wine(可能在您的发行版本的存储库中;否则请下载 )。

The program actually has a lot of features, but the best thing is that it provides a nice menu of programs and arranges for each to have its own prefix.


There are many ways you can use Q4Wine, but I always start at the Prefixes tab. Press the first toolbar button (Create New) and fill out the dialog.

您可以使用多种方式使用Q4Wine,但我始终从“前缀”选项卡开始。 按第一个工具栏按钮(“新建”)并填写对话框。

You’ll need the name of the new prefix, the directory you want to use (I keep everything under ~/wineprefixes) and there are a few other options you can ignore for now.

您将需要新前缀的名称,要使用的目录(我将所有内容保留在〜/ wineprefixes下),并且您现在可以忽略其他一些选项。

Once you create the prefix it will show up on the Programs tab. Right-click on the prefix name and pick Run… then select your program name (probably an installer).

创建前缀后,它将显示在“程序”选项卡上。 右键单击前缀名称,然后选择“运行...”,然后选择您的程序名称(可能是安装程序)。

Whatever it installs will wind up on the right-hand side (as you can see in the screenshot above). If it doesn’t, you can right-click in the empty space and select New Icon to set one up.

无论安装什么,它都会显示在右侧(如您在上面的屏幕快照中所见)。 如果没有,您可以右键单击空白处,然后选择“新建图标”进行设置。

Now you can run your program from here anytime and it will have the right setup with all the options you want. The program can also add icons to your desktop menu, as well.

现在,您可以随时从此处运行程序,它将具有正确的设置以及所需的所有选项。 该程序还可以将图标添加到您的桌面菜单。

还有更多 (There’s More)

You can do a lot more with Q4Wine, but that will get you started. For more details, read the documentation. You can use different versions of WINE, autostart programs, and a lot more. Give it a try!

您可以使用Q4Wine做更多的事情,但这会让您入门。 有关更多详细信息,请阅读文档 。 您可以使用WINE的不同版本,自动启动程序等等。 试试看!


linux 使用wine


  • WINE 使用及其调试
  • Wine完全使用完全指南(从初级到高级)
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  • Ubuntu wine使用问题记录
  • ubuntu wine使用_如何使用Wine在Ubuntu上运行Windows软件
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