Every five years, the government tries to tell Americans what to put in their bellies. Eat more vegetables. Dial back回拨,下调 the fats. It's all based on the best available science最佳科学 for leading a healthy life. But the best available science also has a lot to say about what those food choices do to the environment, and some researchers are annoyed that new dietary recommendations of the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) released yesterday seem to utterly ignore that fact.

Every five years, the government tries to tell Americans what to put in their bellies. Eat more vegetables. Dial back the fats.

What to put in their bellies是个从句吗?如果是个从句,句子成分并没有主语谓语


Every five years, the government tries to tell Americans what Americans should  put in their bellies.




can/could (表能力)

must (表义务)

should/ought to (表义务)


should (表意外惊讶)

通常名词性从句的谓语动词块采用 TO DO 的省略形式,如:

It's important that the figures should be updated regularly

--> It’s important for the figures to be updated regularly.

We think it strange that he should say a thing like that

--> We think it strange for him to say a thing like that.

51. Why are some researchers irritated at the USDA's 2016-2020 Dietary Guidelines?

A) It ignores the harmful effect of red meat and processed food on health.

B) Too much emphasis is given to eating less meat and buying local food.

C) The dietary recommendations are not based on medical science.

D)It takes no notice of the potential impact on the environment.

Broadly, the 2016-2020 dietary recommendations aim for旨在,以...为目标 balance: More vegetables, leaner精瘦的 meats and far less sugar.

But Americans consume more calories per capita  than almost any other country in the world. So the things Americans eat have a huge impact on climate change. Soil tilling耕种 releases carbon dioxide, and delivery velnicles emit exhaust. The government's dietary guidelines could have done a lot to lower that climate cost. Not just because of their position of authority: The guidelines drive billions of dollars of food production through federal programs like school lunches and nutrition assistance for the needy.

capita 头          caput的复数

虚拟语气 Could have done 本应做某事,但实际未做

52. Why does the author say the USDA could have contributed a lot to lowering the climate cost through its dictary guidelines?

A) It has the capacity and the financial resources to do so.

B) Its researchers have already submitted relevant proposals.

C) Its agencies in charge of负责 drafting the guidelines have the expertise专业知识.

D) It can raise students' environmental awareness through its programs.

On its own, plant and animal agriculture contributes 9 percent of all the country's greenhouse gas emissions. That's not counting the fuel burned in transportation, processing, refrigeration冷藏, and other waypoints between farm and belly. Red meats are among the biggest and most notorious臭名昭著的 emitters, but trucking a salad from California to Minnesota in January also carries a significant burden. And greenhouse gas emissions aren't the whole story. Food production is the largest user of fresh water, largest contributor to the loss of biodiversity, and a major contributor to using up耗尽 natural resources.

on one's own 就其本身而言

a major contributor to using up natural resources


53.What do we learn from the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee's scicntific report?

A) Food is easily contaminated污染 from farm to belly.

C) Modern agriculture has increased food diversity.

B) Grecnhouse cffect is an issue still under debate.

D) Farming consumes most of our natural resources.

All of these points and more showed up in the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee's scientific report, released last February. Miriam Nelson chaired the subcommittee in charge of sustainability for the report, and is disappointed that eating less meat and buying local food aren't in the final product最终版本. "Especially if you consider that eating less meat, especially red and processed, has health benefits," she says.

So what happened? The official response is that sustainability falls too far outside超出 the guidelines' official scope, which is to provide "nutritional and dietary information."

which == the guideline's official scope

Possibly也许 the agencies in charge of drafting the decisions are too close to the industries they are supposed to regulate. On one hand, the USDA is compiling dietary advice. On the other, their clients are US agriculture companies.

be supposed to do 本应当做某事

54. What may account for the neglect of sustainability in the USDA's Dietary Guidelines according to the author?

A)Its exclusive专用的,专有的 concern with Americans' food safety.

C) Its close ties with the agriculture companies.

B) Its sole responsibility for providing dietary advice.

D) Its alleged failure to regulate监管 the industries.

The line about keeping the guidelines' scope to nutrition and diet doesn't ring quite right with researchers. David Wallinga, for example, says, "In previous guidelines, they've always been concerned with things like food security-which is presumably the mission of the USDA. You absolutely need to be worried about climate impacts and future sustainability if you want secure food in the future."

ring right 听起来妥当

55. What should the USDA do to achieve food security according to David Wallinga?

A) Give top priority to things like nutrition and food security.

B) Endeavor to ensure the sustainable development of agriculture.

C) Fulfill its mission by closely cooperating with theindustries.

D) Study the long-term impact of climate change on food production.

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