面试英语:打工经验Part-time Job篇

Part-time Job

I: Did you do any part-time jobs when you studied at your university? / Did you do any summer jobs while you were a college student? / Did you have any work experience during your college years?

C: Yes. I did some mathematics tutoring with a middle school student in my junior year./ Yes. In my senior year I worked as a tutor tor a high school graduate. I taught him English. / Yes. I delivered milk (newspapers) all through summer vacation during my sophiomore year. / Yes. During suthmier vacation every year, I served as a bus conductor. / Yes. I forked as a pubik/lations girl at Garden Hotel in the summers of l998 and 1999. / Yes. I was employed as a waitress by Guangzhou Restaurant during the winter vacation of 1999. / Yes. I acted as a part-time sales-girl for Guangzhou Avon Cortipany,Ltd. for two years. I went from house to house to promtote beauty products.

I: War you involved in any teaching jobs when you were a gtaduate student? / Did you have any professional experience while You were working for your master degree? / Did you participated in any part-time work while you were studying for your doctorate?

C: Yes. I worked for six hours a week as a teaching assis- tants./ Yes. I assisted my supervisor in correcting the undergraduates' exercises every term./ Yes. I usually helped my supervisor to correct the undergraduates' compositions (graduation theses)./ Yes. I gave some coaching inchemistry to the juniors. Yes. I ' acted as aninterpreter for three times at Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair. / Yes. I was involved in much of the experimental work. / Yes. I worked as a research assistant to my supervisor. / Yes. I did some experimental work in the physics laboratory. / Yes. I served as apart-time law consultant for-three firms. / Yes. I carried out some questionnaires.

I: What have you learned from your part-time jobs? / What experience have you gained, from your summer jobs?

C: I've learned how to deal with clients. / I've gained experience imdirect sales oi gpods. / I've gained experience in teaching. / I've learned a-lot of research metliods from, my supervisor. / I've learned how to serve customers. / I've learned how to bohave myself as *a hotel receptionist. / I've gained some experience in interpretation.

I: How did you spent the money you earned from your part-

time jobs? / What did .you do with the money you were paid for your summer jobs?

C: I spent the money in paying off my tuition. / I used it to help with my living expenses. / I had been wanting a personal computer for a long time. / I used the money for that. / I spent it on my meals and clothes. /I like travelling, so I saved it up for that.

I: Do you do a second job in addition to your full-time work? / Do you do any moonlighting? / Are you engaged in any part-time work in your leisure time?

C: Yes, I do. I'm a "Sunday Engineer/ at Guangdong Kelon

Electric Appliance Company Ltd. . That is to say, I go to

work there only on Sundays. / Yes, I do. I'm a part-time teacher at Guangzhou Nanyang Remedial University. I teach there two evenings a week. / Yes* I'm engaged in part-time promotion of mercantile houses.

I: Why do you take on a second job? / Why do you do moolighting? / Why are you engaged in a part-time job?

C: I do my second job in order to enrich mywork experience. / Frankly, I do moonlighting so as to increase my income.

/I'm engaged in a part-time job so that I can improve myself in business.

[英语面试Part-time Job篇]

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