
local FilterData = {}local FilterTree = {}--构建时候的临时变量local IsEnd = "IsEnd"function FilterData.Load()--构建过滤器for _, v in ipairs(exd["GT_".."FilterText"]) do --这个循环是已经读取的屏蔽字表local FilterStr = v.MaskWordlocal CurMap = FilterTree--这个函数是循环遍历字符串ForEachString(FilterStr,function(Str)if CurMap[Str] == nil thenCurMap[Str] = {}CurMap[Str][IsEnd] = falseCurMap =  CurMap[Str]elseCurMap =  CurMap[Str]endend,true)CurMap[IsEnd] = trueend
function FilterData.MaskWordFilter(Str)local BeginIndex = 1local MatchingTable = {}while BeginIndex < #Str dolocal NowMap = FilterTree--local MatchingNum = 0local CurStr = string.sub(Str, BeginIndex, #Str)local CurIndex = BeginIndexlocal LeftMatchIndex = 0local RightMatchIndex = 0local i = 1local AllowSpecialSymbols = falsewhile true dolocal char = string.sub(CurStr,i,i)local Ascll = string.byte(char)if Ascll > 128 thenchar = string.sub(CurStr,i,i+2)i = i + 3if NowMap[char] ~=nil thenif LeftMatchIndex == 0 thenLeftMatchIndex = CurIndexendif NowMap[char][IsEnd] == true thenRightMatchIndex = CurIndex+2BeginIndex = CurIndex+3endNowMap = NowMap[char]else--判断是否已经有一个字匹配if LeftMatchIndex ~= 0 and RightMatchIndex ~= 0 thenMatchingTable[LeftMatchIndex] = RightMatchIndexbreakelseif LeftMatchIndex ~= 0 thenBeginIndex =  BeginIndex+3breakelseBeginIndex =  BeginIndex+3endendCurIndex = CurIndex +3elsei = i + 1if 32 < Ascll thenif NowMap[char] ~=nil thenif LeftMatchIndex == 0 thenLeftMatchIndex = CurIndexendif NowMap[char][IsEnd] == true thenRightMatchIndex = CurIndexBeginIndex = CurIndex+1endNowMap = NowMap[char]elseif LeftMatchIndex ~= 0 and RightMatchIndex ~= 0 thenMatchingTable[LeftMatchIndex] = RightMatchIndexbreakelseif LeftMatchIndex ~= 0 thenBeginIndex =  BeginIndex+1breakelseBeginIndex =  BeginIndex+1endendelseif AllowSpecialSymbols thenendCurIndex = CurIndex +1endif i > #CurStr thenif LeftMatchIndex ~= 0 and RightMatchIndex ~= 0 thenMatchingTable[LeftMatchIndex] = RightMatchIndexelseBeginIndex =  BeginIndex + #CurStrendbreakendendendlocal res = trueif next(MatchingTable) ~= nil thenres = falseendreturn res, MatchingTable
function FilterData.FineMaskWordFilter(Str)local Chi = {}local Eng = {}local k = 1while k < #Str dolocal c = string.byte(Str,k)if not c then break end--英文字母 (c>=48 and c<=57) orif  (c>= 65 and c<=90) or (c>=97 and c<=122) thenk = k + 1Eng[#Eng+1] = string.char(c)elseif c>=228 and c<=233 then--中文local c1 = string.byte(Str,k+1)local c2 = string.byte(Str,k+2)if c1 and c2 thenlocal a1,a2,a3,a4 = 128,191,128,191if c == 228 then a1 = 184elseif c == 233 then a2,a4 = 190,c1 ~= 190 and 191 or 165endif c1>=a1 and c1<=a2 and c2>=a3 and c2<=a4 thenk = k + 3Chi[#Chi+1] = string.char(c,c1,c2)endendelse--都不符合时候不加入表k = k + 1endendlocal ChiStr = table.concat(Chi)local EngStr = table.concat(Eng)local _,r =FilterData.MaskWordFilter(ChiStr)for key,v in pairs(r) dolocal tmp =string.sub(ChiStr,key,v)ForEachString(tmp, function(SubStr)  Str = string.gsub(Str,SubStr,"*") end)endlocal _,q = FilterData.MaskWordFilter(EngStr)for key,v in pairs(q) dolocal tmp =string.sub(EngStr,key,v)ForEachString(tmp, function(SubStr)  Str = string.gsub(Str,SubStr,"*") end)endreturn Str
function FilterData.PlayerNameFilter(Str)local ss = {}local k = 1while k < #Str dolocal c = string.byte(Str,k)if not c then break end--英文字母符号if (c>=48 and c<=57) or (c>= 65 and c<=90) or (c>=97 and c<=122) thenk = k + 1ss[#ss+1] = string.char(c)elseif c>=228 and c<=233 then--中文local c1 = string.byte(Str,k+1)local c2 = string.byte(Str,k+2)if c1 and c2 thenlocal a1,a2,a3,a4 = 128,191,128,191if c == 228 then a1 = 184elseif c == 233 then a2,a4 = 190,c1 ~= 190 and 191 or 165endif c1>=a1 and c1<=a2 and c2>=a3 and c2<=a4 thenk = k + 3ss[#ss+1] = string.char(c,c1,c2)endendelse--都不符合时候不加入表k = k + 1endendif #ss > 0 thenlocal res = table.concat(ss)local len = #resif #Str == len thenreturn true,reselsereturn false,resendelsereturn false , ""end
@Str: 被遍历的字符串
function ForEachString(Str , Function ,bAllowSpecialSymbols,...)if Str==nil or Function==nil ortype(Str)~= "string" or  type(Function) ~= "function"thenreturnendlocal i = 1local AllowSpecialSymbolsif bAllowSpecialSymbols then AllowSpecialSymbols = bAllowSpecialSymbolselseAllowSpecialSymbols = falseendwhile true dolocal char = string.sub(Str,i,i)local Ascll = string.byte(char)if Ascll > 128 thenchar = string.sub(Str,i,i+2)i = i + 3Function(char,...)elseif 32 < Ascll thenFunction(char,...)elseif AllowSpecialSymbols thenFunction(char,...)endi = i + 1endif i > #Str thenbreakendend


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    游戏和网站,都需要敏感词(屏蔽词)过滤,你懂的.而且敏感词库不断的增长,从十几年前的3000多词,已经增长到14000以上(各渠道获取的词库略有不同). 这1万多词的扫描处理,开销的性能就有点客观了. ...

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    有人的地方,就有江湖,有输入框的地方,就有注入风险!有输入框的地方,就有敏感词!敏感词就像一个平台杀手,可能直接导致平台被封锁! 敏感词是一个APP.一个网站.一个内容平台的"杀手" ...

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