Error : failed to fetch query result SELECT server _ uuid , local , replication,storage_engines FROM performance_schema.log_status: Access denied; you need (atleast one of) the BACKUP_ADMIN privilege(s) for this operation


# 更改备份用户的权限mysql> grant all on *.* to `用户名`@`%` with grant option;


#首先连接mysql(123456 是你的密码)[root@localhost ~]# mysql -uroot -p123456#进入 mysql 库mysql> use mysql;#新建一个用户 ( starsky 是新用户名 123456 是密码 )mysql> create user `starsky`@`%` identified by '123456';#给予权限mysql> grant all on *.* to `starsky`@`%` with grant option;

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