


    /*** Class constructor.* @param streamType the type of the audio stream. See*   {@link AudioManager#STREAM_VOICE_CALL}, {@link AudioManager#STREAM_SYSTEM},*   {@link AudioManager#STREAM_RING}, {@link AudioManager#STREAM_MUSIC},*   {@link AudioManager#STREAM_ALARM}, and {@link AudioManager#STREAM_NOTIFICATION}.* @param sampleRateInHz the initial source sample rate expressed in Hz.*   {@link AudioFormat#SAMPLE_RATE_UNSPECIFIED} means to use a route-dependent value*   which is usually the sample rate of the sink.*   {@link #getSampleRate()} can be used to retrieve the actual sample rate chosen.* @param channelConfig describes the configuration of the audio channels.*   See {@link AudioFormat#CHANNEL_OUT_MONO} and*   {@link AudioFormat#CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO}* @param audioFormat the format in which the audio data is represented.*   See {@link AudioFormat#ENCODING_PCM_16BIT},*   {@link AudioFormat#ENCODING_PCM_8BIT},*   and {@link AudioFormat#ENCODING_PCM_FLOAT}.* @param bufferSizeInBytes the total size (in bytes) of the internal buffer where audio data is*   read from for playback. This should be a nonzero multiple of the frame size in bytes.*   <p> If the track's creation mode is {@link #MODE_STATIC},*   this is the maximum length sample, or audio clip, that can be played by this instance.*   <p> If the track's creation mode is {@link #MODE_STREAM},*   this should be the desired buffer size*   for the <code>AudioTrack</code> to satisfy the application's*   latency requirements.*   If <code>bufferSizeInBytes</code> is less than the*   minimum buffer size for the output sink, it is increased to the minimum*   buffer size.*   The method {@link #getBufferSizeInFrames()} returns the*   actual size in frames of the buffer created, which*   determines the minimum frequency to write*   to the streaming <code>AudioTrack</code> to avoid underrun.*   See {@link #getMinBufferSize(int, int, int)} to determine the estimated minimum buffer size*   for an AudioTrack instance in streaming mode.* @param mode streaming or static buffer. See {@link #MODE_STATIC} and {@link #MODE_STREAM}* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException* @deprecated use {@link Builder} or*   {@link #AudioTrack(AudioAttributes, AudioFormat, int, int, int)} to specify the*   {@link AudioAttributes} instead of the stream type which is only for volume control.*/public AudioTrack(int streamType, int sampleRateInHz, int channelConfig, int audioFormat,int bufferSizeInBytes, int mode)









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