【冰爪编程】LintCode 解码大全 —— 872 终止进程


872 终止进程


class Solution:"""@param pid: the process id@param ppid: the parent process id@param kill: a PID you want to kill@return: a list of PIDs of processes that will be killed in the end"""def killProcess(self, pid, ppid, kill):m={}for i,parent in enumerate(ppid):if parent not in m:m[parent] = []m[parent].append(pid[i])ans=[]que=[kill]while que:cur = que.pop(0)ans.append(cur)if cur in m:que +=m[cur]return ans# Write your code here


public class Solution {/*** @param pid: the process id* @param ppid: the parent process id* @param kill: a PID you want to kill* @return: a list of PIDs of processes that will be killed in the end*/public List<Integer> killProcess(List<Integer> pid, List<Integer> ppid, int kill) {Map<Integer, List<Integer>> map = new HashMap<>();List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>();for (int i = 0; i < pid.size(); i++) {List<Integer> list = map.getOrDefault(ppid.get(i), new ArrayList<>());list.add(pid.get(i));map.put(ppid.get(i), list);}List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();list.add(kill);killChildProcess(map, list, kill);return list;}private void killChildProcess(Map<Integer, List<Integer>> map, List<Integer> list, int kill) {if (map.containsKey(kill)) {for (Integer i : map.get(kill)) {list.add(i);killChildProcess(map, list, i);}}}


class Solution {public:/*** @param pid: the process id* @param ppid: the parent process id* @param kill: a PID you want to kill* @return: a list of PIDs of processes that will be killed in the end*/void dfs(unordered_map<int,vector<int>>& tree,int cur,vector<int>& ret){for(auto& pid:tree[cur]){dfs(tree,pid,ret);}ret.emplace_back(cur);}vector<int> killProcess(vector<int> &pid, vector<int> &ppid, int kill) {// Write your code hereint n=pid.size();vector<int> ret;unordered_map<int,vector<int>> tree;for(int i=0;i<n;++i){tree[ppid[i]].emplace_back(pid[i]);}dfs(tree,kill,ret);return ret;}


export class Solution {/*** killProcess** @param pid: the process id* @param ppid: the parent process id* @param kill: a PID you want to kill* @return: a list of PIDs of processes that will be killed in the end*/killProcess(pid, ppid, kill) {// Write your code hereconst cid = {};for(let i = 0 ; i < ppid.length ; ++i) {const p = ppid[i];const c = pid[i];if(cid[p] === void 0) {cid[p] = [c];}else{cid[p].push(c);}}const ans = [];const dfs = (id) => {ans.push(id);if(cid[id] === void 0) return;if(cid[id]) {for(const c of cid[id]) {dfs(c);}}}dfs(kill);return ans;}}


/*** @param pid: the process id* @param ppid: the parent process id* @param kill: a PID you want to kill* @return: a list of PIDs of processes that will be killed in the end*/import ("sort")
type Arr []intfunc (l Arr) Len() int           { return len(l) }
func (l Arr) Swap(i, j int)      { l[i], l[j] = l[j], l[i] }
func (l Arr) Less(i, j int) bool { return l[i] < l[j] }
func killProcess(pid []int, ppid []int, kill int) []int {mapParent := make(map[int][]int)for index, value := range pid {if ppid[index] == 0 {continue}if _, ok := mapParent[ppid[index]]; !ok {mapParent[ppid[index]] = make([]int, 0)}mapParent[ppid[index]] = append(mapParent[ppid[index]], value)}queue := make([]int, 0)queue = append(queue, kill)end := 0for end < len(queue) {for ; end < len(queue); end++ {if _, ok := mapParent[queue[end]]; !ok {continue}for _, next := range mapParent[queue[end]] {queue = append(queue, next)}}}sort.Sort(Arr(queue))return queue


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