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Most of the source code for Windows NT is written in C or C++. These

high-level languages make it relatively easy to port Windows NT to

different types of workstations. The same source code can be recompiled

to build versions of Windows NT that are specific to each processor's

instruction set.

A small amount of the code in Windows NT is written in

assembly language. Typically, this is code that either interacts

directly with a computer's hardware, or needs to run extremely fast.

Because assembly language is specific to a particular instruction set,

this code must be rewritten once for each type of processor on which

Windows NT will run. To make it easy to locate and maintain, this code

is isolated to just a few key places in the operating system:

The kernel is the heart of the Windows NT operating system.

It controls which threads are run on the system's processor(s), and

provides synchronization mechanisms that allow threads on multiple

processors to coordinate their access to operating system data

structures. It also dispatches interrupts and exceptions to the

appropriate handler routines. To optimize the speed of these

system-critical operations, portions of the kernel are written in

assembly language.

linux比windows更快吗,linux比windows快很多倍除了算法的优势 有没C比C++快的原因?相关推荐

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