
方法 描述 类型
angle_spectrum Plot the angle spectrum. plot
arrow Add an arrow to the axes. plot
bar Make a bar plot. plot
barbs Plot a 2-D field of barbs. plot
barh Make a horizontal bar plot. plot
boxplot Make a box and whisker plot. plot
broken_barh Plot horizontal bars. Plot
cohere Plot the coherence between?x?and?y. plot
contour Plot contours. plot
contourf Plot contours. plot
csd Plot the cross-spectral density. plot
errorbar Plot an errorbar graph. plot
eventplot Plot identical parallel lines at specific positions. plot
fill Plot filled polygons. 做面积图 plot
fill_between Make filled polygons between two curves.
fill_betweenx Make filled polygons between two horizontal curves.
hexbin Make a hexagonal binning plot. plot
hist Plot a histogram. plot
hist2d Make a 2D histogram plot. plot
loglog Make a plot with log scaling on both the?x?and?y?axis. plot
magnitude_spectrum Plot the magnitude spectrum. Plot
pcolormesh Plot a quadrilateral mesh. Plot
phase_spectrum Plot the phase spectrum. Plot
pie Plot a pie chart. Plot
plot Plot lines and/or markers to the?Axes. Plot
plot_date A plot with data that contains dates. Plot
plotfile Plot the data in in a file. Plot
polar Make a polar plot. plot
thetagrids Get or set the theta locations of the gridlines in a polar plot.
psd Plot the power spectral density. Plot
quiver Plot a 2-D field of arrows. Plot
scatter Make a scatter plot of?x?vs?y?Marker size is scaled by?s?and marker color is mapped to?cParameters ———- x, y : array_like, shape (n, ) Input data s : scalar or array_like, shape (n, ), optional size in points^2. plot
semilogx Make a plot with log scaling on the?x?axis. plot
semilogy Make a plot with log scaling on the?y?axis. plot
specgram Plot a spectrogram. Plot
spy Plot the sparsity pattern on a 2-D array. Plot
stem Create a stem plot. plot
step Make a step plot. plot
streamplot Draws streamlines of a vector flow. plot
violinplot Make a violin plot. Plot
xcorr Plot the cross correlation between?x?and?y. Plot
acorr Plot the autocorrelation of?x.


方法 描述 类型
axis Convenience method to get or set axis properties. axis
yticks Get or set the?y-limits of the current tick locations and labels. yticks
yscale Set the scaling of the?y-axis. yscale
ylim Get or set the?y-limits of the current axes. ylim
ylabel Set the?y?axis label of the current axis. ylabel
xticks Get or set the?x-limits of the current tick locations and labels. xticks
xscale Set the scaling of the?x-axis. xscale
xlim Get or set the?x?limits of the current axes. xlim
xlabel Set the?x?axis label of the current axis. xlabel
minorticks_off Remove minor ticks from the current plot. ticks
minorticks_on Display minor ticks on the current plot. ticks
autoscale Autoscale the axis view to the data (toggle). scale


方法 描述 类型
suptitle Add a centered title to the figure. title
title Set a title of the current axes. title
figtext Add text to figure. text
text Add text to the axes. text
grid 控制背景网格线 axes
table Add a table to the current axes. table
figlegend Place a legend in the figure. legend
legend Places a legend on the axes. legend
annotate Annotate the point?xy?with text?s. Annotate
colorbar Add a colorbar to a plot. colorbar
set_cmap Set the default colormap.


方法 描述 类型
vlines Plot vertical lines. vlines
hlines Plot horizontal lines at each?y?from?xmin?to?xmax. hlines
axvspan Add a vertical span (rectangle) across the axes. axvspan
axvline Add a vertical line across the axes. axvline
axhspan Add a horizontal span (rectangle) across the axis. axhspan
axhline Add a horizontal line across the axis. axhline
twinx Make a second axes that shares the?x-axis. axes
twiny Make a second axes that shares the?y-axis. axes


方法 描述 类型
imread Read an image from a file into an array. image
imsave Save an array as in image file. image
imshow Display an image on the axes. image
clim Set the color limits of the current image. image
sci Set the current image. image


方法 描述 类型
figure Creates a new figure. figure
figimage Adds a non-resampled image to the figure. figimage
clf Clear the current figure. figure
close Close a figure window. figure
draw Redraw the current figure. figure
gcf Get a reference to the current figure. figure
savefig Save the current figure.
show Display a figure.
get_figlabels Return a list of existing figure labels. figure
get_fignums Return a list of existing figure numbers. figure


方法 描述 类型
axes Add an axes to the figure. axes
box Turn the axes box on or off. axes
cla Clear the current axes. axes
delaxes Remove an axes from the current figure. axes
gca Get the current?Axes?instance on the current figure matching the given keyword args, or create one. axes
sca Set the current Axes instance to?ax. axes
subplot Return a subplot axes positioned by the given grid definition. axes
subplot2grid Create a subplot in a grid. axes
subplot_tool Launch a subplot tool window for a figure. axes
subplots Create a figure and a set of subplots This utility wrapper makes it convenient to create common layouts of subplots, including the enclosing figure object, in a single call. axes
subplots_adjust Tune the subplot layout. axes


方法 描述 类型
stackplot Draws a stacked area plot. Draws
clabel Label a contour plot.
findobj Find artist objects.
gci Get the current colorable artist.
install_repl_displayhook Install a repl display hook so that any stale figure are automatically redrawn when control is returned to the repl.
ioff Turn interactive mode off.
ion Turn interactive mode on.
isinteractive Return status of interactive mode.
locator_params Control behavior of tick locators.
margins Set or retrieve autoscaling margins.
matshow Display an array as a matrix in a new figure window.
pause Pause for?interval?seconds.
pcolor Create a pseudocolor plot of a 2-D array.
quiverkey Add a key to a quiver plot.
rc Set the current rc params.
rc_context Return a context manager for managing rc settings.
rcdefaults Restore the rc params from Matplotlib’s internal defaults.
rgrids Get or set the radial gridlines on a polar plot.
setp Set a property on an artist object.
switch_backend Switch the default backend.
tick_params Change the appearance of ticks and tick labels.
ticklabel_format Change the?ScalarFormatter?used by default for linear axes.
tight_layout Automatically adjust subplot parameters to give specified padding.
tricontour Draw contours on an unstructured triangular grid.
tricontourf Draw contours on an unstructured triangular grid.
tripcolor Create a pseudocolor plot of an unstructured triangular grid.
triplot Draw a unstructured triangular grid as lines and/or markers.
uninstall_repl_displayhook Uninstalls the matplotlib display hook.
xkcd Turns on?xkcd?sketch-style drawing mode.

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