编辑:如果不能使用Retrofit 1.9,切换到较新版本(即2.0)应该自动处理以下解决方案。



So for now you need to implement this at the application level (which

is hard with Retrofit 1, easier with the forthcoming Retrofit 2) or

wait until OkHttp 3.1(ish) when we implement the newest spec.


Fixing 307 errors – general The 307 response from the Web server

should always include an alternative URL to which redirection should

occur. If it does, a Web browser will immediately retry the

alternative URL. So you never actually see a 307 error in a Web

browser, unless perhaps you have a corrupt redirection chain e.g. URL

A redirects to URL B which in turn redirects back to URL A. If your

client is not a Web browser, it should behave in the same way as a Web

browser i.e. immediately retry the alternative URL.

If the Web server does not return an alternative URL with the 307

response, then either the Web server sofware itself is defective or

the Webmaster has not set up the URL redirection correctly.

请参阅javadoc for Retrofit 1.9.0从响应中获取位置头值(URL);

// omitting null check for brevity

for (Header header : response.getHeaders())


if (header.getName().equals("Location")) {

redirectURL = header.getValue();



// do a redirect to redirectURL

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