But how to do it? How to avoid direct competition with giants? This is about Song Zhongjie's personal experience. One day at five o'clock in the afternoon, he came out to hail a taxi after a meeting at the China World Trade Center, but he couldn't get a taxi after waiting for half an hour. There were a lot of empty private cars passing by, and he suddenly wondered: "Should I use those empty seats to solve this problem." So he decided to cut into the travel field from carpooling services.

This market is currently blank, and as a C2C model, Shunfeng is a light asset operation, and the platform does not have to bear too much financial pressure. After Dida Carpool was officially launched, it soon became the leader in the subdivision of the track. In just three years, the number of users exceeded 70 million. Then the taxi business was launched, becom

But how to do it? How to avoid direct competition with giants?相关推荐

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