Paper Review: Bayesian Regularization and Prediction

One-group Answers to Two-group questions

Two-group questions: I think this means two alternatives of βi=0\beta_i=0βi​=0 or βi≠0\beta_i \ne 0βi​​=0.
Two-group answers: decrete mixture priors of βi\beta_iβi​

Multiple Testing

y∣β∼N(β,σ2I),βp=(β1,⋯,βp)′y|\beta \sim N(\beta,\sigma^2I),\beta_p=(\beta_1,\cdots,\beta_p)'y∣β∼N(β,σ2I),βp​=(β1​,⋯,βp​)′

Decrete mixture priors of βi\beta_iβi​:
βi∼wg(βi)+(1−w)δ0\beta_i \sim wg(\beta_i)+(1-w)\delta_0βi​∼wg(βi​)+(1−w)δ0​

Marginal density of yyy under β=0\beta = 0β=0 and β≠0\beta\ne 0β​=0,
f0(y)=N(y∣0,σ2),f1(y)=∫N(y∣β,σ2)g(β)dβf_0(y)=N(y|0,\sigma^2),\ f_1(y)=\int N(y|\beta,\sigma^2)g(\beta)d\betaf0​(y)=N(y∣0,σ2), f1​(y)=∫N(y∣β,σ2)g(β)dβ

Interpret w(y)w(y)w(y) as posterior probability like P(β≠0)P(\beta \ne 0)P(β​=0) (yyy is a signal):
w(y)=P(β≠0∣y)=P(y,β≠0)P(y)=wf1(y)wf1(y)+(1−w)f0(y)w(y)=P(\beta \ne 0|y)=\frac{P(y,\beta \ne 0)}{P(y)} = \frac{wf_1(y)}{wf_1(y)+(1-w)f_0(y)}w(y)=P(β​=0∣y)=P(y)P(y,β​=0)​=wf1​(y)+(1−w)f0​(y)wf1​(y)​

Sparse Regression

Note that

  1. Ridge regression: l2l_2l2​-penalty
  2. LASSO: l1l_1l1​-penalty
  3. Cauchy prior: βi∼iidC(0,σi),i=1,⋯,p\beta_i\sim_{iid}C(0,\sigma_i),i=1,\cdots,pβi​∼iid​C(0,σi​),i=1,⋯,p
  4. Horseshoe prior (Handling Sparsity via the Horseshoe):

Loss function of penalized regression:
l(β)=∥y−Xβ∥22+ν∑i=1pψ(βi2)l(\beta) = \left\| y - X\beta \right\|_2^2+\nu \sum_{i=1}^p \psi(\beta_i^2)l(β)=∥y−Xβ∥22​+νi=1∑p​ψ(βi2​)

Equivalent to Y∼N(Xβ,σ2I)Y \sim N(X\beta,\sigma^2I)Y∼N(Xβ,σ2I) with prior π(βi∣ν)∝exp⁡(νψ(βi2))\pi(\beta_i|\nu)\propto\exp \left( \nu \psi( \beta_i^2) \right)π(βi​∣ν)∝exp(νψ(βi2​)). See posterior probability of β\betaβ:
π(β∣y,σ2,ν)∝1σexp⁡(−∥y−Xβ∥222σ2+ν∑i=1pψ(βi2))\pi(\beta|y,\sigma^2,\nu)\propto \frac{1}{\sigma} \exp\left( -\frac{ \left\| y - X\beta \right\|_2^2}{2\sigma^2} + \nu\sum_{i=1}^p \psi(\beta_i^2)\right)π(β∣y,σ2,ν)∝σ1​exp(−2σ2∥y−Xβ∥22​​+νi=1∑p​ψ(βi2​))

So maximization of loss function is equivalent to MAP pf posterior probability.

Global-local Shrinkage


Consider Y∼N(Xβ,σ2I)Y \sim N(X\beta,\sigma^2I)Y∼N(Xβ,σ2I) with priors
βi∣τ2,λi2∼N(0,τ2λi2)λi2∼π(λi2)(τ2,σ2)∼π(τ2,σ2)\beta_i|\tau^2,\lambda_i^2 \sim N(0,\tau^2\lambda_i^2) \\ \lambda_i^2 \sim \pi(\lambda^2_i) \\ (\tau^2,\sigma^2) \sim \pi(\tau^2,\sigma^2)βi​∣τ2,λi2​∼N(0,τ2λi2​)λi2​∼π(λi2​)(τ2,σ2)∼π(τ2,σ2)

Joint priors:
π(β,Λ,τ2,σ2)=∏i=1pN(0,τ2λi2)π(λi2)π(τ2,σ2)\pi(\beta,\Lambda,\tau^2,\sigma^2)=\prod_{i=1}^p N(0,\tau^2\lambda_i^2)\pi(\lambda^2_i)\pi(\tau^2,\sigma^2)π(β,Λ,τ2,σ2)=i=1∏p​N(0,τ2λi2​)π(λi2​)π(τ2,σ2)

Question: why (3)?

Transformation to orthogonal scheme under UUU: Z=XU,Z′Z=D,α=U′βZ = XU,\ Z'Z=D, \alpha = U'\betaZ=XU, Z′Z=D,α=U′β and set α∣Λ,τ2,σ2∼N(0,σ2τ2nD−1Λ)\alpha|\Lambda,\tau^2,\sigma^2\sim N(0,\sigma^2\tau^2nD^{-1}\Lambda)α∣Λ,τ2,σ2∼N(0,σ2τ2nD−1Λ) so β∣Λ,τ2,σ2∼N(0,σ2τ2nUD−1ΛU′)\beta|\Lambda,\tau^2,\sigma^2\sim N(0,\sigma^2\tau^2nUD^{-1}\Lambda U')β∣Λ,τ2,σ2∼N(0,σ2τ2nUD−1ΛU′).

Question: how to understand this?

Question: how to get this?

To squelch the noise and shrink coefficients

  1. smallτsmall\ \tausmall τ: π(τ2)\pi(\tau^2)π(τ2) concentration on zero
  2. λi2large\lambda_i^2\ largeλi2​ large: τ(λi2)\tau(\lambda_i^2)τ(λi2​) heavy tail

Properties: why good performance?

Robust tail

Question: how to understand η\etaη?


Global Variance Component

Never choose π(τ2,σ2)\pi(\tau^2,\sigma^2)π(τ2,σ2) that forces σ2\sigma^2σ2 away from zero.

Numerical Examples

Regularized Regression

Wavelet denoising

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