
For HTTP pseudo-streaming to iPhones, and RTSP streaming to other mobiles, .mp4 files need to be correctly encoded.

Normally a .mp4 file has its data information included at the end which, if streamed, would require the entire video to be downloaded before playback can begin.

Videos can be correctly encoded using ffmpeg but for a less stressful process, using a graphical interface, install Handbrake. Unfortunately there is no longer .deb package available for Ubuntu, but the PPA may be added to Synaptic:

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/stebbins/handbrake-snapshots/ubuntu lucid main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/stebbins/handbrake-snapshots/ubuntu lucid main

with the signing key: 1024R/816950D8

Or use: 
~$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stebbins/handbrake-snapshots

Update the package list: 
~$ sudo aptitude update

and install Handbrake 
~$ sudo aptitude install handbrake

Handbrake will now be available in “Applications > Sound & Video > HandBrake”

Choose the output format that you require, making sure to select the “Web Optimized” box as well.

To complete the encoding time data must now be added to the .mp4 file. Install MP4Box using: 
~$ sudo aptitude install gpac

and run: 
~$ MP4Box -hint YOURFILENAME.mp4

The .mp4 file can now be uploaded to the server for streaming 

If you are using HTTP streaming, for instance to an iPhone, ensure that your server does not have the Apache module “mod_h264_streaming” enabled as this interferes with HTTP progressive block requests.


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