At last "Hello!" You've opened your eyes

But why won't you even look me in the eyes? What's wrong with you?

You angrily tell me that I'm late

Well, I'm sorry but I did my best and running at my fastest pace

My heart overtook my body as it flew to find you in this plac

Seeing your hair flowing and your bright eyes glowing aches my very core

Wish I could breathe in the same dimension I don't want to let it go

Now that I am finally faced with the voice I've known for so long

I don't know what the words should be the very first I say to you

Back in the zenzenzense until this day been looking everywhere for you

I follow the sound of your innocent laughter and it guided me in the right way

Even if every piece of you disappeared and if it scattered everywhere

No I wouldn't waver, I would start back at one, look for you all over again

Or maybe instead I'll take the whole universe right back to zero again

Where should I start? How should I explain?

Wanna tell you everything that happened while you were in a long long dream

I flew through dozens of skies

to tell you adventures I've been through hundreds of millions of light-years' worth

But now I'm here finally seeing you reflected in my eyes

I just want to know you ,play around and show you who it is that you can be

I just want to love you, every fragment of you right down to the pain you feel

Now that we have finally met at many galaxies' end

I don't know how to hold your hand so that I don't break it

Back in the Zenzenzense until this day been looking everywhere for you

Oh, I let the sound of your unfettered voice and the shedding of tears lead me this way

So tell me, who will ever gonna stop us on this "the eve of our revolution"

No more hesitation, I will put up a flag to stake my claim on your heart tonight

'Cause you took away from me the will to give up so clearly and awkwardly


I wonder if we can push our way through

the countless barriers that's waiting in the future just beyond our view

Side by side, no way we can lose

We'll beat destiny at its own game and make it follow our own rules

And there isn't any weapon besides you that I need to use

Zenzenzense 'til this day been looking everywhere for you

I follow the sound of your innocent laughter and it guided me in the right way

Even if every piece of you disappeared and if it scattered everywhere

No, I won't waver. I will start back at one, look for you all over again

For millions of light-years yet to come with a verse on my lips that will never end


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