
功夫不负有心人啊,经过长久的摸索,终于为fedora系统安装vmware tools找到了一条最佳途径。
曾经,我找遍网络,找到了最专业最实际也曾经是最简单的办法为fedora(fedora 6以前版本叫fedora corelinux,7.0后就叫fedora linux)系统安装vmwaretools,具体如下:(如果大家已经了解这个方法或不想了解这个老方法可以跳过这节)
# Install software called by by VMware Tools
yum install gcc 
# Install kernel header files
yum install kernel-devel 
# Check it matches the running kernel
uname -r             # running kernel
rpm -q kernel-devel  # installed kernel headers
# It the two versions do not match, run
yum -y upgrade kernel kernel-devel
# then reboot (but only if they did not match). 
# Find out where the kernel headers are
ls -d /usr/src/kernels/$(uname -r)*/include
# You may need this later.
6,下载虚拟机工具安装包,即:VMware-tool安装包,并解压(具体就是在虚拟机工具栏上,点击"VM"->"Install VMware Tools",会出现安装包,选择*.gz的文件,解压到一个目录下就可以)
# If you already have VMwareTools-5.5.2-29772.tar.gz
on disk, SKIP THIS STEP!
# Download VMware-workstation-5.5.2-29772.tar.gz from vmware.com
# Extract the VMware Tools iso from it
tar --strip-components=3 -zxvf VMware-workstation-5.5.2-29772.tar.gz \
# Create a temporary mount point
mkdir /mnt/vmtools-temp
# Mount the image
mount -o loop linux.iso /mnt/vmtools-temp
# Copy VMware Tools from the mount
cp /mnt/vmtools-temp/VMwareTools-5.5.2-29772.tar.gz /tmp/
# Unmount the image and tidy up
umount /mnt/vmtools-temp
rmdir /mnt/vmtools-temp
rm linux.iso
# Unpack VMware Tools to a temporary directory
cd /tmp/
tar zxvf VMwareTools-5.5.2-29772.tar.gz
cd /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib/
What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running 
kernel? [/usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-1.2849.fc6-i686/include] 
Do you want to change your guest X resolution? (yes/no) [no] y 
Please choose one of the following display sizes (1 - 13): 
[1] "640x480" 
[2]< "800x600" 
[3] "1024x768" 
[4] "1152x864" 
[5] "1280x800" 
[6] "1152x900" 
[7] "128024" 
[8] "137632" 
[9] "140050" 
[10] "1680x1050" 
[11] "1600x1200" 
[12] "1920x1200" 
[13] "2364x1773" 
Please enter a number between 1 and 13: 
I keep several Linux distributions running on VMware Workstation due tomy work. Unfortunately, due to recent changes in the Linux kernel, youcannot properly compile the vmhgfs driver on Fedora Core 6.Fortunately, I have a workaround until VMware releases a proper fix. 
First, go to /usr/lib/vmware-tools/modules/source and unpack vmhgfs.tar like this: 
tar -xf vmhgfs.tar 
Now you should have a new directory called vmhgfs-only. You need to get the following patch to make it work: 
To apply it, simply run: 
patch -p1 < /wherever/you/saved/it/vmhgfs-i_node-fix.patch 
This will patch vmhgfs-only/driver.c to conform with the kernelchanges. Now you will have to repack it and reconfigure the VMwareTools. Simply run the following two commands: 
tar -cf vmhgfs.tar vmhgfs-only 
run the command: 
If all you want is to get the module compiled, you're all set. If youactually need to access a shared folder, then you should know that thisworkaround will not work while SELinux is enabled. If you want to usethe files, you will have to disable SELinux by going to System ->Administration -> Security Level and Firewall. You will have toreboot, but after that, everything should work fine. 
One more thing. If your host is Windows, you may notice that the fileson the shared folders will appear as only accessible by root (they arein fact fully modifiable by everyone, but GNOME won't see it and thiscan be an annoyance.) If you want, the patch below will make all filesappear with proper permissions (all permissions for everyone.) Apply itusing the same steps used for the patch above. 
vmhgfs-perm-fix.patch (http://home.sztoltzteixeira.com/vmhgfs-perm-fix.patch) 
Now,all the ok.


diff -Naur vmhgfs-only/driver.c vmhgfs-only-new/driver.c 
--- vmhgfs-only/driver.c 2006-08-04 14:25:52.000000000 -0300 
+++ vmhgfs-only-new/driver.c 2006-10-28 15:26:14.000000000 -0300 
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ 
#define HGFS_SB_TO_COMMON(sb) ((HgfsSuperInfo *)(sb)->s_fs_info) 

-#define INODE_SET_II_P(inode, info) do { (inode)->u.generic_ip = (info); } while (0) 
-#define INODE_GET_II_P(inode) ((HgfsInodeInfo *)(inode)->u.generic_ip) 
+#define INODE_SET_II_P(inode, info) do { (inode)->i_private = (info); } while (0) 
+#define INODE_GET_II_P(inode) ((HgfsInodeInfo *)(inode)->i_private)

* 2.5.x kernels support nanoseconds timestamps. 
@@ -760,7 +760,6 @@ 
inode->i_uid = 0; /* This is bogus, should be the mount owner. */ 
inode->i_gid = 0; /* This is bogus, should be the mount owner. */ 
inode->i_rdev = 0; /* Device nodes are not supported */ 
- inode->i_blksize = HGFS_BLOCKSIZE; 
inode->i_blocks = (attr->size + HGFS_BLOCKSIZE - 1) / HGFS_BLOCKSIZE; 
inode->i_size = attr->size; 
HGFS_SET_TIME(inode->i_atime, attr->accessTime);

--- vmhgfs-only/driver.c 2006-10-28 15:26:14.000000000 -0300 
+++ vmhgfs-only/driver.c-new 2006-10-28 15:34:07.000000000 -0300 
@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@

/* Set the access mode. */ 
inode->i_mode &= ~S_IRWXUGO; 
- inode->i_mode |= (attr->permissions << 6); /* Only applies to owner. */ 
+ inode->i_mode |= attr->permissions * 0111; /* Only applies to owner. */ 
inode->i_nlink = 1; /* Bogus? */ 
inode->i_uid = 0; /* This is bogus, should be the mount owner. */ 
inode->i_gid = 0; /* This is bogus, should be the mount owner. */ 
最后修改xorg config设置,不然重启后会报X-WINDOWS出错。 
1、Section "Monitor" 
Identifier "vmware" 
Section "InputDevice" 
Identifier "Mouse0" 
Driver "vmmouse" 
Option "Protocol" "Auto" 
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mouse0" 
2、Section "Monitor" 
Identifier "Monitor0" 
ModelName "LCD Panel 1280x1024" 
HorizSync 31.5 - 67.0 
VertRefresh 50.0 - 75.0 
Option "dpms" 
然后找到 含有"ServerLayout" 的section, 在Section跟EndSection之间加上以下一行。 
InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer" 
呵呵,仔细算一下吧,一般安装好系统的话,总是可以在网上找到更新包的,所以进行前面几步更新的话,你需要一个可以联网的fedora,由于是连接到外国的服务器,又由于没有迅雷可以用,所以:gcc安装更新的话,有16M之多,kernel-devel安装的话有60M的文件要下载,这个在网络好的情况下也大概要折腾整个白天吧。安装完了,还要修改配置,才能正常使用!累啊。 我可受不了的哦。


现在在fedora下安装vmware tools就改用下面的方法吧:

第一步为此客户机(GUEST OS)选择插入了此fedora系统的安装光盘的光驱。

第二步启动此客户机,在图像模式下(图形模式比较方便,如果你喜欢在文本模式下操作只能说明你是高手哦)挂载光盘,打开/Media/disk/Fedora/RPM,也就是光盘里的fedora文件夹下的rpm文件夹,里面有kenel-devel-(版本号)-i586.RPM和一个i686的RPM文件,根据你的系统选择一个,安装就可以了。然后弹出光盘。(i386、i586、i686指的是适用于intel i386、 i586、i686兼容指令集的微处理器。一般来说,等级愈高的机器可接受较低等级的rpm文件。你可以透过/proc/cpuinfo这个档案查询你的CPU等级。)
这一步是核心,这一步就代替了老方法的前7部,就给你省了整个白天的时间。第三步选择在虚拟机的菜单vm下选择install vmware tools,在客户机fedora里面挂载光盘。解压VMwareTools-(版本号).tar.gz的文件到/tmp中。以上的步骤在图像模式下很简单,文本模式下的命令方式就不讲了。


第五步一路回车,选择默认的即可。 特别说明:在
What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running 


在终端下使用 $vmware-toolbox 打开vmware tools配置对话框。
光盘里的kernel-devel只有几M,比你用迅雷下源码40多M也小多了吧,一切都是那么的简单,原理呢,也就省略 了。

我也查看了solaris,debian等系统下vmware tools的安装方法,我想应该跟这个差不多吧。也希望给使用其他linux系统的朋友做个参考。redhat的当然就更简单了,直接安装vmware tools就好了。希望linux越来越普及。

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