with-- 读取exchange 表 ,里面包含item 和 us_price等信息
exchange as(
select * from `heidao-market.recommend_algorithm.v_mafia1_exchange`
charge_item as(
select * from `heidao-market.recommend_algorithm.v_mafia1_charge_item`
),#  读取一年的活跃用户,并且去重
sdk_player as (
select distinct player_id from `heidao-market.mafia1_ods.sdk_gift_bag_tracking`
where timestamp >= '2020-07-18' and timestamp < '2020-08-25 05:00:00'
#and MOD(CAST(CONCAT('0x', SUBSTR(TO_HEX(MD5(CONCAT('0j46o', CAST(player_id AS STRING)))),0, 8)) AS INT64), 100) between 30 and 44
),# 购买的礼包记录
purchase as (
select *, max(giftbag_rn) over (partition by giftbag_id) as max_giftbag_rn from(
select player_id, timestamp, CAST(giftbag_id as STRING) as giftbag_id,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY player_id ORDER BY timestamp desc) as rn,
ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by player_id order by timestamp) as purchase_rn,
ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by giftbag_id order by timestamp) as giftbag_rn
from `mafia1_ods.game_log_giftbag`
--                   应该是开始购买的时间       purchase_end_time 购买结束的时间
--where timestamp >= '2020-01-01' and timestamp < '{4}'
where timestamp >= '2020-11-01' and timestamp < '2020-11-04'
and player_id in (select player_id from sdk_player))),--礼包点击的的数据,只提取点击停留时长多余1秒的数据
filter_record as (
select player_id, giftbag_id, timestamp, IFNULL(view_time, 1) as view_time, 0 as is_purchase from(
select player_id, value_1 as giftbag_id, timestamp, action,
TIMESTAMP_DIFF(LEAD(timestamp) OVER (PARTITION BY player_id, event_id, value_1 ORDER BY timestamp ASC), timestamp, MILLISECOND)/1000 as view_time,from `heidao-market.mafia1_ods.sdk_gift_bag_tracking` --where timestamp >= '{2}' and timestamp < '{1}' and type = 70--  record_start_time        --  end_time
where timestamp >= '2020-10-26' and timestamp < '2020-11-03 14:00:00' and type = 70
and player_id in (select player_id from sdk_player))
where action = 1 and view_time >= 1
and giftbag_id in (select cast(giftbag_id as string) from exchange)
),-- 提取某次曝光之前的购买记录,并且join ,在两次购买之间只提取某个礼包最后最后一条点击记录
filter_record1 as (
select * except(rn1) from(
select *, row_number() over(partition by player_id, giftbag_id, purchase_rn order by timestamp desc) as rn1,
count(*) over(partition by player_id, giftbag_id, purchase_rn) as view_count
select * except(rn, purchase_rn), ifnull(purchase_rn, 0) as purchase_rn  from(
select filter_record.*, purchase.purchase_rn, purchase.giftbag_rn, purchase.max_giftbag_rn, purchase.giftbag_id as purchase_giftbag, purchase.timestamp as purchase_time,
ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by filter_record.player_id, filter_record.giftbag_id, filter_record.timestamp order by purchase.timestamp desc) as rn-- 两次购买之间只用某个礼包最后一条曝光数据,目的是为了去重
from (filter_record left join purchase on filter_record.player_id = purchase.player_id and filter_record.timestamp >purchase.timestamp))
--这里的rn =1 意味着 最远离上一次曝光
where rn = 1))
where rn1 = 1
#order by player_id desc, timestamp desc
),--这段sql 是为了聚合出最近购买的礼包列表
record_1 as(
select player_id, giftbag_id, timestamp, is_purchase, giftbag_rn, max_giftbag_rn, purchase_giftbag, purchase_time, purchase_rn, string_agg(view_giftbag, ',') as recent_view,
string_agg(cast(view_delta_time as string), ',') as recent_view_times,
string_agg(cast(view_count as string), ',') as recent_view_count
select t1.* except(view_count), t2.view_count, t2.giftbag_id as view_giftbag, TIMESTAMP_DIFF(t1.timestamp, t2.timestamp, HOUR) + 1 as view_delta_time,
-- 这段row_number 是给用来提取最近多少条数据
row_number() over (partition by t1.player_id, t1.giftbag_id, t1.timestamp order by t2.timestamp desc) as rn
from (select * from filter_record1) as t1
left join (select * from filter_record1) as t2
-- 这段sql 是为了将曝光的表与自己聚合,在某个用户和他之前的近七天的曝光数据
on t1.player_id = t2.player_id and t2.timestamp between TIMESTAMP_SUB(t1.timestamp, INTERVAL 7*24 HOUR) and TIMESTAMP_SUB(t1.timestamp, INTERVAL 60*5 SECOND))
where rn <= 50-- 实际上并不需要 group by 这么多特征,实际上只要 player_id, giftbag_id, timestamp 就可以了,其他特征是冗余特征
group by player_id, giftbag_id, timestamp, is_purchase, giftbag_rn, max_giftbag_rn, purchase_giftbag, purchase_time, purchase_rn
),record_2 as (
select player_id, giftbag_id, timestamp, is_purchase, giftbag_rn, max_giftbag_rn, purchase_giftbag, purchase_time, purchase_rn, recent_view, recent_view_times,recent_view_count,
string_agg(purchase_giftbag_id, ',') as recent_giftbags,
string_agg(cast(purchase_delta_time as string), ',') as recent_giftbag_times
select record_1.*, purchase.giftbag_id as purchase_giftbag_id, TIMESTAMP_DIFF(record_1.timestamp, purchase.timestamp, HOUR) + 1 as purchase_delta_time,
row_number() over (partition by record_1.player_id, record_1.giftbag_id, record_1.timestamp order by purchase.timestamp desc) as rn
from record_1 left join purchase --将之前的礼包点击的准备好的点击的数据和购买的数据join 起来,时间取最近30天购买的礼包
on record_1.player_id = purchase.player_id and purchase.timestamp between TIMESTAMP_SUB(record_1.timestamp, INTERVAL 30*24 HOUR) and TIMESTAMP_SUB(record_1.timestamp, INTERVAL 60*5 SECOND))
where rn <= 10
group by player_id, giftbag_id, timestamp, is_purchase, giftbag_rn, max_giftbag_rn, purchase_giftbag, purchase_time, purchase_rn, recent_view, recent_view_times, recent_view_count),record as ( select * from record_2
where giftbag_rn > max_giftbag_rn - 2000
#or giftbag_rn is null and timestamp >= '{5}'
or timestamp >='2020-11-04 00:00:00'
),item_map as (select * from  `heidao-market.recommend_algorithm.mafia1_binary_v20200713_item_map`),-- 本段sql 用来提取某个用户在一段时间的变化
change_info as (
select player_id, item_map.map_id*sign(change_num) as table_id, change_num*item_map.exchange_val as change_num,
TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(timestamp, HOUR) as timestamp_hour,
TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(timestamp, DAY) as timestamp_day,
select player_id, army_id as table_id, army_num as change_num, timestamp
from `heidao-market.mafia1_ods.game_log_army` where timestamp >=  '2020-10-29' and timestamp < '2020-11-04 17:00:00' and army_id in (select table_id from item_map)
select player_id,table_id, change_num, timestamp
from `heidao-market.mafia1_ods.game_log_item` where timestamp >= '2020-10-29'  and timestamp < '2020-11-04 17:00:00' and table_id in (select table_id from item_map)) as t
left join item_map on t.table_id = item_map.table_id
-- 离散到小时的item变化
item_change_hour as(
select player_id, table_id, timestamp_hour as timestamp,
CASE WHEN use_log <= 0 then abs(sum(change_num)) else round(log10(1 + abs(sum(change_num)))*10) end as change_num from change_info
group by player_id, table_id, timestamp_hour, use_log),-- 离散到天的item 变化
item_change_day as(
select player_id, table_id, timestamp_day as timestamp,
CASE WHEN use_log <= 0 then abs(sum(change_num)) else round(log10(1 + abs(sum(change_num)))*10) end as change_num from change_info
group by player_id, table_id, timestamp_day, use_log),data as(
select * EXCEPT(purchase_weight, purchase_delta_time, purchase_rn, rn),
purchase_weight/sum(purchase_weight) OVER(PARTITION BY player_id, giftbag_id, purchase_rn) as purchase_weight,from (
select record.* except(purchase_rn, purchase_time), purchase.timestamp as purchase_time, purchase.rn as purchase_rn,
TIMESTAMP_DIFF(purchase.timestamp, record.timestamp, MINUTE) as purchase_delta_time,
EXP(-TIMESTAMP_DIFF(purchase.timestamp, record.timestamp, MINUTE)/30 + 0.0) as purchase_weight,
count(*) OVER(PARTITION BY record.player_id, record.giftbag_id, purchase.rn) as share_count,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY record.player_id, record.giftbag_id, record.timestamp ORDER BY purchase.timestamp) as rn,
from (record left join purchase -- 将礼包点击记录和礼包购买记录join ,只提取在在点击后一个小时购买的礼包数据
on record.player_id = purchase.player_id
and record.giftbag_id = purchase.giftbag_id
and TIMESTAMP_DIFF(purchase.timestamp, record.timestamp, MINUTE) BETWEEN 0 AND 60
order by player_id, timestamp)
where timestamp >=  '2020-10-05' and rn = 1
#order by player_id, timestamp
),data1 as (
select player_id, giftbag_id, timestamp,
STRING_AGG(CAST(table_id as STRING), ',') as item_hour_id,
STRING_AGG(CAST(delta_time as STRING), ',') as item_hour_time,
STRING_AGG(CAST(change_num as STRING), ',') as item_hour_num from(
select data.*, item_change_hour.table_id, item_change_hour.change_num,
TIMESTAMP_DIFF(data.timestamp, item_change_hour.timestamp, HOUR) as delta_time from (--将data 与item_change_hour item 按照小时的变化进行join
data left join item_change_hour
on data.player_id = item_change_hour.player_id
and TIMESTAMP_DIFF(data.timestamp, item_change_hour.timestamp, HOUR) between 1 and 24)
group by player_id, giftbag_id, timestamp),data2 as (
select player_id, giftbag_id, timestamp,
STRING_AGG(CAST(table_id as STRING), ',') as item_day_id,
STRING_AGG(CAST(delta_time as STRING), ',') as item_day_time,
STRING_AGG(CAST(item_num as STRING), ',') as item_day_num from(
select data.*, item_change_day.table_id, item_change_day.change_num as item_num,
TIMESTAMP_DIFF(data.timestamp, item_change_day.timestamp, DAY) as delta_time from (
data left join item_change_day
on data.player_id = item_change_day.player_id
and TIMESTAMP_DIFF(data.timestamp, item_change_day.timestamp, DAY) between 1 and 7)
group by player_id, giftbag_id, timestamp),
data3 as (
select * except(giftbag_rn, max_giftbag_rn, purchase_giftbag),  CAST(FLOOR(100*RAND()) AS INT64) as rand_num from(
select t.*, data2.* except(player_id, giftbag_id, timestamp) from(
select data.*, data1.* except(player_id, giftbag_id, timestamp) from (
data left join data1 on data.player_id = data1.player_id and data.giftbag_id = data1.giftbag_id and data.timestamp = data1.timestamp)) as t
left join data2 on t.player_id = data2.player_id and t.giftbag_id = data2.giftbag_id and t.timestamp = data2.timestamp) as t1
where timestamp >=  '2020-10-05' and timestamp < '2020-11-04 17:00:00'
#and player_id not in (select player_id from mafia1_pf.v_internal_player)
ratio as (
select giftbag_id, ifnull(sum(purchase_weight), 0) as positive, count(*) as total,
sum(is_purchase)/count(*) as purchase_ratio,
ifnull(sum(purchase_weight)/count(*), 0) as positive_ratio from data3
group by giftbag_id
order by positive_ratio desc),data4 as (
select * from data3
where giftbag_id not in (select giftbag_id from ratio where (purchase_ratio >= 0.9 or positive_ratio <= 0.0))
),status1 as (select player_id ,timestamp ,status  from `heidao-market.mafia1_ods.game_log_status_snapshot`  where timestamp >= '2020-11-01')select * except(rank, status_time) from(
select *, row_number() over (partition by player_id, timestamp order by status_time desc) as rank from(
select data4.*, status1.timestamp as status_time, status1.status from (data4 left join status1 on data4.player_id = status1.player_id and status1.timestamp between TIMESTAMP_SUB(data4.timestamp, INTERVAL 48 HOUR) and data4.timestamp)))
where rank  = 1 and status is not null limit 1000

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