
Building and Installation

To build a binary RPM* package of this driver, run ‘rpmbuild -tb

i40e-.tar.gz’, where is the version number for the driver tar file.


For the build to work properly, the currently running kernel MUST match

the version and configuration of the installed kernel sources. If you have

just recompiled the kernel reboot the system before building.

RPM functionality has only been tested in Red Hat distributions.

Move the base driver tar file to the directory of your choice. For

example, use ‘/home/username/i40e’ or ‘/usr/local/src/i40e’.

Untar/unzip the archive, where is the version number for the

driver tar file:

tar zxf i40e-.tar.gz

Change to the driver src directory, where is the version number

for the driver tar:

cd i40e-/src/

Compile the driver module:

make install

The binary will be installed as:


The install location listed above is the default location. This may differ

for various Linux distributions.

Load the module using the modprobe command:

modprobe [parameter=port1_value,port2_value]

Make sure that any older i40e drivers are removed from the kernel before

loading the new module:

rmmod i40e; modprobe i40e

Assign an IP address to the interface by entering the following,

where ethX is the interface name that was shown in dmesg after modprobe:

ip address add / dev ethX

Verify that the interface works. Enter the following, where IP_address

is the IP address for another machine on the same subnet as the interface

that is being tested:



For certain distributions like (but not limited to) RedHat Enterprise

Linux 7 and Ubuntu, once the driver is installed the initrd/initramfs

file may need to be updated to prevent the OS loading old versions

of the i40e driver. The dracut utility may be used on RedHat


# dracut –force

For Ubuntu:

# update-initramfs -u


[root@host ~]# unzip PHY_i40e-2.0.23.zip

[root@host ~]# cd PHY_i40e-2.0.23/src

[root@host ~]# make install

[root@host ~]# rmmod i40e

[root@host ~]# modprobe i40e

[root@host ~]# dracut –force

[root@host ~]# service network restart

rmmod i40e的作用是删除系统中以前版本驱动,这一操作很关键。



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