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config UNICODE_SUPPORT bool "Support Unicode" default y help This makes various applets aware that one byte is not one character on screen. Busybox aims to eventually work correctly with Unicode displays. Any older encodings are not guaranteed to work. Probably by the time when busybox will be fully Unicode-clean, other encodings will be mainly of historic interest. config UNICODE_USING_LOCALE bool "Use libc routines for Unicode (else uses internal ones)" default n depends on UNICODE_SUPPORT && LOCALE_SUPPORT help With this option on, Unicode support is implemented using libc routines. Otherwise, internal implementation is used. Internal implementation is smaller. config FEATURE_CHECK_UNICODE_IN_ENV bool "Check $LANG environment variable" default n depends on UNICODE_SUPPORT && !UNICODE_USING_LOCALE help With this option on, Unicode support is activated only if LANG variable has the value of the form "xxxx.utf8" Otherwise, Unicode support will be always enabled and active. config SUBST_WCHAR int "Character code to substitute unprintable characters with" depends on UNICODE_SUPPORT default 63 help Typical values are 63 for '?' (works with any output device), 30 for ASCII substitute control code, 65533 (0xfffd) for Unicode replacement character. config LAST_SUPPORTED_WCHAR int "Range of supported Unicode characters" depends on UNICODE_SUPPORT default 767 help Any character with Unicode value bigger than this is assumed to be non-printable on output device. Many applets replace such chars with substitution character. The idea is that many valid printable Unicode chars are nevertheless are not displayed correctly. Think about combining charachers, double-wide hieroglyphs, obscure characters in dozens of ancient scripts... Many terminals, terminal emulators, xterms etc will fail to handle them correctly. Choose the smallest value which suits your needs.


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