



安装openssl Building a Web Server, for Linux


Package(Linux source) : openssl-0.9.8c.tar.gz


tar -zxvf openssl-0.9.8c.tar.gz

Our Configuration

Install to : 默认安装路径 /usr/local/ssl

Module type : dynamically and staticly loaded modules, *.so *.a

Build Instructions


.../openssl-0.9.8c]# ./config --prefix=/usr/local/ --openssldir=/usr/local/openssl -g3 shared zlib-dynamic enable-camellia

--prefix=/usr/local/ --openssldir=/usr/local/openssl

[指定安装路径; 默认是'/usr/local/ssl' -- which we will symlink]


[in addition to the usual static libraries, create shared libraries]


[like "zlib", but has OpenSSL load the zlib library dynamically when needed]


[enables the symmetric cipher 'Camellia' (128-bit, 192-bit, 256-bit key versions), which is now available for royalty-free use]

运行./config --prefix=/usr/local/openssl (更 多选项用./config --help来查看),可用的选项有:no-mdc2、no-cast no-rc2、no-rc5、no-ripemd、 no-rc4 no-des 、no-md2、no-md4、no-idea 、no-aes、no-bf、no-err、no-dsa、no-dh、 no-ec、no-hw、no-asm、no-krb5、no-dso 、no-threads 、no-zlib、-DOPENSSL_NO_HASH_COMP、-DOPENSSL_NO_ERR、-DOPENSSL_NO_HW 、- DOPENSSL_NO_OCSP、-DOPENSSL_NO_SHA256和-DOPENSSL_NO_SHA512等。去掉不必要的内容可以减少生成库的大小。 若要生成debug版本的库和可执行程序加-g或者-g3(openssl中有很多宏,需要调试学习最好加上-g3)。

display guess on system made by './config'...

.../openssl-0.9.8c]# ./config -t

正式安装,Build and Install

.../openssl-0.9.8c]# make depend

[step required since extra cipher was enabled]      (时间很长)

.../openssl-0.9.8c]# make                     (时间很长,慢慢等待)

.../openssl-0.9.8c]# make test

.../openssl-0.9.8c]# make install

*测试是否安装成功,#openssl version 是否是新安装的版本


Form symlink from '/usr/local/ssl-0.9.8c' to '/usr/local/ssl'

...]# cd /usr/local

/usr/local]# ln -s ssl-0.9.8c ssl

Update the Run-time Linker will need to be updated with the location of the new OpenSSL shared libs: and

Sometimes it is sufficient to just symlink or copy these two files to /lib, but we recommend you follow these instructions instead.

Edit /etc/, add to paths...


Update the run-time linker...

...]# ldconfig

Update the PATH

Edit /root/.bash_profile, add to PATH variable...



[sanity check] OpenSSL

Verify that binary 'openssl' is linking against the correct ssl libraries...

...]# ldd /usr/local/openssl/bin/openssl => /usr/local/ssl-0.9.8c/lib/ ... => /usr/local/ssl-0.9.8c/lib/ ...

...]# which openssl


...]# openssl version

OpenSSL 0.9.8c 05 Sep 2006

If another path, or an older version is shown, your system contains a previously installed OpenSSL that is first [relative to the newer openssl] in the path.

Repeate the steps in section 'Update the PATH', except place the specified location at the start of the PATH variable.

Note that the older openssl, on most systems, is located under /usr/bin

The location of 'openssl' can be found with...

...]# which openssl

...]# openssl version

should display openssl 0.9.7d 17 mar 2004

if an older version is shown, your system contains a previously installed openssl.

repeate the steps in update the path, except place the specified location at the start of the path variable.

[the older openssl, on most systems, is located under /usr/bin]

[the command 'which openssl' should display the path of the openssl that your system is using]

/usr/local/ssl/bin]# ./openssl version should display the correct version.


cd /usr/local/ssl/lib

ln -s

ln -s


echo /usr/local/ssl/lib >> /etc/

ldconfig -v


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