使用VSport.dll 开发了虚拟串口工具 在开发电脑上 安装好驱动后 可以运行 正常创建虚拟串口 Virtual Serial Port ActiveX

提供 vsport注册码,该注册码可以正常注册使用,注册码没有任何限制,但仅供测试使用,谢谢

virtual Serial Port ActiveX Control Installation

Here is a step-by-step instruction on how Virtual Serial Port ActiveX Control should be installed on target machines (you can include this as a part of your software installation). First of all, install Virtual Serial Port AX drivers.

Quiet Registration for the OEM License Owners

To be able to redistribute Virtual Serial Port AX Component without any limitations, you must own the OEM License. Only the OEM License grants you commercial royalty-free redistribution rights.

Quiet registration procedure (see below) is used to register on the end-users' machines Virtual Serial Port ActiveX Control, incorporated into your software.

The following files should be copied to the target machine's temporary (permanent) installation directory. These files can be found in the folder where you have Virtual Serial Port ActiveX Control installed.

File Description 
VSPort.dll Virtual Serial Port ActiveX Control itself 
VSPort64.dll 64-bit version of Virtual Serial Port ActiveX Control

Note: If you develop a 64-bit application, use VSPort64.dll, which is supplied with Virtual Serial Port ActiveX Control.

To register on the end-users' machines Virtual Serial Port AX, incorporated into your software, include the following command into the code of your project:

regsvr32 vsport.dll /i:"Name#code"

where "Name" is registration name and "code" is registration code.

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