
Autodyn v6.1的Theory Manual,目前无法用到完整正式版,但手册还是可以看的。这里顺便做个笔记,详细原理当然还是要参考相关理论书籍了。Autodyn便利之一就是有一个庞大的材料库。

什么是状态方程(Equation of State):Then the relation between the hydrostatic pressure, the local density (or specific volume) and local specific energy (or temperature) is known as an equation of state.通常也就是下面的格式:

p = f (v, e)

Autodyn 中讨论时进行了简化:in the following sections, viscosity, heat conduction and deviation of the medium from thermodynamic equilibrium (at any instant and any point) will be neglected.


1.Ideal Gas Form


比较重要的是绝热指数:the adiabatic exponent γ is a constant (equal to 1 + R / cv).

注意事项: Solutions with this simple equation of state should therefore be viewed critically when run to very long times or very large expansions

2.Linear Equation of State


where μ = (ρ/ρ0) - 1, and K is the material bulk modulus

适用:In many cases, especially if the material is a liquid or solid, the influence of changes in entropy is small or negligible so that p may be considered a function of density (or specific volume) alone.

注意事项:This form of equation of state is of use only for fairly small compressions and should not be used if it is considered that large compressions may occur.

3.Mie-Gruneisen Form



4.Polynomial Equation of State


For μ > 0 (compression):

P=A1μ+A2μ2+A3μ3+(B0+B1μ) ρ0e

For μ < 0 (tension):


说明:This is a general form of the Mie-Gruneisen form of equation of state and it has different analytic forms for states of compression and tension.

范围:This is probably true as long as the range in density variation (and hence range in μ) is not too large.

5.The Shock Equation of State


适用范围: for most solids and many liquids over a wide range of pressure there is an empirical linear relationship between these two variables.算是冲击计算最经典的状态议程了。

注意: At high shock strengths some nonlinearity in this relationship is apparent, particularly for non-metallics. 因此Autodyn还提供了别的形式,比如二次形式。

6.Expansion Equations of State


7.Tillotson Equation of State


适用范围:provide an accurate description of the material behavior of metallic elements over the very wide ranges of pressure and density met in hypervelocity phenomena.

压力范围也是相当广的:The pressure range can be so large that the “low pressure” regime of this form of equation of state is defined as from 0 to 10 Mbar and “high pressure” from 10 to about 1000 Mbar.

It is therefore a very useful form of equation of state to use for general hypervelocity impact problems.

8.Puff Equation of State


适用范围:Like the Tillotson formulation above this equation of state was constructed to cover the behavior of material from cold shocked regions to hot, highly expanded regions.

9.Two-Phase Equation of State

适用范围:in which liquid and vapor co-exist)

10.Sesame equation of state

适用范围:较广,且允许when materials undergo phase changes。The Sesame EOS has been extensively used for aluminium hypervelocity impact simulations at Century Dynamics . This work used the Lagrange and SPH processors. Use of this EOS with the Euler processor is as yet unproven.



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